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[XOne] Forza Motorsport 6

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Flavourlicious, 13 jan 2015.

  1. 360degrees

    360degrees Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat klinkt al wat beter (van lagere naar hogere klasse opwerken) maar het ruk-element dat het niet uitmaakt of je nu 3e, 2e of de race wint zit er dus nog in...ik snap dat niet helemaal...
  2. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja het is zonde. Ik heb de game het weekend gespeeld en onze review komt binnenkort al online. Zoals altijd zijn veel elementen goed uitgewerkt, maar ze blijven de plank maar net mis slaan wat betreft de motorsport, wat vreemd is voor een game met dat woord in de naam.
    Rik Fast vindt dit leuk.
  3. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind dat nou juist wèl goed. Ik hoef niet iedere race te winnen. Als ik elke race win, dan is de tegenstand blijkbaar niet goed genoeg. Dan win je wel, maar is het racen helemaal niet leuk.
  4. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb je enig idee of het uitlaatgeluid ook daadwerkelijk verandert bij het vervangen van een sport / raceuitlaat?
  5. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zal ik zo eens uitproberen.
  6. Surreallistic

    Surreallistic Forza!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoop dat de servers stabiel zijn voor xbwr cups! Ik wil voor de zondag evt wel weer wat op poten zetten.
  7. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zie XBWR gedeelte. :p

  8. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tnx man! Zit de Ferrari F40 er ook in btw?
  9. Pollie

    Pollie Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb er zin in! zojuist eens gek gedaan en de ultimate edition gekocht..
    nu aan het installeren en 10 september gaan met die banaan!
    Surreallistic vindt dit leuk.
  10. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice! :) Laat ons weten wat je er van vindt!
  11. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tot zover merk ik nog geen verschil in stock, street en race uitlaat, maar heb 't snel getest en kan aan die ene auto liggen. F40 zit er wel in. :)
  12. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe bevallen de verschillende weer-settings? Alleen varianten op regen, of ook sneeuw, hagel, mist, etc?
  13. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee heel gelimiteerd. Er zijn een aantal tracks waar je regen kan kiezen (dus niet allemaal, is geselecteerd op waar het in het echt ook regend, Engeland etc.). Deze zijn dan als losse layout te kiezen, dus Brands Hatch GP Sun en Brands Hatch GP Rain. Datzelfde hebben ze gedaan voor nacht. Er is dus geen overgang van droog naar nat of van dag naar nacht. :'-(
    Yi-Long vindt dit leuk.
  14. Divimus

    Divimus Active Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De vele plassen op Sebring zijn toch wel realistisch :+

    Laatst bewerkt: 8 sep 2015
  15. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Teleurstellend nieuws dus weer, en ongetwijfeld iets dat ze pas volwaardig toevoegen over 2 jaar ofzo. Was sowieso natuurlijk al tegenvallend nieuws dat weer en lighting enzo niet dynamic was. In Driveclub is het zo fucking indrukwekkend steeds, die schitterende luchten en weereffecten die steeds anders zijn...
  16. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja is wel een compleet andere game. In Forza Horizon 2 was het ook dynamisch maar het wordt daar minder ver geïmplementeerd door de simpele physics. Maar het klopt wel hoor, is jammer dat het niet gelijk goed is.
  17. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee dat is wat anders. Dat gaat nu nog niet over regen maar puur over temperatuur op de baan als er veel auto's rijden. Maar dat systeem is wel een goed begin als ze ooit regen gaan toevoegen daar.
  19. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    [IGN] Days of Thunder - 9/10
    Forza Motorsport 6 boasts some of the finest racing you can find on console. Easily worth the upgrade from Forza 5.
    Like a big bucket of Hot Wheels brought to life, Forza Motorsport 6 is first-order car porn for the automobile obsessed but remains an accessible and exciting racer for those who just want to drive fast in something red with a horse logo on it. It’s spinning its wheels in a few areas but what’s here is undoubtedly some of the finest racing you can find on console and easily worth the upgrade from Forza 5.

    [GameInformer] New Additions & Familiar Problems - 7.75/10
    It's not a contradiction that Forza 6 is as fun as it is disappointing. Its faults and omissions do not make it a bad game or one that veers dramatically from the franchise's path. But what exactly is the series' philosophy? We've seen the career mode change from iteration to iteration, with the developer unable to define where it wants to go and therefore build upon a foundation in successive years. Turn 10 talks about its passion for cars, and that's evident on the track, but players have to feel it elsewhere, too.

