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Sticky [Film] Algemeen [Deel 30]

Discussie in 'TV, Film & Series' gestart door Fiasco, 9 nov 2013.

  1. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vond em leuk. Niet geweldig. 7/10. Iets te kinderlijk en te highschool teener movie. Zoals elke Marvel film, veel domme grappen en sommige leuke. En er zaten shots in de trailer die niet in de film zaten. Jammer
  2. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat zeker man. Te kinderlijk is absoluut waar. En het is duidelijk minder dark dan de vorige delen, maar dat is nog niet eens zo erg. Vind het ook echt zeker niet de beste Marvel film.

    En inderdaad man, ik vind de Marvel films zeer gaaf maar soms hoop ik dat het wat van de series afkijkt die toch echt veel en veel minder family friendly zijn.
  3. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deel 1 en 2 met Tobey Maguire waren leuk.
    Deel 1 met Andrew Garfield was leuk.

    De rest was gewoon zaad.

    Marvel heeft nu een jonge Spiderman zoals hij meestal in de comics is. Een jonge gozer met humor die zichzelf niet al te serieus neemt. Ben allang blij dat Homecoming goed word ontvangen ...
  4. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind Holland de perfecte Peter Parker. Tenminste niet iemand die 25 lijkt/is en nog op high school zit...
  5. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gaat ook niet om die jongen zelf. Maar de sfeer van de film is echt heel highschool. Beetje kinderlijk
  7. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    UpInSmoke0611 vindt dit leuk.
  8. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    This fucking kut film. Worst movie in laaaaaange tijd.
    L.A. en UpInSmoke0611 vinden dit leuk.
  9. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gister Spider man Homecoming gekeken, vond hem echt tof! Had er niet zo heel veel verwachtingen van maar misschien daardoor dat ik hem erg leuk vond!
    Een van de leukste Marvel films van de afgelopen jaren (al is dat niet zo moeilijk)
    Ook grappig dat we misschien al de nieuwe baddie te zien hebben gekregen met The Prowler, en een kleine verwijzing naar Miles Morales aka de andere Spiderman
    CrazY vindt dit leuk.
  10. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zojuist ook Spider-Man gezien.

    Heerlijk verfrissend ten opzichte van de voorgaande spidey films.

    Aunt May is one hot mama.
    De verjonging in het algemeen heeft de film goed gedaan.

    Special effects waren prima en de humor was precies goed gekozen qua moment.

    Voor mij een dikke 8!
    MaxxRaptor en Mallakai vinden dit leuk.
  11. Santino

    Santino Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit ziet er wel erg bruut uit. Matthew McConaughey en Idris Elba _O_

    AnubisNefer en Daz vinden dit leuk.
  12. ColdzeroNL

    ColdzeroNL Thrustmast TX Leather Edition

    Leuk Bevonden:
    net toe aan het 4e boek. Film lijkt wel anders opgezet dan het boek.
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dunkirk eerste impressies.

    #Dunkirk is chaotic, relentless, thrilling & one of the most captivating movies you will see this year. A master class in craft. What a ride

    30 seconds in, Nolan once again delivers a spectacular edge-of-your-seat opening sequence. And then it just keeps upping the tension

    From direction to editing to cinematography to score, w/ #Dunkirk Christopher Nolan proves he is one of the great filmmakers of our time

    Dunkirk is edge of your seat filmmaking that’s fully realized in @IMAX. Can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. See this in IMAX!

    A lot of people were wondering about @harry_styles & unknown cast. They’re all great but Dunkirk is not about any one solider.

    Also ‘Dunkirk’ is another brilliant collaboration between Nolan & @HansZimmer. The way he mixes in a ticking clock with score is nail biting

  14. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik geloof wel dat het een toffe film is, maar deze tekst is duidelijk hype veroorzakend marketing shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Het druipt er vanaf.
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  15. Zeepsop

    Zeepsop BRO BEANS

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Arrival en Sicario gezien vandaag. Zeker Sicario maakte erg veel indruk. Lekkere films wel. Sommige scenes in Sicario waren heel erg dik. Die collone en in de tunnel vooral.

    Arrival was een lekkere sci fi, niet wat ik er van verwacht had, maar dat pakte juist goed uit. Zoog me aardig op.

    Straks American Sniper of 10 Cloverfield Lane om af te sluiten.
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is gewoon social media embargo van de critics? Wonder Woman had hetzelfde.
  17. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je gaat van goed naar kut.
  18. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog meer Dunkirk impressies.

