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[XOne] Dragon Age 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 8 jul 2010.

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  1. dahouseman

    dahouseman The cake is a lie!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zolang ze de pc versie maar niet versimpelen alleen omdat het dan ook speelbaar is op de consoles. Zou zeer spijtig zijn. Zo zie ik het mass effect wheel ook niet echt zitten voor dragon age, al was het maar omdat je veel meer skills hebt dan daar in passen (zeker als mage). Als ze dan maar niet gaan redeneren: "oh dan gooien we er veel skills uit, want dan is het wel overzichtelijk op een console" ;) Ze moeten wel de quickselect bar op de pc versie vergroten, misschien de optie om twee rijen te nemen als je dat wilt.

    Dat de controls op de console niet werken geloof ik gelijk, al heb ik ze nooit zelf geprobeerd.

    ps willem: Dat je bepaalde skills nooit gebruikte vindt ik eerder een van de sterke punten van het spel. Je kan ze wel gebruiken, ik speel het spel nog wel vaak en steeds op andere manier (met andere character) en dan die skills wel gebruiken.
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 jul 2010
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ik hoop niet dat de gehele game zich in deze setting afspeelt. Saaaaaaaai.
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    SDCC 10: Dragon Age 2 Combat Preview
    Did BioWare dumb down Dragon Age? Let's find out.

    Here at Comic-Con, BioWare is giving people the first look at Dragon Age 2, the sequel to the (not even a year old) Dragon Age: Origins. This will be another epic fantasy role-playing game, but some key changes are being made to the design.

    1. BioWare wants to improve the graphics.
    During our play session, BioWare candidly admitted that Dragon Age Origins wasn't the best-looking game around, on console or PC. For the sequel the developer is refining the graphics engine and adjusting the art style with the goal of creating something instantly recognizable as Dragon Age. You should be able to look at a screenshot and tell what it is without any caption, BioWare says. The engine is also being improved to allow for more characters and creatures onscreen, which should allow for more epic battles. While there was some initial skepticism in the gaming community when the first Dragon Age 2 screenshots were released, what we saw today looked just fine. The character models have a subtle comic book look to them, which we liked.

    2. The combat is being refined.
    The combat in Dragon Age Origins was very tactical, allowing you to issue orders to the folks in your party. For the sequel, BioWare is aiming to keep that tactical aspect but also make it more action packed, if players wish it to be. Today we got a taste of the new combat system with a mountaintop battle against an army of orcs. They might have been imps or goblins or demons, actually. We're not nerdy enough to know the difference.

    Different attacks are mapped to the X, Y, and B buttons of your controller (we were playing on an Xbox 360). Hawk, the hero of the game, had a typical sword swipe mapped to X, a thrust mapped to Y, and a twirl that would take down all the enemies around him mapped to B. By holding the right trigger you can access a second set of attacks, so it seems you'll have six moves available to you at a time. Each move has a recharge time, so you can't just keep mashing the X button to chop through enemies.

    Speaking of chopping through enemies, you literally do that. The violence is quite visceral, as a sword swipe might leave just an enemy's torso or even their feet standing before you.

    With the bumpers you can switch between characters in your party. Anyone you're not controlling will be handled by the AI. If the action is getting a little too hectic you can still stop it and issue commands to your party by holding the left trigger. This ability seems to work much like the squad commands in Mass Effect. You can also pause the action to carefully set spell target areas. Alongside our hero Hawk we had a female mage fighting with us in this battle. Her fire spells deal damage in a radius, and we were able to pause the fight and move the circle of death around the battlefield before casting.

    We also got to see the new conversation system. Dialogue has been simplified so that you only have up to three choices. Each choice is represented by an icon that indicates whether or it's a "good," "nasty," or "badass" choice. Good choices are represented by an olive branch, nasty by a Greek comedy mask, and badass by a red fist. This is an easy way to gauge what response your dialogue choices will produce.

    At key points in conversation you'll have the opportunity to let your companions handle a situation. When a fresh group of orcs approach, for instance, you can decide whether or not you want Hawk or his female companion to take care of them. Whomever you choose will dispatch them all in one shot during the cut scene.

    We only got a small glimpse at what Dragon Age 2 has to offer, but it was enough to whet our appetite. The combat was satisfying and seems to offer something for action fans and more thoughtful gamers.

    A couple other things we noticed:

    - The intro cut scene recaps the story of Dragon Age Origins, so newcomers should be able to jump right in.
    - The title screen already has a "Downloadable Content" option.

