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[Multi] Fallout 4

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door SoleSurvivorN7, 3 jun 2015.

  1. Barbabravo

    Barbabravo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog nooit een Fallout-game gepspeeld maar heb deze een beetje gevolgd en hem nu ook gepreordered bij Gamemania. Nieuwste screens zien er echt mooi uit. Lang geleden dat ik zo veel zin had in een game!
    Gakkie vindt dit leuk.
  2. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zit nog even te kijken waar ik deze het goedkoopst kan scoren. Zal wel een download worden ergens.. Ik hoef niet zo nodig een disc te hebben... :D
  3. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    55 euro als je in de US store koopt.
    Maar dan kun je wel lekker vroeg spelen en hoef je niet op de post te wachten haha

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-T800 met Tapatalk
  4. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol... Nou voor die vier euretas minder koop ik hem gewoon in de NL store.
  5. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er is een hele lading aan nieuwe info van een van die reviewers. Heb zelf een heel klein stukje gelezen, maar de rest laat ik lekker voor wat het is. Het klinkt in elk geval zeer zeer goed.

    The game, even tough not so revolutionary, it doesn't look like in the captures but better. The game world looks better than great, and the illumination is one of the best I've seen. It is true that it suffered some framedrops but, there is also much more on screen.
    - DIFFICULTY: Very easy, easy, normal, hard, very hard, SURVIVAL. They change damage, resistance of enemies and appearing rate of legendary enemies. Legendary enemies are harder and they have a chance of dropping a legendary item with unique characteristics like better critic chance or that refills AP when doing a critic.
    - HUD color will be customizable by RGB sliders.
    - Minigames for unlocking doors and terminals are exactly the same as in Fallout 3.
    - About the size of the map, is hard to tell a size because it's quite small on the pip-boy but it doesn't seem small at all, there is a lot to find on it. Probably Skyrim's size more or less?
    - COMBAT: WAY better. It is no COD but the FPS sensations are amazing, you notice every impact, the weapons recess, different characteristics between them etc makes it wonderful. There was a lot of place from Fallout 3 to improve so I was doubtful about what would they do, but you all can be calm about it. Also, enemy AI, without being super evolved or anything, it's way better. Enemies hide, get cover a lot, they go for you when you have little health or you're reloading (He's playing in hard mode). He says VATS it's completely not essential.
    - Animations are flawless. People's faces, even tough there are some similar (particularly raiders) there are a lot, and way different ones from each other.
    - He didn't like at all the dialogue system, and in 23 hours he's played almost no mission he was able to get out of just by dialogue. Although there was some "X person approved" like in Dragon Age/Mass Effect, there is no visible karma system, and that takes a lot of attractive to the diplomatic side of the game. He checked statics and he didn't see either nothing about reputations like in NV. He thinks it will probably work like in Skyrim and Oblivion.
    - SETTLEMENTS: A very important pillar on the game. Some will love it, some will hate it. He thinks that, even tough he likes this kind of "microgestion"aspects from RPGS he thinks Fallout's it's a little bit harder and deep than he likes. They give sooo many options about it, and missions, and objectives that he think they take out weight from the rest of the game. ABOUT HOW THEY WORK: There are a ton lot of red workshop tables all over the world, some free and other ones occupied. Once you get to them (if the people occupying it are good people you'll have to do the typical mission to help them etc) you can do all that was seen on the demo, destroy everything, and build. You'll have to maintain the little, or bunch of humans on it with food, water, energy and beds. When they're attacked you'll receive a message and have the option to go help. It is very complete and you can invest a lot of hours making it really cute, have there your base with all your people etc, but he thinks it might be a little bit overexploited.
    - WEAPONS: More about them, he has only seen like 12-15 base weapons yet, but he says that the weapons mods is crazy. Every weapon can easily have 25-30 different pieces that alter sadistics.
    - LOADING TIMES: There are a lot of little houses that doesn't need a loading screen, but big buildings normally do. Loadings between buildings are normally really short, being fast travel loading longer.
    -POWER ARMORS: Used almost like a vehicle. You get inside, you use it, you get out of it and it stays on that place. It gives them a more OP feel, but it is also way less "comfortable" to use.
    -NARRATIVE: He says it starts a little bit weak, and it takes a little to get it up and running. In his almost a day of playing has only completed 4 history missions because they're pretty long and full of things to do. Even tough, he thinks the way the story is going can be very interesting.

