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[XOne] FIFA 13

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Siemenn, 5 jun 2012.

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  1. >Fletch<

    >Fletch< BAZINGA!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gelukkig haalt Oranje op Fifa betere prestaties dan op dit EK, al is dat niet heel moeilijk :)
    Ik koop maar om de zoveel jaar een nieuwe Fifa. Ik ben niet zo'n sportfanaat en ik zie te weinig verschil tussen de delen die elkaar opvolgen. Mijn vorige Fifa was alweer uit 2009 en de aanschaf van 12 maakte me behoorlijk vrolijk. Dat was pas een verschil XD
  2. >Fletch<

    >Fletch< BAZINGA!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ...en daar sluit ik me volledig bij aan :D
  3. GoDz ViSioN

    GoDz ViSioN .

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Skill Games

    A new addition for FIFA 13 are Skill Games, incorporated into the game using the new physics capabilities that came with the Impact Engine. On the surface it looks like they’re aimed at newcomers to FIFA (which they are) but they should also offer seasoned players a way to see areas of the games controls that they might not know about too. The idea primarily is aimed at teaching people the fundamentals of FIFA, step-by-step cranking up the difficulty of each particular skills area to show you more and more.

    There are 32 games across 8 sections, Penalties, Ground Passing, Lobbed Passing, Dribbling, Shooting, Advanced Shooting, Crossing and Free Kicks (I’ve done those from memory so fingers crossed I’ve got them right…) each with three tiers, Gold, Silver and Bronze. The games range from hitting targets, chipping balls into bins, slalom dribbling to football tennis and plenty more including the apparently infamous (within the studio) “Gauntlet” that uses the full pitch and pulls various drills together.


    When waiting to go into a match, you’ll no longer be placed into the Arena to have a kick about. Now you’ll be given a Skill Game to play instead. Each game has a target score that you need to achieve to unlock the next tier, and some restrict you to a certain number of attempts or put you against the clock. You pick a player from your set favorite team and then crack on.

    The games chosen for you are kind of random initially, but they will start to push you towards skill areas you’ve not made much progress in eventually. If you don’t want to have them generated for you, or there’s a Skill Game you specifically want to work on, you can access them from the main menu, going into the Skill Game hub to manually select challenges. For most players the bronze challenges will be a breeze, but as you progress further, you’ll see plenty of variables chucked at you to keep you on your toes. That could be anything from adding defenders that are actively trying to block your passes at targets, giving you a smaller area to work in, reducing the number of attempts you have or, by turning the control settings to manual. For example in the football tennis game below, you control two players either side of a wall playing manual lobbed passes back and forth. As your score moves up the wall gets higher and the area you can actively play in decreases.


    Once you’ve worked your way through the first three tiers you’ll then be faced with the Skill Challenge for that particular section, which in our experiences were brutal (and to be fair, still being tweaked). The ground passing Skill Challenge saw you in control of six players positioned around the edge of the centre circle, with two defenders trying to get the ball off of you. Your passing was set to manual and there was a squared-off perimeter around you, which you couldn’t step outside of or the challenge would end. It would also end if one of the two defenders were able to get a touch on the ball. Each successful pass between your players earned you points, with additional points also being awarded for passes between the two defenders, or by lobbing the ball over them and so on. Your target is to achieve the Legendary rating, which is the highest of four points brackets. At the end of the game your points are totaled and you’re shown your rank, which is then updated to the leaderboards.

    The leaderboards can be used to compare your rank against your friends or the global lists, and offer some incentive to return to completed challenges if you’re keen to stay at the top. They’re currently missing any type of autolog or push functionality for telling people when you beat them however, but we pitched the idea to Aaron and he wrote it down so it might make it in. Who knows.


    Overall we found the Skill Games in FIFA 13 to be a cool addition and certainly more fun and useful than twatting about in the arena pre-game. In terms of practice they’re a great idea too, for example one challenge puts you just outside the area and fires crosses in at you, allowing for plenty of volley practise, something that’s hard to replicate in a normal match in such volume. The fact that they’ll slowly show people the wider range of controls such as manual settings and crossing modifiers can only be a good thing really and the leaderboards have the potential to keep you coming back to Skill Games if EA can get a notification system working.

