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Fallout 3 [Deel 5]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Fiasco, 28 jun 2009.

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  1. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    als je lekker ronddwaalt en alle locaties bezoekt ben je zeker en weekend zoet, vind het moeilijk om het in uren in te schatten maar je bent zeker 2 tot 3 keer langer bezig dan met bijv Mothership Zeta en Operation Anchorage
  2. Diikoeneke

    Diikoeneke B-A-N-A-N-A-'S

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb alleen Broken Steel :eek:

    Heb nog 940 punten over.... Denk dat ik dan die Operation Anchorage van ga kopen :)

    Is dat niet binnenkort zo een deal of the week ofzo :9?
  3. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Operation Anchorage is de minste van allemaal, die zou ik je zeker niet aanraden.

    wat mij betreft

    Point Lookout> Broken Steel (vanwege de level cap en perks, qua missies vond ik the Pitt beter )> The Pitt> Mothership Zeta> Operation Anchorage
  4. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vond hem juist een van de vetere. Misschien kort, maar achteraf gezien naar mijn mening beter dan The Pitt. De rest ken ik niet. ;):9
  5. Diikoeneke

    Diikoeneke B-A-N-A-N-A-'S

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ik bedoelde eigenlijk Point Lookout :+

    Is die trouwens 800 punten? Want dan kan ik hem nog halen met de punten die ik nu heb O-)
  6. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jup, allemaal 800 punten per stuk.
  7. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Best dure gein word het dan met de vijf DLC bij elkaar?
  8. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach, alles bij elkaar opgeteld nog steeds de beste game van 2008-heden en zeker ook triple a voor wat betreft value for money imho O-)
  9. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vandaag Point Lookout uitgespeeld (op één klein dingetje na). Erg vet! Vind het een prima uitbreiding, interessanter dan het verhaal en de missies van Broken Steel. Die heb ik ook, dus kan fijn doorlevelen.
    Ik heb nog wel een paar vragen.

    Is er nou echt iets aan schatten te vinden op het eiland?
    Ik heb met een schep in de grond gegraven in het westen van de kaart (weet de naam van de locatie niet meer), maar er zat niets in de grond. Wat kan ik daar nou vinden? :eek:
  10. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gisteren op zoek gegaan naar unique armors:


    Ziet er wel grappig uit als je met een pyjama rondloopt in Fallout 3.
  11. Sabet

    Sabet Hangmat

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan ook gewoon in sexy sleepwear rondlopen:+
  12. Shin David

    Shin David Ajax Amsterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had altijd dat feesthoedje op van die ene gast in Little Lamplight(die naar Big Town moest omdat hij te oud werd). Vooral in VATS zag het er geniaal uit. :+
  13. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pint-Sized Slasher Mask! 8) Ik vind het briljant dat je 'm ook kan vinden in Point Lookout.
  14. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heeft iemand een goeie guide van hoe je een sterk mannetje maakt in Fallout vanaf het begin? Ik heb namelijk nooit een idee hoe ik die punten moet spenden en ik eindig altijd met een super slap gastje.
  15. Shin David

    Shin David Ajax Amsterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er staat een goeie guide in de startpost over Perks van Zifnap. ;)
  16. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand? :)
  17. Chorus

    Chorus youtube.com/CH0RUS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze guide is zonder de DLC Broken Steel, met die DLC is het nog makkelijker om 100 te halen voor alle skills.

    Welcome! This guide will explain how to create a character that has 100 for each stat and close to 10 for each SPECIAL. As well as hints on how to use your perks to the best effect.

    In Fallout there is a bobblehead for each stat and 25 skill books for each skill. So if you raise a skill through levelling up you only need it to be raised to 40 to max it out. Your bobblehead will add 10 (raising it to 50) and using the Comprehension perk skill books will give you an additional 50 (raising to 100).

    *Please note that while going through the growing up process you MUST pick up the medicine bobblehead which is in vault 101 in your dads office. You can get this when you are 16 before taking the GOAT test or when you are 19 escaping the vault.*


    To begin with you will select your character. I seem to think its an advantage to be female as the 'black widow' perk will grant 10% damage to male characters rather than being male and getting 10% damage to female characters. Most human NPC's are male so its much more effective.


    Now to select your SPECIAL. This is what I recommend.
    ST - 6
    PE - 5
    EN - 9
    CH - 1
    IN - 3
    AG - 9
    LK - 7

    Tag Skills

    Next select any tag skills you wish. The only thing the tag skills do is put extra points on to those skills. Other skills can be raised through level up so it really doesnt matter which you go for. Id recommend using them in Barter, Lockpick, Science or Repair as these skills can be useful early on.


    There is 1 bobblehead for each SPECIAL stat and skill (20 in all). Each SPECIAL bobblehead adds one point to that stat and each skill bobblehead adds 10 to that skill.

    *Once out the vault the first thing you need to do is head for Megaton so you can fast travel back here later. You know need to hunt for the bobbleheads. The IN bobblehead in rivet city is most important as your IN needs to be atleast 4 before reaching level 4 so you can select the Educated perk and Comprehension perk. Once you have obtained the IN bobblehead id head back to megaton and disarm the bomb to get your house.*

    The Bobblehead hunt begins, here is a link posted by Bogey117 of all the locations.

