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Dragon Age: Origins

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 31 mrt 2009.

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  1. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Third of First person. Het maakt me helemaal niks uit, zolang ik maar niet helemaal loodrecht naar beneden hoef te kijken om te kunnen spelen. Was die bij Sacred Angels niet het geval geweest, dan had ik die ook gekocht. ;):)
  2. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi vormgegeven draak. Is het nou de hele tijd dezelfde, of moet je er meerdere verslaan?
  3. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je lunt ook van achter de persoon kijken bij Sacred 2 hoor.

    Over deze game: Als het een Bioware game is, kun je dan ook weer veel idalogen doen en poppetje itimideren/overtuigen enzo?
  4. Kaneda

    Kaneda Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat het spel de kotor-combat feel kan terugbrengen. Dan vergat ik tijdens het gevecht de cijfertjes en alles, en zat ik echt mee te schreeuwen(MAAK HEM AF NU!! DODGE DIE SHIT!!). Ik hoop dat die draak me eerst een paar keer sloopt voor ik win. Of dat het de bedoeling is dat je verliest en vlucht. Draken horen te ownen:)
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 jun 2009
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En screenshots

    + een filmpje. En een interview.
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er is een nieuwe preview op Eurogamer.net. Aangezien het nogal een lap tekst is plaats ik hier het meest relevante stuk:

    If our stereoscopic glimpse at the PC version gave us a sense of the title's storytelling potential, hands-on with the 360 game allows us to gauge how it will play for those with their hands on a controller rather than a mouse and keyboard. Once again, it's a short demo - a single boss fight against a giant ogre - but it's also well-suited to the task of displaying the steps BioWare has taken in squashing dozens of hotkeys onto a pad's handful of buttons.

    So while the PC version has a permanent tray of selectable moves mapped along the bottom of the screen, the console version has opted for something akin to Mass Effect's menu wheel. But the wheel has evolved: a squeeze of the right trigger pulls up the radial, showing basic actions - things like spells, skills and items - while each selection then pushes you out onto a second ring, where you can make more specific choices, such as which magic attack to unleash, or which trap to set. Bringing up the menu pauses the action, but you can also toggle between two trays of hotkeys mapped to the face buttons for more instant mayhem, while either bumper allows you to slip seamlessly between controlling the different members of your party.

    It's a layout that can seem rather busy for the first few minutes while you try to get your head, as well as your hands, around it all, but the good news is that in the heat of battle it works brilliantly, allowing for quick switches between melee and spell attacks, and effortless transfers between your team members. Even better, the combat is as entertaining as it is elegant, with some dazzling spell effects on offer. Standard electrical and ice powers explode into action in a satisfying blur of particles, while more complex offerings, like the Walking Bomb, which inflicts incremental damage over time to any affected character before causing them to explode when they ultimately keel over, provide some really creative toys to play with.

    The character models haven't been too damaged in the squash onto consoles, either, even if the camera is a little more sluggish on a thumb-stick, and the animation throughout is excellent, the giant ogre looming in, snatching team members and smacking them about with a real sense of weight and swagger.

    Both epic and clever, then, Dragon Age: Origins appears to be shaping up well on both consoles and PC. Along with smart combat, a promising party system, and hints of a narrative that will deliver genuine replayability, there are flashes of humour and intrigue that are so often missing from Western RPGs. BioWare's been biding its time with this one, fitting in almost two separate jaunts across the Mass Effect universe in the space it's taken to get the basic pieces of its dark fantasy working together, but this is a company that's never been short on patience. The good news is that, for the rest of us, the wait is almost over too.

  7. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klinkt echt heel erg goed. Lekker tactische combat en met de besturing op de 360 zit het zo te lezen ook wel snor.

