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[XOne] Gears of War: Judgment

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door UpInSmoke0611, 2 jun 2012.

  1. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Xbox 360
    People Can Fly
    Third Person Shooter
    Release datum
    19 maart 2013 US, 22 maart 2013 EU


    The setting for Gears of War: Judgment is a wealthy city that the Locust targeted shortly after Emergence Day. Halvo Bay is home tot the Onyx Guard academy, a school responsible for training the COG’s elite soldiers. “Halvo Bay is the San Diego of current times or the San Francisco of World War II,” says Epic director production Rod Fergusson. “It’s a city that has a strong military base influence on it”

    Judgment begins 15 years before Gears of War, with Baird and the rest of Kilo Squad standing trial for transgressions against the Coalition of Governments.
    The missions are set a short time after E-day, when the Locust first emerged from underground. The Pendulum Wars were only over a short time before the Locust made their move topside, so Baird and the rest of the COGs are frantically adjusted to the new monstrous threat. Because the gameplay segments of Judment take place early on in humanity’s fight against the Locust, you face more enemies onscreen than ever before. Lieutenant Baird and the rest of Kilo Squad narrate their versions of the events as players relive them via flashbacks.

    Judgment is even more focused on nonstop action than Gears of War 3, which included over 90 minutes of cinematics. Epic still plans to use short, essential cinematics to break up the intense gameplay, but the plot is primarily delivered via narration so the player never has to stop moving.

    Meet Kilo Squad:

    Damon Baird:
    Before this sarcastic, genius mechanic went on to help Marcus Fenix save the world, Baird worked his way through the Gears ranks. He’s always quick to joke, but Judgment suggests there’s more to his character than being a comedian.

    Augustus Cole:
    A former Thrash Ball player turned soldier the "Cole Train" became famous in Sera for his on-feild performance and boisterous demeanour. Cole met Baird soon after enlisting, and the two quickly became best friends.

    Garron Paduk:
    A miltia refuge from the Union of Independent Republics. Garron comes from the other side of The Pendulum Wars. He brings a new perspective and brush personality to Kilo. Garron is the devil on Baird's shoulder that say's "Let's blow stuff up."

    Sophia Hendricks:
    A cadet from the onyx guard academy, she is more in line with colonel loomis by the book approach to combat. E-day halted her path to graduation from the academy, but she is still worth the soldier. She is the opposite of Garron, ready to suggest informing superior officers of every deviation from protocol.

    OverRun mode:

    Gears of War: Judgment takes the next logical step for the series: mergin Beast and Horde into a new mode called OverRun, which also adds classbased combat, retooled Locust monstrosities, progression, and a stronger demand for teamwork and strategy.

    Overrun consists of two-timed five vs. five rounds, each team taking turns as the COG and the Locust. The COGs must defend three key objectives from the rampaging Locust: Two sealed E-holes and a generator. Epic says it plans on replacing the generator with a Hammer of Down beacon in the final game which will decimate the Locust with space lasers if successfully defended. Each time the Locust liberate a sealed E-hole, Kryll flood the map and reduce the COG to bloody puddles, and the hole becomes the new Locust spawn point. If both teams break past the COG and destroy the generator as the Locust, overall victory is determined by whoever did it the quickest.

    Defending your territory from homicidal dirt dwellers as the COG begins with selecting a balanced team. Epic doesn’t want five medics running into the fray at once, so players can see which classes their teammates are selecting, and can reselect after each death to shore up a team weakness. The four classes all have unique abilities and weapon loadouts.

    Cog classes:

    Engineer / Baird:
    Weapons: Gnasher and blowtorch
    Special abilities: Sentry Turret
    Tip: Bowtorch repairs damaged fortifications

    Soldier / Cole:
    Weapons: Lancer and boomshot
    Special abilities: Deploy ammo crates,
    Tip: Toss ammo to Engineer to give him infinite Blowtorch ammo

    Medic / Sofia:
    Weapons: Lancer and Snub Pistol
    Special Ability: Stim-gas gernade
    Tip: Toss stim-gas at downed allies to revive them

    Scout / Garron:
    Weapons: Longshot and Snub Pistol
    Special Ability: Beacon gernade
    Tip: Climb perches for better sniping leverage

    Meet the Locust:

    Role: Leap over hazards, clim perches.
    Special Ability: Stunning scream.
    Tip: Travel in packs and stagger screams for maximum stunnig power.

    Role: Eat fortifications, eat grenades, detonate.
    Special Ability: Speed boost.
    Tip: Can be kicked over barriers by grenadiers.

    Role: Hammerburst rifle, heal friendly units, ride bloodmounts.
    Special Ability: Chain heal.
    Tip: Support valuable units like Corpser and Mauler with healing.

