Denk dat hij Outriders ook weleens zou kunnen vinden. Heeft net als Doom dat je een balans moet vinden tussen je midden tussen de vijanden begeven met health regen skills en skills die activeren per kill die je maakt. Dus vijanden zijn zowel een gevaar, als een healthpack als een catalyst voor meer schade. Daarnaast heb je abilities die met cooldowns die je moet managen en die vijanden kunnen o debielen in hun eigen aanvallen en abilities. Dus wat betreft een hele lekkere flow die veel verder gaat dan alleen de vijand doodschieten voor hij jou doodschiet.
Kut game. A pair of paid skin packs has been released for Doom Eternal, despite pre-launch assurances that the game wouldn’t include microtransactions. The two packs were released yesterday on the Steam, Xbox and PlayStation stores, and allow players to buy cosmetics that were previously free but are no longer available in the game. The DOOMicorn Master Collection Cosmetic Pack costs $4.99 / £3.99 and features unicorn-themed skins, podiums, animations and nameplates that were previously only available through Twitch. The Series One Cosmetic Pack, meanwhile, costs $8.99 / £7.39 and gives players the 12 items (including character and weapon skins, custom animations, and player icons and nameplates) that were available by gaining XP during the game’s first season. The move will come as a surprise to some because it was made clear before the game was released that cosmetic items for the title wouldn’t be sold. As Forbes reported at the time, creative director Hugo Martin told a player on Facebook before launch that the game would have “no store”, adding: “Eternal is a $60 game, not a free to play game or mobile game – we are giving you a complete experience with no store just like you’d expect. “Unlocking skins with XP is a part of the experience if you care about that stuff or you can completely ignore it and it will have no impact on your experience AT ALL and it’s all free.”
wat een fantastische game blijft dit toch. zit 100% in mn top 5 last gen games. deze gameplay wel janken tho edit: oh volgens mij heb ik dit al 100x gezegd