    Niks nieuws dus... Ik dacht dat ze wat gingen veranderen. :+

    Meh... :mad:
  4. kwdtje

    kwdtje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom veranderen ze dat dialoog systeem nou, ik vond het juist prima nu! Zeker omdat er niet perse bij staat of het een goede, slechte of erg slechte keuze is, zo worden de keuzes je niet in je strot geduwd en kan je een mooie afwegen maken steeds.

  5. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja doodzonde, ik vond dit dialog systeem juist perfect. Vaak genoeg echt moeten nadenken wat ik nou zou gaan zeggen.
  6. Grave

    Grave Gym Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niice, precies waar ik op gehoopt had. Graphics met een eigen stijl, coversaties in een radial a Mass Effect, combat system meer a Mass effect. Heel erg nice :thumbs:
  7. kwdtje

    kwdtje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Snap niet dat je er positief over kan zijn, dit heeft er alle schijn van dat DA2 weer zo'n RPG lite ipv DA :mad: Ik hoop dat ik niet te vroeg oordeel, maar het heeft er alle schijn van.

    Het conversatie systeem van Dragon Age was precies goed! De diepte van de conversaties en het ontbreken van een duidelijke scheidingslijn tussen goed of slecht waren voor mij pluspunten. Als je dacht dat je iets goed zei, kon het totaal verkeerd aankomen bij de ander. Nu wordt alles dus voorgekauwd, ik wil goed spelen dus selecteer alle opties met Good. Bah!
  8. Grave

    Grave Gym Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee denk wel dat het ten goede aan DA komt. Zo eenvoudig als ME2 zal het niet worden, hoop ik ook niet want die was te eenvoudig.

    En bij ME1 wist je het ook nooit zeker of het goed was of niet.

    Denk wel dat het goed komt met DA2. Gameplay zal wat smoother worden maar niet te eenvoudig. Heb er wel vertrouwen in.
  9. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vraag me alleen af in wat voor zin de combat zal veranderen, ongetwijfeld gaan we dat zéér binnenkort te zien krijgen lijkt me.
  10. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben benieuwd naar de verbeteringen.... Afgelopen week nog Awakening uitgespeeld en ik was echt weer shocked over hoe crappy het er allemaal uitzag!
  11. dahouseman

    dahouseman The cake is a lie!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heel goed, zo te zien spoelen ze weer een goed concept door de wc onder het motto casual games moeten het ook leuk vinden....

    bah bah.
  12. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Casual? Die spelen echt geen Dragon Age hoor. Er was gewoon veel kritiek op de eerste Dragon Age game. Je storten op de Mainstream is niet altijd een slimme zet aangezien de concurentie veel zwaarder is.
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe post.

  15. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dragon Age II preview van Gamespot...zegt dat de combat op dit moment amper is veranderd.

    More gruesome combat, stylized visuals, and a talkative protagonist are some of the big new changes we spied in this hands-on demo.

    BioWare has taken the ninja approach to unveiling Dragon Age II while at Comic-Con 2010. After confirming the game's existence earlier in the month, the EA-owned developer has bypassed any elaborate press conferences or exclusive appointments in order to give anyone at the show a chance to see--and play--a brief demo of this highly anticipated role-playing game. Having previously seen nothing more than some concept art, we jumped at the chance to wait in line and see what BioWare's been up to since the first game arrived last November.

    Concept art--not an actual screenshot.

    After letting in a group of fans, lead designer Mike Laidlaw took a few minutes to let everyone know what sort of changes to expect in the world of Ferelden. One of the biggies is the method of storytelling. Dragon Age II will take on the style of a "framed narrative," or a story within a story. Laidlaw cited The Princess Bride and The Usual Suspects as examples, but the basic idea is this: You play as Hawke, a warrior whose feats have made him or her a legend of his or her time. The vast majority of the game focuses on you, but every so often, you'll see scenes in which a seeker of knowledge listens to a story from a teller of tales, who, like most folks fixated on heroic legends, has a tendency to exaggerate your exploits a bit.

    That theme of mild exaggeration ties in with Dragon Age II's visual style, which is a bit more stylized than its predecessor. It's a subtle change on the surface: Character models are a tad more angular, with some slightly caricaturized. And the landscape--or at least the single one we saw--wore the effects of the blight in a more grim, pronounced way. In combat, it's not uncommon to see a Darkspawn explode with blood and stray body parts when you finish him off. But most remarkable of all, the Xbox 360 version that we saw running actually looked quite good. If you played Origins on the console, you'll know what a feat that was.

