Natural Selection - 20 - Complete all 12 waves of Beast on all Forces of Nature maps.
Horde Natural - 20 - Complete 20 waves of Horde on any Forces of Nature map without going down or dying.
Unstoppable Force - 25 - Complete all 50 waves of Horde on any of the Forces of Nature maps.
Elemental - 25 - Get 25 kills with any of the hidden elementally charged Cleavers in Horde.
Stock Piled - 20 - Achieve the maximum level on all fortifications in Horde mode.
Force Multiplayer - 25 - Win a match of Guardian on all Forces of Nature maps.
Witty Repairtee - 25 - Build or repair 50,000 worth of fortifications as Mechanic Baird LE.
Hunter Gatherer - 20 - Bag and Tag 20 opponents while playing as the Savage Hunter in Versus multiplayer (any mode).
I've Got This! - 20 - Kill 10 opponents as the leader in a round of Guardian on a Forces of Nature map.
Force Multiplier - 50 - Kill a Lambent Berserker with a team comprised of 5 Forces of Nature characters in Horde.
TU4 Update info
- Savage Drone and Savage Grenadier can now “swat” turn in Beast mode
- Spectator mode now starts viewing a player instead of a battle camera
- Alternate control users in multiplayer will no longer look at DBNO characters when pressing R3
- The crosshair for the Longshot and Hammerburst will now show an X if a shot is obstructed.
- KOTH – ring locators are now visible in spectator mode
- KOTH – some hill locations have been adjusted
- The Onyx Guard decoy in Horde will not drop his rifle after exhausting the Vulcan ammo
- Clients will no longer be stuck with a “Waiting For Players” message up if the host quits Horde during the progression screen
- Chainsaw audio loop will now persist for listeners who leave the audible range and re-enter it
- Fixed some instances where special event ribbons would not be properly awarded
- COG pistol firing rate has been adjusted to be equal on host and clients
- The Flaming Retro Lancer is now available for attendees of the first special event(Golden Wings week)
- Fixed some issues fixed related to the destruction of meatbags
- The Slab start up screen no longer has debug text
- After a host migration in Horde, the waves will no longer go past 50
- Cover near the elevator on Hotel no longer allows players to lean outside of the visible area
- Grenade throwers that are killed mid-throw will receive credit for any kills that grenade causes
- Silverback will be disabled if hit by a smoke grenade when the driver is in the middle of the exit animation
- Team Deathmatch time limit no longer resets to 3 minutes when both teams are out of respawns
Ivory Weapon Skin set: I've Got This! - Kill 10 opponents as the leader in a round of Guardian on a Forces of Nature map.
FL4K Weapon Skin set: Force Multiplayer - Win a match of Guardian on all Forces of Nature maps.
Flaming Retro Skin heb ik dus niet gekregen want ik ben gerankreset een x
dan bugt ie. Plus ik vind het echt domme achievements, achievement max fortification level. Weet je hoe lang die Silverback duurt.. Doe dan level 400 achievement ipv die domme shit