    We’ve added some screens throughout to give you an idea of what they’re like, there’s a gallery below too.








  4. LuckyLuciano

    LuckyLuciano PS5: LuckyLuciano__NL | Xbox: LuckyLuciano NL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die skill games gaan echt supervet worden.
  5. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat hoop ik wel ja, maar ik had er in Top Spin en Vitua Tennis een gruwelijke hekel aan. Hopelijk hebben ze het hier wel beter uitgewerkt, anders liever niet weer.
  6. ArtificialFaith

    ArtificialFaith Active Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die arena hebben ze ook voor geen hol aangepast he 8) ieder jaar weer hetzelfde liedje.
  7. CRonaldo7

    CRonaldo7 Feyenoord Rotterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wanneer komen er nou is gameplay video's van de xbox of ps3.. Of enige informatie van een demo!
  8. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja idd, lame gewoon. Arena heb ik toch al een hekel aan, beetje saai en voor mij niet nodig.
  9. Calias

    Calias Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Awesome! Denk dat dit een leuke toevoeging wordt, iig een stuk beter dan het immer saaie schieten op doel :)
  10. Quasar de Duif

    Quasar de Duif Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zijn er nog nieuwe competities toegevoegd dit deel? Ik hoop al een tijdje op de Oekraïnse en de Turkse is hopelijk weer volledig.
  11. Siemenn

    Siemenn pee es vee

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk het niet, ik heb namelijk geen artikelen gelezen over nieuwe licenties. ;)
  12. StrikwerdaAjax

    StrikwerdaAjax Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Argentijnse competitie lijkt me ook wel wat
  13. Banweezy

    Banweezy Kanyeezy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    'About the licenses, in FIFA 13 we will have 3 new leagues! The Czech & Turkish leagues will return in FIFA 13 after their removal in FIFA 12 because of the license agreement in the case of the Czech League and the license ban of the Turkish League after the corruption scandal. This year EA Sports managed to sign a new license agreement with the Czech football federation and the Turkish League lifted the license ban. The third league that will be available in the future title of FIFA is the Zain Saudi League, the Saudi Arabia first football league!'

    Staat ook hier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA_(video_game_series)#FIFA_13

    Dus 3 nieuwe leagues.
  14. Siemenn

    Siemenn pee es vee

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Saudi Arabia? 8)

    Waarom dan geen Qatar en China? Daar zitten tenminste nog BAZEN spelers.. Drogba, Anelka, Nilmar, Alves, Niang, Kader Keita. :+
  15. Sandman069

    Sandman069 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja Saudi Arabia league is inderdaad vreemd, maar denk dat dat gewoon ook marketing is van de SA league, zo maken ze hun league en spelers wat bekender voor de wereld :)

    China en Oekranie had er nog wel bijmogen inderdaad, en eventueel ook Argentinie.

    wel blij dat Turkije terug is, daar zitten ook altijd wel goeie spelers om te kopen, kan ik eindelijk Quaresma terug kopen :p
  16. LuckyLuciano

    LuckyLuciano PS5: LuckyLuciano__NL | Xbox: LuckyLuciano NL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel leuk 3 "nieuwe" leagues erbij. Tsjechie boeit me helemaal niet, had idd liever China, Oekraine en Argentinie gezien, eventueel Qatar. Ik hoop wel dat de beste clubs uit deze leagues wel vertegenwoordigd zijn in de game, en ook in UT
  17. baszs

    baszs Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat ea een keer die onzinne menu's met drie loading icoontjes en nog meer easports onzin een keer revamped en maakt in een overzichtelijke manier!

    Ik vind het sinds fifa11 en 12 echt bagger! Ik vind ook persoonlijk dat er weinig verschilt Per game!

    Melkkoetje van ea! Met slecht nederlands commentaar erin!
  18. Banweezy

    Banweezy Kanyeezy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat laatste gebeurt sowieso niet. Er hebben volgens mij nog nooit 'losse' teams in UT gezeten.
  19. Seh

    Seh Guest

    :emo: Als je deze games geen leuke games vind, dan zijn voetbalspellen gewoon niks voor jou.
  20. GoDz ViSioN

    GoDz ViSioN .

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand de exacte datum van de demo ?
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