PR praatje van Dan Greenawalt @ xboxworld, geen nieuws maar wel een paar kleine dingetjes...
Dit lijkt me een hele verbetering, AI met verschillende persoonlijkheden:
"The AI you face in Forza Motorsport 2 will have names and personalities that were specifically trained/created by the designers. Some will be fast, but tentative in traffic. Others will take slower lines, but will be more aggressive toward other cars. By giving them names, the players will be able to recognize the fast and the dangerous drivers from the field."
Wel losvliegende delen (bumpers?)... Maar geen weerseffecten 
"Do to the increased power of the Xbox 360, we've been able to go even further in modeling the way cars incur damage and wear, and the effect it has on performance. Crashes will be more dramatic with parts and particles flying off the cars. Weather effects however – not at this stage."
Er staat hier 65 tracks verdeeld over 18 "omgevingen".
Bijv. 'met de klok mee' en 'tegen de klok in' zijn er al twee, Nurburgring en F1 circuit zijn er weer twee... En dan nog point-to-point etc... Zo had FM1 volgens mij al 17 omgevingen
Wel komen er vier nieuwe bestaande tracks in 
"The game will feature more than 65 tracks carved out of 18 environments, including 13 real-world licensed circuits such as the Road America race track, Silverstone Circuit, Tsukuba Circuit and Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.
Sebring International Raceway is among four new real-world licensed circuits added to the newest installment of the Forza Motorsport franchise."
Voor Bonbridge^:
"Forza Motorsport fans will still be able to continue expressing their inner artist in the paint and upgrade shops with near-endless visual personalization. You will be able to customize the shape of your car by combining licensed rims, performance parts and aftermarket body kits. You can also create your own unique paint scheme using millions of paint and decal options.
From a design perspective, one of the goals of the Paint Job Editor was to expand the range of skills rewarded in the game. You can be a great racer, tuner, or painter. To that end, the tool is incredibly powerful. Like our simulation physics engine, the Paint Job Editor empowers the creative and distinguishes those with skill. For Forza Motorsport 2, we're making the tool even more powerful. More layers, more decals, and more options – all at a much higher resolution."
Ohja, hij zegt het niet met zoveel woorden maar de foto mode van PGR3 zit (net als FM2 tv) er ook in en de plaatjes kan je dit keer wél exporteren
Laatst bewerkt: 20 jun 2006