Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Ferron, 1 apr 2009.

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  1. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sure, maar niet altijd. Net zoals dat als ik met kleine clubs in een groot stadion ga spelen het ook vol zit. Beetje gek. :+

    Verwacht denk ik niet de Jupiler League. En mocht het er zijn dan lijkt niemand er op en zal het niet veel voorstellen, of je daar blij van moet worden? Denk het niet. Laat ze dan maar de Eredivisie eens goed aanpakken en wat stadions erin plaatsten en spelers beter laten lijken,
  2. Ralluff

    Ralluff Vedette

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ga er maar niet van uit..
  3. s4nd3r

    s4nd3r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weer effecten zoals bijvoorbeeld sneeuw en regen zitten er nu wel in. Dit heeft ook effect op de gameplay en tenue's. Het is bijvoorbeeld ook zo dat de 1e 10 minuten droog weer is en dat het dan begint te regenen.;)
  4. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe weet je dat? Hopelijk kan je het zelf instellen als je dat wilt bij opties voordat een wedstrijd begint. _O_
  5. s4nd3r

    s4nd3r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is al een paar keer aangekondigd/bevestigd door EA. Ik weet niet of je het zelf kan instellen, vast wel...:)

    Iemand van FSB heeft het spel laatst gespeeld en via Twitter zijn mening gegeven (veel tekst...):

    As you may have read, I was lucky enough to be playing FIFA 10 at the event at the Emirates stadium yesterday with 25 other members of the FIFA community (and their +1s). Throughout the event I was updating my previously mentioned Twitter feed with my thoughts, but after getting home last night there was a bit of an NDA scare - when they handed me the paper to sign I was too busy looking at the screens with FIFA 10 on going “ooooooh”, and suddenly people were talking about an NDA date that I wasn’t aware of.

    The updates were then removed as a precaution; however, after a chat with EA this morning I’ve been told that we have clearance to comment on the gameplay of these early builds as much as we like. Cue a sigh of relief and the end to my nightmares about being sued.

    So click below to see all of my Twitter updates from throughout the day.

    HELLO LONDON; I made it. Forgot to say, I can send messages to Twitter but can’t see the page - so I can’t answer any questions! Sorry!

    Okay, first game over. Burnley v Man City. I can beat a man, and I can WHACK a shot. Very happy. More after the next game!

    So much more responsive, and even more so when you use the slow dribbling - which is great.

    Old build has 360 slow dribbling but not 360 degree sprinting which is disappointing but I’m told this will probably change.

    Can’t describe the feeling of beating a man and scoring a hard, dipping into the back of a rippling net. Much more refined game.

    Response times when you sprint in this build are a bit iffy, ran the ball out of play three times in three games so far, but should be fixed.

    New commentary is great, seems to be more specific lines now. Messi’s face is also spot on, as are others, faces are better all-round.

    75 minutes in and in the game opposite me, Dani Alves of Barca is knackered from being sprinted all game. Stamina is much more realistic.

    Cross-field balls still a bit floaty in this build but hopefully that’ll be worked on because you can actually hit driven crosses by the box.

    New line-up screen features the kits of the team - sounds like a little thing but it makes the game look so much more like a real match.

    New scoreboard features the colour of the team behind their section of the score, another little thing but really nice touch.

    Goalkeepers have had so much work, they can really stretch to fingertip the ball away - without being superhuman. But…

    …in this build they make some really realistic-looking errors, and some shocking ones too - Cech has just palmed the ball into his own net!

    Just testing the AI… So much better, when a player muscles the ball off you you can ‘believe’ it. It’s not like it’s ‘cheating’.

    Snow match going on next to us, just conceded because of its awesomeness. Absolutely brill weather effects.

    So many more OH! moments which is something FIFA 09 was missing with the floaty shots etc… The more you play it the more you appreciate it.

    In this build the AI CPU on Pro has ran into the keeper when they should have scored a few times, hopefully that will improve.

    WHAT A GOAL! Tim7 [Evo-Web] takes the free-kick ON THE FLOOR at pace, FLIES into the corner! Four grown men shout and make a fool of themselves. Worth it.

    Overall CPU AI is a lot better, more challenging without so much of the ‘cheating’. This day is going to end way too soon.

    Playing the later build now, seeing all kinds of shots; the ball physics are just spot on. Such a refined game. Less cut-scenes is great too.

    Had a few issues where the player runs up to the ball [coming down from the air] and starts tiptoeing [waiting for it to fall], ala FIFA 09, but I’m assured that will be looked at.

    CRACKER! MJSmith2k [Evo-Web] skins a defender, fake-shots and SLAMS it in. This is what FIFA has been missing. Stunner.

    Tried fully assisted, seems harder. Only scored one goal - the game can be played slowly and it’s a LOT more tactical.

    Button-mashing doesn’t yield the same results. Tackling isn’t a case of holding down the pressure button, it requires much more timing.

    Through-balls are nowhere near as effective as before, requires an actual opportunity rather than just hammering it and getting a chance.

