Sanction to ADO Den Haag's been reviewed. Tayfun will retake the team with certain conditions and and penalty of 18 points less. After all this is confirmed I will post the stands at the end of this week with the first round totally completed. Robbin: If you are online you can play both me and my bro is law. If not we will play next week. No problem. Anybody knows what's wrong with RCKfan nl?
Vitesse - FC Utrecht 2- 2 de doelpuntmakers voor utrecht waren 2 x nellisse die van vitesse weet ik niet meer was wel een mooie pot voetbal alleen zonde van dat de verbinding elke keer verbrak
Vitesse 2-2 FC Utrecht Nelisse 0-1 Lazovic 1-1 Lazovic 2-1 Nelisse or Own Goal 2-2 Ik had wel veel kansen en die benutte ik jammerlijk niet ik tegen deel dat Sjonnie K paar kansen kreeg maar die ze derwel inknalde zijn 1e goals was in de 1e minuut en zijn 2e in de 90e minuut Winterstop Stand:
Day 12 Excelsior - Roda JC 0-2 2x cristiano jammer dat hij steeds mijn doorgebroken spelers neerhaalde hij had 2x rood day 15 roda - ajax 1-1 '17 christiano '86 babel day 17 willem II - roda 3-4 goals willem II: kerekes 2x redan goal roda: oper 2x en cristiano 2x ik zet day 15 en 17 erbij omdat deze nog niet bijgewerkt waren
Weet je toevallig nog welke spelers? Deze spelers zijn namelijk de volgende speelronde uitgesloten...
Does anybody know about RKCFAN NL ? By the way, I just want to clarify that Rubin1972 is my brother in law's brother and can't play with his former gt do he plays with mine. There is no penalty for sent out players. It was formerly discussed but people in general lines don´t repport expelled players. Sometimes they even forget their scorers, so we conclude that asking them for red-carded players was too much. Tackling may not be beautiful but it´s part of soccer so it´s totally legal. I haven't taken a decission about Tayfun. I want to readmit him in the league but need to think about the formule because it´s not possible to sustract points from the program where the standings are automatically updated. I have thought about a temporal player for ADO whio will play all ADO's game in the first leg except of those that ADO lost or tied and managers don't want to repeat. This player won't be great do he won't collect very good results but neither too bad. At the end of all the first leg Tayfun wil retake his team. Don't know if this is quite fair...
Dan had je dat wel even beter aan mogen geven dat die regel van de baan was. En niet alleen aan je Spaanse vriendjes. Excelsior komt nu mooi zonder schorsingen weg. Toeval? Ja hoor. Als iemand het leuk vind om een wedstrijd te spoilen moet ie dat zelf weten. En iemand vertelde in deze thread al dat Joelines het niet zo nauw nam met sportiviteit. Wel apart dat het vooral de Spanjaarden zijn waar men over klaagt.
As far as I know no player has been told not to line-up a certain player for red cards. I just don´t think that Spanish players have a tendency to see more red cards than Dutch or English players. Some players play more phisical than others or risk more in defense. A red-carded player means a penalty for the rest of the game. If you are going to repport all red carded this rule will apply in the second leg. But it's actually a rule that makes no sense cause people DO NOT POSITIVELY play their games in the given time, so this rule would only apply to the few players who fullfill the dead-lines. In any case if there is a problem in having Spanish players I will tell them to quit, but obviously the league will be suspended for lack of players.