Yeah, so now I here,
Chillin' behind my box without any fear.
Checkin' halo and Fable as well,
The PS2 ain't got 'm, so what does that tell?
One, guess is all what it will take,
all the people who bought PS2 made a mistake!
The only brutal games that they get to play,
Are DMC and GTA,
but, the second one looks better on my PC, anyway!
So now here am I, here we are,
And we beat all those other consoles by far!
Now that take those little purple cubes,
It's mostly meant for kiddies and n00b's.
But it got game, it got class,
but still we beat the crap out of his ass...
You wonder why, you wonder how,
Well then let me tell it you right now;
It's got Metroid Prime, which is great,
It's got Zelda, who's everybody's fate.
It's got Resident Evil, whick will give you restless nights,
And then there are the sequels which give you a nice sight.
But the story ends there,
which might not be fair,
but take a look about who does care?
For example the Sega console fight,
Who ever controls Sega will have a nice night,
and just like Rare, Sega will see the Green Light!
So, Give in, give it up,
Sony, leave the console market or shut the f*ck up!
Nu ga ik door in Nederlands,
en geef ze nog 1 laatste kans.
Sommige mensen kiezen PS2 nog steeds boven de xbox,
en beweren dat dat grote groene ding erg sux,
maar zij hebben het mis, wacht maar tot strax!
De Zelda lovers kiezen voor the big N zonder gezeik,
en ja, wie geeft ze ongelijk?
Het is gewoon, het kan,
want het feit is, Link is gewoon de man!
Maar alhoewel de xbox hem niet heeft,
kan de xbox wel linken terwijl hij naar perfecties treeft.
Geef nou maar gewoon toe de xbox IS veel vetter,
en met xbox live wordt het al helemaal knetter!
Now you probably think I am a fanboy, but then there is one thing you still don't get!
I am only xbox fanboy for this xbox rap!
And guess what? I'll be back!
Laatst bewerkt: 5 dec 2002