    Bobblehead Locations

    Skill Books

    You didnt think it would be that easy did you? Now you need to go on a book hunting mission. This will be quite time consuming but it will give you the ultimate tour of the wasteland. Id recommend keeping a log of each book you pick up. What I do is have the list of books in a word document and colour out each book I find.

    Link - This is a link to a word document you can download that i made to check off books ive found. It has every known book location.

    Link - Here is a link to a very useful map that has some (but not all) the skill books marked for you.

    *Dont read any of the books until you have obtained the Comprehension perk and marked it of on your checklist as found*


    I will give you a list of which perks to pick at each level, however some are optional perks and it depends on your view of 'the perfect character'. For Intense Training id recommend to add 3 to ST, 3 to PE, 1 to IN and 2 to LK. CH is not needed, IN has very little use so you can even trade an Intense Training for something else.

    Lvl 2 - Intense Training
    Lvl 3 - Black Widow
    Lvl 4 - Education
    Lvl 5 - Comprehension
    Lvl 6 - Intense Training
    Lvl 7 - Intense Training
    Lvl 8 - Commando
    Lvl 9 - Intense Training
    Lvl 10 - Finesse
    Lvl 11 - Intense Training
    Lvl 12 - Life Giver
    Lvl 13 - Sniper
    Lvl 14 - Cyborg
    Lvl 15 - Intense Training
    Lvl 16 - Better Cirticals
    Lvl 17 - Intense Training
    Lvl 18 - Intense Training
    Lvl 19 - Intense Training
    Lvl 20 - Grim Reaper

    You will now have 100 for every stat and a SPECIAL looking like this -

    ST - 10
    PE - 9
    EN - 10
    CH - 2
    IN - 4/5
    AG - 10
    LK - 10


    Complete the quest Those! and you can add an additional point to ST or PE. As ST is maxed add it to PE by choosing the Ant Sight perk. PE is now maxed.

    Quest Related Perks

    Finally here is a list of the quest related perks you should get to complete your charatcer...

    Power Armor Training
    Main Quest: Picking Up the Trail
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Learn the subtleties of Power Armor maneuvering from Paladin Gunny at the Citadel.
    Allows you to wear Outcast Power Armor, Brotherhood Recon Armor, Brotherhood Power Armor, Enclave Power Armor, and Tesla Armor.

    Dream Crusher
    Sidequest: The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Convince Moira Brown to stop writing her survival guide.
    Enemies' critical hit chances drop by half, and you'll receive a 30% discount on Moira's trade items.

    Rad Limb Healing
    Sidequest: The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Achieve critical rad poisoning during one of your research chapter field studies.
    If your rad poisoning exceeds 400, your crippled limbs automatically regenerate.

    Junior Survivor
    Sidequest: The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Complete fewer than 5 bonus objectives in this Sidequest. Answer Moira's questions in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five varieties of this Perk.
    There are five versions to this Perk. How you answer Moira's questions determines which you receive:

    Standard: +2% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +5 Health
    Smart: +2% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +2 Medicine and Science
    Tough: +2% Poison, Radiation, and Damage Resistance
    Sly: +2% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +2 Sneak and Speech
    Snide: +2% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +1% Critical Chance
    Survivor Expert
    Sidequest: The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Complete between 5 and 8 bonus objectives in this Sidequest. Answer Moira's questions in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five varieties of this Perk.
    Standard: +4% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +10 Health
    Smart: +4% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +4 Medicine and Science
    Tough: +4% Poison, Radiation, and Damage Resistance
    Sly: +4% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +4 Sneak and Speech
    Snide: +4% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +2% Critical Chance
    Survivor Guru
    Sidequest: The Wasteland Survival Guide
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Complete all 9 bonus objectives in this Sidequest. Answer Moira's questions in one of five different ways to obtain one of the five varieties of this Perk.
    Standard: +6% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +15 Health
    Smart: +6% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +6 Medicine and Science
    Tough: +6% Poison, Radiation, and Damage Resistance
    Sly: +6% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +6 Sneak and Speech
    Snide: +6% Poison and Radiation Resistance, +3% Critical Chance
    Wired Reflexes
    Sidequest: The Replicated Man
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Rewarded by Doctor Zimmer for siding with him during this Sidequest.
    Gain a 10% chance to hit in V.A.T.S.

    Sidequest: Blood Ties
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Learn the ways of the Family under the tutelage of Vance.
    Regain 20 Health from Blood Packs.

    Sidequest: Oasis
    Ranks Available: 1
    Requirements: Shoot an exposed heart in an underground cavern so it sprays on you.
    Gain a +10 increase to Damage Resistance and a +1 increase to Endurance.

    You now have the 'Perfect Character' Congratulations! Any questions, hints, constructive criticism or feedback more than welcome. Hope you enjoyed the guide!

    Laatst bewerkt: 23 aug 2009
  18. Sabet

    Sabet Hangmat

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fallout wikia is een hele goed site als je ergens vast zit of je iets niet kan vinden. Heb et best wel vaak gebruikt als ik weer ergens uren zat te dwalen:p
  19. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb Operation Anchorage en The Pitt van een cd van een vriend gedownload en ben bijna klaar met Anchorage, echt vet :) Best makkelijk maar wel tof dat je echt guns blazing die chinezen overhoopt knalt :D Hierna begin ik met The Pitt.
  20. Gainesis

    Gainesis Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan je die 2 addons installeren op je hd en dan spelen zonder dvd?
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