Ik zou gewoon even een Eevee breeden met een Ditto en hem op level 1 houden. Dit heb ik ook gedaan met mijn Vaporeon en dat scheelt echt een hoop. Ik had het even opgezocht en happiness werkt nog altijd hetzelfde als voorheen, dus gewoon iets van 10.000 stappen zetten en hij is op max. Dit staat ongeveer gelijk aan 10-20min. op en neer fietsen naast de daycare.
Even iets anders. Ik lees continu weer nieuwe dingen, dit spel heeft echt veel te veel extra's 
Zoals dit:
Like in Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Emerald, you are able to battle the gym
leaders again after beating them once with much stronger teams than before.
Unfortunately, the method of doing so is a lot more complicated in Heart Gold
and Soul Silver than it was in Platinum.
This time, you need to find the Gym Leaders out of their gyms and get their
number, then phone them at a specific time to get them to rematch you. Once
they agree to rematch you, they'll be waiting in the empty dojo at Saffron
City, next to the actual gym. They won't actually be in the gym when the time
is right, and only in the place that is specified in each of the guides. You
simply have to talk to them in their respective places to get their numbers
in your PokeGear.
Each gym leader has seperate requirements for obtaining their numbers. Most of
the Johto leaders can be found outside their gyms at the respective times as
soon as you've received the National Dex, with the sole exception of Clair,
as well as one or two Kanto leaders like Janine. The rest won't appear out of
their gyms until you've received the Earth Badge from Blue.
However, even if you do get their numbers, you can't actually phone them for
a rematch until you've gotten the Earth Badge anyway!
On some other notes, for those who are listed at 8pm - 4am on a certain day,
remember that calls will not summon rematches after 12am on that day because it
will become the next day! Likewise, you can phone leaders for a rematch after
12am untl 4am if it is actually that day, and then you'll be able to phone them
again once it reaches 8pm.
The other note is that in the time period that they allow rematches, you can
phone them AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT to get a rematch, unlike in Platinum where
you had to wait a day for the Battleground to refresh. Once you've beaten them
they'll leave the Dojo; just phone them, exit the Dojo, reenter and the leader
you phoned should be back. This is especially useful for those who like to
rematch in the day, because it lasts from 10am to 7:59pm, which is an insane
10 hours! Do note that you cannot phone them to battle when you're actually
inside the dojo, but any other place with signal works.
As a time slot summary, you can phone the leaders for a rematch during these
times. Remember that morning is 4am to 9:59am, day is 10am to 7:59pm and night
is 8pm to 3:59am.
Monday Morning - Pryce
Monday Afternoon - Janine
Monday Night - N/A
Tuesday Morning - N/A
Tuesday Afternoon - Blaine
Tuesday Night - Morty
Wednesday Morning - Misty
Wednesday Afternoon - Jasmine
Wednesday Night - Chuck
Thursday Morning - N/A
Thursday Afternoon - Bugsy
Thursday Night - N/A
Friday Morning - Lt. Surge
Friday Afternoon - N/A
Friday Night - Clair
Saturday Morning - Falkner
Saturday Afternoon - Whitney
Saturday Night - Brock
Sunday Morning - Erika
Sunday Afternoon - Sabrina
Sunday Night - Blue
Ideaal om te trainen. Alleen jammer dat het voor Blue wat buggy is en je je tig keer moet laten massagen door Daisy, beetje vergezocht.