    Ik denk dat ik voor de 360 versie ga, lekker 'laid back rpg-en' ipv achter mijn deskje :thumbs:
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    En wat nieuwe Screenshots>
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition comes with:
    • Tin Case
    • Bonus DVD including:
      • A making of documentary
      • Soundtrack
      • Trailers
      • Wallpaper
      • Concept art video
      • Strategy tips.
    • Cloth Map
    • 3 pieces of exclusive in-game content:
      • Bergens Honor
      • Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes
      • Final Reason
    • Additional In Game Content
      • "The Stone Prisoner" unlockable bonus quest and unlockable character, Shale
    • An unlockable item for Mass Effect 2
      • Get an exclusive in-game item for use in the upcoming title Mass Effect 2
  10. casper018

    casper018 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik vind deze game toch er wel heel erg cool uitzien, maar met old school rpg
    bedoelen ze dan dat we iets ala oblivion krijgen? of turn based rpg?
    en ik neem aan dat het wel een offline game is toch?

    zit er een linaire verhaal/route aan of kan je net als oblivion staan en gaan en doen wat je wilt?
    weet iemand dat?
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Screens / art
  12. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laat maar komen. Ik kan niet wachten op deze en die andere western rpg's die gaan komen ;)
  13. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze game word het voor mij, en zelfs Mass effect 2 schuif ik daarvoor aan de kant. Maar als ik al die artwork al zie, en dat zo lees allemaal plus die fantastische Boxart dan ben ik al helemaal in de stemming!
  14. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dunno ik moet het eerst nog zien...er komen zoveel mooie games uit nu :eek: moet nog uitkijken wat ik ga kopen...
  15. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    For those that read our earlier post about BioWare’s Dragon Age: Origins possibly being delayed, we now deliver an official update confirming the fact that the game will indeed ship in November and not October 20, 2009 as originally planned. BioWare’s Matt Atwood contacted EpicBattleAxe.com with the following statement: “Dragon Age: Origins will be released on November 3rd in North America and November 6 in Europe on Xbox 360 and PC. The PlayStation 3 version will follow later in November.”

    So, there ya have it…No official reason for the delay was given, but let’s just hope it was to add the last few coats of paint on yet another polished produce from BioWare.
  16. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet zo erg. Er komen nog meer rpg's en andere goede games in oktober. Een beetje spreiding is wel lekker :)
  17. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dragon Age: Origins Human Noble Hands-on
    We've got a first glimpse inside BioWare's long-awaited fantasy RPG.

    August 10, 2009 - BioWare has been saying for a while now that Dragon Age: Origins, its upcoming fantasy RPG, is a big game. That might explain why it's taken so long to develop; hard to believe, but Dragon Age was first announced more than five years ago. The game's title takes its name from the fact that there are six distinct prologues that you can choose from, and each can set up repercussions that echo throughout the rest of the game. Many RPGs will let you create different characters, but they all follow the same narrative more or less. In Dragon Age, the choice of prologue is just the first of many choices that will shape the experience.

    We've been playing around with the origin stories in Dragon Age and it's kind of staggering at how complex and flexible the entire story is. The origin story you choose plays a big role, but after that there are many life and death decisions being made that affect the course of your game. It's safe to say that you could probably play the game several times and you'd have a remarkably different experience in terms of companion characters and story each time. Over the next few weeks we're going to highlight three of the origin stories, starting today with the human nobles.

    Learn more about the human nobles origin story.

    If you're going to play someone in Dragon Age, you'd be hard pressed to find a better position than the human nobles. In the game's universe, the humans are the dominant species, with the dwarves sort of like helpful craftsmen and the elves little more than indentured servants to the humans. Throughout the game you'll be treated as nobility, as pretty much everyone treats you with courtesy and respect, which is a far cry from some of the other origin stories. You play as the youngest scion of a noble house; your father is an arl, which is probably the Dragon Age equivalent to an earl. You can create a male or female character, and the dialogue (all fully voiced) adjusts for whichever gender.