    Goalkeepers are improved in the newer build, less stupid mistakes - cross-field balls still a bit floaty but still time for that to be fixed.

    Looks like our time with the game is over. That’s all the updates I’ll be sorting today, stay tuned for a podcast over the weekend!

    At this point I posted an end-of-day review. The following tweets are lumped together to make reading them easier!

    Well I’m on the train for 3 hours now so I may as well type out some final thoughts over a few million tweets… None of us wanted to leave.

    It’s just such a polished game. That’s the main selling point - all the old niggles have gone and when you factor in the ball physics you get all the passion that some people might say has been missing. Scorching goals, fingertip saves and more. Some stuff I forgot to mention; we played as lower league Spanish teams (which were present, no English ones) and WOW. They were done properly. Different game. Also, when you get a good player, you can murder the opposition with your movement. As Barca Eto’o was a nightmare for the opposition BUT not to the point where it feels like an exploit. That’s one of the strongest feelings I got from today; everything you see is BELIEVABLE.

    Players can knock you off the ball, but only players who would be capable, and only in the right situation. It all looks so real. There was never an instance where I said ‘that’s ridiculous’ - things only ever happened when appropriate. That’s the biggest change by far.

    Also, we tried assisted for a laugh, and get this - they’ve made it harder. Assisted shots miss the target most of the time! Result! Can you ping-pong passes? Well some have said you can’t - in my experience you can, BUT it’s the defenders who have improved. After a few pings around the field a defender (always better positioned by the way) will stick a foot out and knock it away. Speaking of which you get some wicked deflections, and some amazing reflex saves.

    Right, that’s DEFINITELY my last update of the day. Thanks for reading

    De Telegraph (Engelse krant) heeft ook een preview van FIFA 10 (klik).
    Laatst bewerkt: 17 aug 2009
  6. Sognare

    Sognare Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop echt dat je zelf je stadion/tegenstanders stadion kan kiezen.
  7. s4nd3r

    s4nd3r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In edit mode kun je elk team een eigen stadion toewijzen (eindelijk8)). Dit werkt ook in manager mode.
  8. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als dat van die weerseffecten waar is, kan ik het zeker weten niet weerstaan hem niet te halen :9
  9. DuttY_r0cks

    DuttY_r0cks Ninja Gaiden 2

    Leuk Bevonden:
    komtie nog 1 sept uit of gewoon 20 sept ?
  10. Ferron

    Ferron Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2 Oktober?
  11. Lincoln10

    Lincoln10 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jupiler League) Moet er niet aan denken. Gooi eerst maar de Argentijnse, Griekse, Oekrainse en Russische league erin. Dan heb ik nog liever de Engelse 6e league.
  12. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wel, lekker met Cambuur spelen. ;):)
  13. gaizka

    gaizka Ajax Kampioenen !!!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Inderdaad, eredivisie stelt internationaal al weinig meer voor, laat staan de Jupiler Leauge.
  14. eddyfever

    eddyfever Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het gaat er niet om of het internationaal een hoog niveau is, maar of dat EA meer exemplaren verkoopt. En dan kijken ze naar licentie kosten, tijd om het in het spel te stoppen en de geschatte extra verkochte exemplaren. En blijkbaar is dat niet interessant voor hun.

    Al lijkt het mij persoonlijk wel leuk om die erin te hebben.
  15. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als ik al die previews lees is 1 Oktober ( Ja, op BOL.COM word hij op 1 Oktober geleverd ) best ver weg ...

    Damn wat heb ik hier nu zin in!
    Kom op met die demo!
  16. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Demo zal wel pas in September komen. FIFA09 demo kwam ook in September en de game releasde begin Oktober. Toooo bad. :mad:

    Ben wel benieuwd naar het 360 graden rennen, lijkt me wel tof maar hopelijk ziet het en speelt het wel lekker dan.
  17. Ralluff

    Ralluff Vedette

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, nee en nog eens nee. Dan nog liever de jupiler league.
  18. Lincoln10

    Lincoln10 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niemand wacht op op MVV en Cambuur, misschien dat ze 2.000 meer exemplaren verkopen maar met de Oekrainse league staat niet voor niets 6e/7e van de wereld. Ik williever met Shakthar spelen dan m et Top OSS.
  19. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat 360 graden draaien is dus NIET gelijk hé? Vergis je eigen daar niet in. Je draait veel soepeler, dat zowiezo ... maar het moet ( volgens interviews ) wel realistisch blijven, wat het dus ook schijnt te zijn.

    Hier trouwens wat Gameplay footage :

    Van ongeveer 30 sec tot 2:30
  20. Daz


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zoveel verschil zie ik dus echt niet. Ze draaien, wanneer ze de bal aan nemen, misschien een tikkie vloeiender.. maar weer is het gewoon een Y pass geven, lekker sprinten, ik zie geen verschil in het scoren, of passen.. van wat ik nu zie vind ik het net Fifa 09.
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