    So, about that demo. Its five-or-so minutes were altogether too little to get a well-developed picture of what's bound to be a massive, sprawling role-playing game. But it did flash a few hints of what to expect out of the combat. To set the scene: A human male warrior version of Hawke (you can create any type of character you want, but the name is always Hawke) and a female mage named Bethany stand on a plateau amidst a rolling, barren wasteland capped by a ominous red sky. They're besieged by several waves of Darkspawn Hurlocks, and eventually, as things tend to go in the Dragon Age world, a giant Ogre.

    Concept art--not an actual screenshot.

    Playing as the male warrior, we were able to slice through these Darkspawn with style and flair, dashing from one cluster to the next while leaving little more than blood in our wake. Console controls work the same as in Origins: You pull one trigger to open a radial wheel of talents, spells, items, and whatnot. This screen freezes time and lets you fine-tune your aim on a particular enemy. But playing as the warrior, we favored running around, using the talents mapped to the face buttons instead. Overall, the sense of movement is less clunky, the animation more fluid, and the blood more plentiful.

    Switching over to the mage resulted in a more tactical style of combat along the lines of the first game. With the mage, we preferred pulling up that radial menu and finding the best spell to cast in a given situation. Our favorite quickly became inferno, which lets you rain fire on a radius of enemies as though you'd just called a mortar strike from the heavens. According to Laidlaw, they've worked to make sure the mage has more "wow" moments in combat like the weapon-based classes. To demonstrate, he showed a mage finishing off an ogre by lifting him up into the air, surrounding him with a dark energy, and then exploding him into nothingness.

    Overall, the combat didn't feel remarkably different from the first Dragon Age. It flowed a little more smoothly and moved at a quicker pace, but that was mostly because our talents and spells recharged quickly after using them. That could very easily have just been something BioWare tuned for this public demo--likely a lowered difficulty to help ease players back into the experience. After this admittedly brief demo, we're confident that BioWare knows what it is doing. This isn't going to be a hack-and-slash game.

    While the demo was mostly combat, we did get to run through a few dialogue options. The most immediate change you'll notice is that your character now speaks those words you choose for him or her. As a reason for making this change, Laidlaw cited the first game's hero as being caught in an epic battle for the survival of mankind and being able to show no more emotion than raising an eyebrow. You're still given the same diverse list of dialogue options, ranging from perfect gentleman to salty jerk, with a smattering of options in between. It feels a little more like Mass Effect in this way, but we weren't given any options to poke and prod someone's innermost psyche like Commander Shepard. Our conversational options were a little more action oriented than that, like choosing whether to take on a small group of Darkspawn ourselves or letting our mage friend handle it for us.

    Concept art--not an actual screenshot.

    All told, this small glimpse at Dragon Age II revealed a game that looks a little bit more stylized, moves a bit more quickly, and showed a more unique identity than its predecessor. But, again, it was a small glimpse, and it would be a fool's errand to deduce too much from this tiny sliver of gameplay. Either way, we liked what we saw and we're looking forward to seeing more.
  16. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik snap eigenlijk de opschudding over dat dialoogsysteem niet. Alsof het in Dragon Age: Origins ene mallemoer uitmaakt wat je zegt. Er staan lange zinnen, maar als je ze leest komt het ook neer op good-neutraal-slecht-eind grespek. Het enige spel waar de dialogen niet doorzichtig waren en grote invloed had op personages en omgevingen, was KotOR2.
    Als je in Dragon Age uit een aantal opties kan kiezen en vervolgens je personage ziet spreken, vind ik dat veel leuker dan de suffe manier waarop in deel 1 gebeurt.
  17. Ruben III

    Ruben III Rando

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben het wel beetje eens met bovenstaande. Het was altijd wel duidelijk wat de boodschap achter het gezegde was. Enige wat ik me afvraag is of die knakker wel genoeg voelt alsof jij hem bent.
  18. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik maakte anders wel per ongeluk een fout in DA:eek:.
    Ik maakte per abuis dat jochie af in de quest om Arl beter te maken :+

    Stond wel even dom te kijken toen mijn karakter even met een mes naar beneden ging :lol:
  19. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, je zegt het zelf al: per ongeluk. Alleen tegen Morrigan wist ik niet altijd wat ik moest zeggen om haar in bed te krijgen. :+
  20. Badstreak

    Badstreak Veteran

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar dat zou je in DA2 ook niet weten. Straks weet je alleen of je als een klootzak reageert of niet. Of andere characters daarvan houden moet je zelf uitvogelen. :)
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