    Role: Lancer rifle, ride Bloodmounts.
    Special Ability: Frag Grenade.
    Tip: Throw grenade at COG turret to cause deadly explosion near enemies.

    Role: Melee enemies/fortifications, be ridden by Grenadier and Kantus.
    Special Ability: Halve the cooldown time on rider's special ability (passive)
    Tip: Carry a mounted Kantus behind cover while his heal recharges.

    Role: Devastate fortifications and COG soldiers with flail and shield.
    Special Ability: Spinning spike shield.
    Tip: Aim the reticle at enemies while shield spins to deflect bullets back at COGs.

    Role: Eat through barriers, destory COGs, ranged support.
    Special Ability: Spit poison.
    Tip: Have two Serapedes overlap to protect one another's vulnerable rears.

    Role: Demolish fortifications and COGs with heavy melee.
    Special Ability: Burrow and move underground.
    Tip: Armored legs reduce damage from the front.





    Character pic's:





    OverRun gameplay:



    FFA Mode gameplay:





    Oprotten met domme Seriously 4.0.. TBA







    Ben zeer benieuwd naar deze game. Vooral omdat het zo vlug is na Gears 3.. Ook omdat de MP heel anders wordt nu.. Hoop niet dat het teveel drastische veranderingen heeft. Controle scheme is al veranderd, (LB) voor nade gooien, (Y) wapen wisselen en inhouden voor pistol enzo..

    Edit: Paar maanden later en FFA mode toegevoegd.. Ziet er uit als Call of Gears..


    Laatst bewerkt: 19 feb 2013
  2. XD-sense

    XD-sense Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nieuwe gears game ben beniewd mm
  3. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zie liever de nieuwe IP van epic op de nieuwe Xbox!
  4. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had ook echt liever een gloednieuwe IP gehad, maar het is niet anders. Maar het feit dat de mensen achter Bulletstorm achter deze zitten, dat maakt mij wel echt benieuwd. Hopelijk krijgen we wat veranderingen in de gameplay. Ik las op Neogaf geloof ik dat er dynamic battles inzitten, en mensen reageerden er behoorlijk enthousiast op. Weet alleen niet echt wat dat moet inhouden.
  5. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben sowieso een fan van Baird, als hij 1 van de hoofdpersonen is haal ik hem wel.

    En natuurlijk die nieuwe mp mode COG vs Locust waarbij je uit klasses kunt kiezen
  6. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat de enemies niet steeds hetzelfde zijn. Ze passen zich aan aan je loadout en what not. Ze noemen het Smart Spawn System of S3..

    Maar EPIC heeft vorig jaar al een gloednieuwe IP gewezen? Dus die komt ook nog hoor

    Baird is DE hoofdpersoon..
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 jun 2012
  7. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dat klinkt wel gaaf dan. Maar ik denk niet dat we de nieuwe IP van Epic hoeven te verwachten, en werd die sowieso niet voor de Xbox 3? (fuck 720,ik noem het Xbox 3 )

    Baird is chill, die had in Gears 3 toch de hele tijd argumenten met die ene zwartharige chick? Weet ff haar naam niet.
  8. Bassie

    Bassie No lollygaggin'

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fucking vet! Goede startpost ook.

    Ik ben benieuwd. :)
  9. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben ook wel benieuwd naar deze. GOW 1 t/m 3 met veel plezier gespeeld, de SP's en MP's!
  10. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sam.. Baird is een baas.. Altijd smart-ass opmerkingen

    Btw nu weten we ook gelijk waarom Bulletstorm 2 gecancelled is :p
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 jun 2012
  11. Mastat

    Mastat Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is IP?
  12. Ferry86

    Ferry86 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe titel of nieuwe titel in ontwikkeling.

    Het is niet helemaal de betekenis, maar het komt wel in de buurt.
  13. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Intellectueel Eigendom, Intellectual Property. In de gameswereld betekent dat gewoon een nieuwe franchise of titel whatever
  14. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind Baird dus echt de kutste character in GoW..
  15. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. Vicill

    Vicill My Bubbles!

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ik vind Baird ook een van de vetste characters. Hij bracht het beetje gevatte humor in het spel. Heerlijk.

    Vooral die scène in Gears 3, dat hij met aantal andere van die burg afdonderen omdat ie instortte. Heerlijk!
  17. baszs

    baszs Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Baird, is juist samen met Cole degene die het leuk houden in GOW, Marcus fenix, zegt helemaal niets..

    Ik hoop dat ze elementen van gears 1 terug brengen! de spierwitte locusts in de nacht, spelen met licht elementen.. die sfeer was vele malen spannender dan wat er in de sequels volgde!
  18. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  19. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Coentjuh

    Coentjuh Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:





    Die laatste ziet er raar uit.. Net alsof haar hoofd erop is geplakt.

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