    First, we should probably discuss character creation, since you actually need to create a human noble before you get to play one. Humans can play as warriors, mages, and rogues, though human nobles can only play as warriors and rogues. Human mages are an entirely different origins story, which means that they have a different starting point and plot. Not surprising, but the character creation system is built off of the one found in Mass Effect; you use sliders to choose and adjust facial features, such as eye height, jaw width, cheekbone height, ear size, and much more. Mass Effect fans will probably recognize many of the facial parts, such as the eyes. One nice thing is that you can adjust your character's in-game portrait; remember the old days when BioWare supplied hand-painted portraits for your characters? Now you can pose your character's face, and even adjust their facial expression. There's something cool about having a wry smirk for your portrait.

    BioWare designed the rule set from scratch, and D&D veterans might need a while to adjust to the different feel of the rules. Character abilities are divided between strength, dexterity, willpower, magic, cunning, and constitution. Strength affects the amount of damage you inflict in combat, dexterity lets you dodge attacks, willpower improves your stamina (which power your skills), and magic is important mainly for mages, though it has its uses for other classes. Cunning is a bit unusual, as it's mainly for rogues, but it's important for combat tactics as well. Then there's constitution, which mainly affects your health points. Each time you level up you get three points to distribute between these abilities, which sounds like a lot but you'll quickly discover that to use some of the best gear in the game often requires a particular ability score in the 20s or even 30s.

    A throne room battle.

    We won't go into the spoilery plot details too much, but it's going to be unavoidable to discuss some key plot points from this point on. The situation is basically your family's forces are marshalling for war against the darkspawn, an evil infestation that threatens the entire kingdom. The king has called his banners and everyone is busy preparing for battle. However, you, as the youngest, are tasked with staying behind while your older brother and father head off to war. This is the situation when the game starts, and you get to speak with your father and his old friend Arl Howe. The dialogue system is similar to Mass Effect's, though the interface is different. You still select from various dialogue options and then listen for the results, although one nice thing in the PC version is that you can skip through the talking and go straight to the dialogue by jamming the Esc key. This lets you blow through conversations that you've heard before, especially those that are several minutes long.

    After the initial conversation you get your first character companion, your loyal warhound that you get to name yourself. Judging from his happy-go-lucky look on his face, plus the way he tears into enemies, this little guy will give Fallout 3's Dogmeat a run for his money as favorite RPG pet. He joins you just in time for your first battle, which, in classic role-playing fashion, is against a bunch of giant rats. Combat plays out in real-time, though you can pause at any time to give orders to your characters. In real-time, it feels like an action game, though you don't control the sword swings. Instead, you control your character's combat skills. You start off, for instance, with shield bash, which lets you use your shield to try and knock an opponent down. As you level up you unlock more combat skills, and you can specialize in different fields, such as sword-and-shield combat, two-handed weapon combat, archery, and more.

    A man's home is his castle, and in this case, doubly so.​

    After killing the rats and talking to the guests in the castle, it's off to bed you go. But in the middle of the night, disaster strikes and the castle is attacked. With intruders slaying the inhabitants left and right, it's up to you to battle your way to safety. This is a Mature-rated game, which you'll quickly discover when your characters emerge from a battle with blood splattered all over their armor and faces. However, to hammer in the theme that BioWare is playing for keeps, there are some deaths of innocents that might surprise some. Believe us when we say that's just the tip of the iceberg, though.

    The prologue ends in defeat, with the castle falling to the enemy and your family slain while you flee in the company of Duncan, the head of the Grey Wardens, an elite fighting force dedicated to battling the darkspawn. In order to save your life, Duncan has recruited you into the order to become a fellow Grey Warden. Now, Grey Wardens could probably be interchanged with elite organizations found in BioWare games, such as Knights of the Old Republic's Jedi Knights or Mass Effect's Spectres. However, that discussion is better left for another time. Let's just say that the human nobles campaign is full of intrigue and deceit, and it sets the stage for a blood-strewn path of vengeance. And it's just one of the six prologues in the game.


    Het ene moment vind ik de game kut, het andere wil ik em pre-orderen. :+ Dit schiet niet op.

    In mijn geval toch maar de reviews + impressies afwachten
  18. casper018

    casper018 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wanneer komt ie uit?
  19. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 aug 2009
  20. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    staat al op deze pagina
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