    The fight, as I say, is far better. It has small imperfections like that I find exceedingly difficult scoring with small enemies (mole rats, poisonous flies, etc.) that seem to impact the box too small. Leaving that aside, it is a joy. For me, the best of the game. base Armas time I seen some 12-15 but modifications crazy. Each gun can easily have 25 to 30 pieces that alter your stats and one 10 mm gun. You may end up being radically different in all respects to another. What the game is specified that "slows healing." Will zones. The areas of "open field" are brown and roll Fallout 3, there are other radiation that are shades of green and others. Yes surprised me greatly to see the main city, next to Megaton, has colorful lot (hey, do not talk about colors to Viva Piñata, just what you see in any game realist). I greatly appreciate the variety and I think a tremendous step forward.
    24 hours (yes, I've been playing a tad now) and just found a 10mm pistol (the first gun that you see in the game) that looked and played like any other weapon of the game. I could not have created it because there are changes restricted to the level corresponding to the crafting of weapons (there are 4 levels) Perk and I have none. The progression and variety is crazy about. Of course, I do not like how it is implemented in the inventory. Example: If a gun is an improvement on the barrel and the stock, inventory listed as "[kickback Culata] [Long Canyon powerful] 10 mm gun." and when the screen Pip-Boy so small makes all weapons or pieces modified armor are cut, do not see your name and you have to give to R3 to see what specifically. Also, you can find 18 guns they leave very little in statistics but very different in name and aesthetic can roll over and lose time more than one account. It costs a little catch him point to the new system but little by little easier seeing what it's worth and what not.
    Answer to: Have you seen many bugs?
    The "typical" bugs no, no. Yes it happened to me that I had to swallow 2 or 3 times the same dialog or dialog options that put simply "Show?" and it had nothing to do with what he said (which lacked a system that I like very little). Little thing more.
    UPDATE 2!
    His answer to, Is the movement fluid?
    The movement, jumping and others is much more comfortable, yes. And the VATS is not essential. I think they have found a perfect point where FPS lovers can pull in that way and F3 and such by VATS. I use it because I love it but I think it is very viable to play without him but, of course, is something that makes things and, yes, at high levels see it very helpful. There is little to do but I will say that I love animations and sounds reload all weapons, much more elaborate and currados that F3.
    His answer to questions about the perks, hacking and picking locks
    A marvel. I do not miss in all the F3: this is much more comprehensive, deep and have constant feeling of improvement and change. You can overwhelm a bit and requires some planning but it seems a step forward in the making. Great. No. Both they go by levels (Basic, advanced, expert and master) and some can from the start but others need perks. That is, to access the expertise you need four points in that perk that, in turn, requires 3 or 4 intelligence. It's a shame but you can not access them without perks. Yes. There are many small houses that do not require any large cargo but the building itself. Loads from buildings are not too heavy but quick trip themselves are a bit heavier.
    His answer to a question about the armour system, power armour, weapons, etc.
    For now, as with weapons, I have not seen a huge variety but having so much differentiate modification. Of course, by the time I seem all very feuchas (as in F3, really). The system is not bad but can do something cumbersome and I think the moment of truth, does not contribute enough to justify that "additional complexity". Also, what I said above about the names of the modified weapons also applies here and see at a glance what each thing is impossible. In addition, there are pieces that are above chest but can get a boost and do not allow others to have that reinforcement and not specified anywhere, is much more cumbersome than it should. And the power armor seems very cool as functionality but I loved her as usual armor F3. Here are special suits that are used as a vehicle: you find them, you get in and you can use it but when you want to switch or leave salts thereof and leave at that particular site. It gives more power armor package to because it is more powerful and "unique" but remains waaaaay comfort.
    UPDATE 3!
    His answer to a request of an in depth description of the settlement system:
    They are an important pillar of the game. And this can charm many and greatly annoy others. To me, I love this kind of issues "micromanagement" in RPGs or adventure (Monterrigioni villa in AC II, for example) seems a tad more cumbersome and "deep" account. Mind you, I think phenomenal that many options are given but many missions and goals pass around subtracted weight to what I care of a one and RPG Fallout. On the operation: there are an awful lot of areas around the world that have a red table workshop, both occupied and free. Once you access the workshop (if you are occupied by good people, you have to make a typical mission to help with any problems) you can do what you saw in the demo: demolish everything you get it and build. I finished not convince you, in the completeness of the method, can remove houses and everything in a second and get a lot of materials. Leaving that aside, you have to keep many or few humans have with food, water, energy and beds. And it is not bad because a good defensive structure, still, some times you get so typical and cumbersome message "are attacking X" and you have to go take a cable (not mandatory). I say, it is very complete and if you find an area you like you can spend hours and hours to leave "cute" and take there your base, people and others but I think it is not implemented in the best way and perhaps exploited too . Any more specific question, I am here.
  6. GeneralJack

    GeneralJack Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daar is ie 69,99;)
  7. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mijn mind is broken door dat Engels :x
  8. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zoek lekker niks op, ik ga hem gewoon spelen :cool:
  9. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En dat is te duur voor een digitale game :oops:
    GeneralJack vindt dit leuk.
  10. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ahh ok ik 59€ nou dan toch maar een hardcopy. Zag bij gamedumper dat ze hem daar voor 49€ verkopen. Dus dan daar maar.
  11. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou maar gedaan. Nu is het wachten op de bezorging.. :thumbs:
    Jorrie vindt dit leuk.
  12. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is het bekend op welk platform deze screenshots zijn gemaakt? Ziet er wel erg goed uit zeg!
  13. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow, ziet er allemaal bizar goed uit zeg. Ben benieuwd!
  15. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In Soviet Russia, English is you!
  16. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol. Wel een beetje gek dat de hond in de fik staat maar er verder geen last van heeft....8)
  19. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat tweede filmpje van het intro; Ik heb inmiddels die E3 presentatie zo vaak bekeken dat ik gelijk wist dat hij de verkeerde kant op liep buiten :+
  20. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gezichtsanimaties zijn niet echt geweldig ... Maarre ...

    Xandorra vindt dit leuk.

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