    [Destructoid] Turn 10 turns a new leaf - 9.5/10
    For me though, it was enough to outright bring me back into the racing fold. I found myself racing for hours, racking up credits, ferociously buying new cars to add to my garage, and cursing at my friend's Drivatars. Forza 6 is the new king of simulation racing.

    [NDTV Gadgets] Taking Pole Position - 9/10
    Barring a few technical concerns, there's absolutely no reason Xbox One owners have to not purchase Forza Motorsport 6. It's brimming with content and gives you oodles of control to tailor the experience to your skill level and preference. You might not be a fan of racing games but Forza Motorsport 6 does an admirable job of trying to change that.

    [Polygon] Feedback Loop - 8/10
    With the loss of some of its personality, Forza Motorsport 6 sometimes feels like a little less than the sum of many much improved parts, and there are certain quality-of-life changes that feel increasingly overdue. But these are only distractions, bumps in the road that make Forza feel "just" great when looked at from a distance. And in the playing, Turn 10 feels like it's found its line even more effectively.

    [Gamespot] Sebring it on! - 8/10
    Forza 6's flaws are few. The pre- and post-race visuals as well as the replays still run at less than 60 frames per second. While maxing out at 30 frames per seconds didn’t hurt the likes of Forza Horizon or Grid 2, going back and forth from the smoothness of a race to the less than fluid scenes at the pit in Forza 6 is off-putting. Then there are the low-resolution liveries, which look great when these designs are tearing up the track at 150 miles per hour, but look less than stellar in the showroom.

    As merely the second installment for the Xbox One, Forza Motorsport 6 not only keeps up with the high bar set by Forza 5, it capitalizes on that foundation of quality. The Mod system and the weather effects are reasons enough for Forza 5 enthusiasts to seriously consider this sequel and the abundance of difficulty and assist options makes Forza 6 an immensely accessible driving simulation for newcomers.

    [GodIsAGeek] 9.5/10
    Indeed, Forza 6 is a content-rich and superbly tweaked version of the motorsports title we’ve fallen in love with over the years. The simulation racing has never felt so real, the roster is once again magnificently abundant, the visuals truly breath-taking and the new rain and night driving a treat we’ve been clamouring for for so very long. It’s a spectacular package that meets the high expectations of race driver wannabe’s the world over. If snow and sleet were added to it, it’d be perfect.

    [The Verge] Just buy it
    Still, these are minor quibbles in the scheme of a truly magnificent game. It is beautiful, extremely deep, and has enough modes and features to keep you entertained forever. (I haven’t even mentioned the multiplayer modes, including Forza 5’s "Rivals" and full-fledged leagues that are matched to your skill level.) If you liked Forza 5, you will love 6. Heck, even if you disliked 5 there’s a good chance you’ll like 6, if for no other reason than the fact that it’s the new standard-bearer for graphics realism on the Xbox One. As I said from the top: just buy it.

    GamesRadar - 3/5
    This is a true showcase for Xbox One in every area except the racing. Inconsistent difficulty, random payouts and way too many dull events seriously spoil the party.

    [WeGotThisCovered] 4.5/5
    Forza Motorsport 6 is, without a doubt, the best simulation racing game ever made. Not only is it chock full of content, but it's also fine-tuned to near perfection and an absolute blast to play.

    [ACG][Youtube]Forza Motorsport 6 Review - "Buy, Wait for a Sale, Rent, Never Touch It?"

    [egmnow]Leaving the competition in its dust - 9.5/10
    Forza Motorsport 6 is a welcome shot in the arm for the series. Easily the best entry the franchise has produced, Forza 6 introduces tons of new online and offline gameplay that should make players want to stay in the driver’s seat for as long as possible this fall.

    [autoblog] Turn 10 Finishes What FM5 Started
    Forza Motorsport 6 will to appeal to a lot of gamers, whether they be casual or serious racing fans. But more than any one group, FM6 going to lure in those who were disappointed by Forza 5. This is a far more complete, entertaining, and engaging game in every way. Not only does it finally deliver a reasonable car and track listing, but it offers a wide variety of experiences outside of the career aspect. There's still room for improvement, but you'll be hard pressed to find another title that can so easily suck in hours and hours of your day. Forza Motorsport 6 will be open for owners of the $99.99 Ultimate Edition on September 10, while everyone else will gain access on September 15.
  20. Rienbu

    Rienbu Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nette cijfers hoor

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