    #Dunkirk is chaotic, relentless, thrilling & one of the most captivating movies you will see this year. A master class in craft. What a ride

    30 seconds in, Nolan once again delivers a spectacular edge-of-your-seat opening sequence. And then it just keeps upping the tension

    From direction to editing to cinematography to score, w/ #Dunkirk Christopher Nolan proves he is one of the great filmmakers of our time

    The thing about this film is it very consciously veers away from character development. It's very in-the-moment kinda filmmaking

    I liked that, tho. In this situation, soldiers & rescuers were all thrown together. No one really knew anyone. It was all about survival

    So don't expect some 20-min monologue about some girl some dude has back home. No time for that. It's all go! go! go! Now RUN!

    Dunkirk is edge of your seat filmmaking that’s fully realized in @IMAX. Can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. See this in IMAX!

    A lot of people were wondering about @harry_styles & unknown cast. They’re all great but Dunkirk is not about any one solider.

    Also ‘Dunkirk’ is another brilliant collaboration between Nolan & @HansZimmer. The way he mixes in a ticking clock with score is nail biting


    DUNKIRK is 1 of the most immersive cinematic experiences I've ever had.

    Mind-blowing non-linear storytelling.

    See 70mm IMAX film if u can.

    Around 75% of DUNKIRK was shot on IMAX film. Other scenes shot on glorious 65mm film.

    Zimmer's score is the leading character of the film.


    #Dunkirk packs a wallop but VERY different Nolan movie. Def see on IMAX. Tom Hardy has 10 lines & is amazing. Harry Styles can act people!!!


    DUNKIRK is a goddamn spectacle. a monumental movie that hits you on a personal level. nolan beautifully depicts the tragedy of no escape


    FWIW I thought DUNKIRK was heads above most everything else this year. Pure, maximum cinema. All sea and sky and Rylance.


    DUNKIRK is fantastic. Truly thrilling from first to last second. A heartbreaking, heart-pounding, nail-biting offering. Nolan fans, rejoice.

    DUNKIRK relies on v little dialogue, but is entirely impactful. We all know what happened on that beach, but Nolan's take is worth visiting.

    Yes, DUNKIRK relies heavily on sound of an increasingly fast ticking clock to build suspense. It may be a cheap trick, but it's effective AF


    Christopher Nolan's #Dunkirk is a rousing return to form -- thrilling, brutal, and formally adventurous. Full review on @ThePlaylist soon


    Can't wait to review "Dunkirk,' a mix of modern storytelling (interwoven timeframes), classic filmmaking (real Spitfire dogfights) #Dunkirk


    Dunkirk is thrilling, beautiful & a must in 70mm IMAX - but it's also hard to ignore that it has zero distinctive personalities/characters.


    DUNKIRK: intense! 3 intercutting stories on 3 time frames. Almost a silent film, w/ incredible score. May be divisive. I LOVED. See 70mm!


    I have seen #Dunkirk and it is a triumph: beautifully filmed, deeply moving, strong turns all round (and yes, that includes Harry Styles)

    I think #Dunkirk also proves how terrific Christopher Nolan is at directing actors - dialogue delivery is all the better for its subtlety


    #DunkirkMovie is great. Beautiful, heart-pounding action sequences, a killer score, solid acting talent & handsome. A great history lesson


    I'll say this about #Dunkirk: watch it in the biggest, loudest, IMAXiest cinema possible. Like an IMAX, say.

    If your big #Dunkirk question is "So is Harry Styles any good?", I have the answer: he's good. Acquits himself admirably. Points for Styles.

    Also, #Dunkirk is a war film, but not like one I've ever seen before. It's the closest I could imagine to being there. It's loud and brutal.

    Worth saying that #Dunkirk is a truly Nolanesque, cold film. It's not drum-banging patriotic propaganda, it's bleak, coarse and unrelenting.

    Saw Dunkirk first thing this morning. Still recovering. It's Inception meets The Longest Day.


    We've seen DUNKIRK. It's extraordinary - a harrowing, unusual war film, without heros or easy story notes. Staggering pics. Unnerving score.


    I saw #Dunkirk, and it's a triumph for all involved. Relentlessly tense and superbly crafted, it feels like an instant classic.

    And that 70mm IMAX print? Insane. So immersive, makes 3D looks like a cheap parlour trick. See #Dunkirk large and loud.

    Last edited by zsynqx; Today at 06:49 PM.​

  19. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nolan maakt volgens velen film vh jaar: zal dus wel weer niet genomineerd worden voor oscar (inclusief Zimmer)
    Reckuuza vindt dit leuk.
  20. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zimmer maakt ook wel heel vaak mooie muziek


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