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Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 17 nov 2007.

  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor diegene die nu al wilt pre-orderen; bij Gamehubs kan dat voor maar €32.99 ;)
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Developer Diary #1.
    Helaas niet in de vorm van een filmpje, maar...tekst. :eek:
    It Begins
    So he looks across the conference table over his impressive beard at us. Pauses. Then he says, “It’s Ghostbusters. We’re going to make a Ghostbusters game. The first really good one.”

    And the other one, who for the first time since we met has paused talking for almost two consecutive minutes, adds this: “And we think you’re the right guys do it. You up for it?”

    Nobody says anything for a long time. They think that after all the buildup and mystery maybe we’re disappointed, that maybe we’re trying to assess the fastest way of out of the room. But that’s not the case. The fact is that Brendan is sitting in stunned silence and I’m just trying to keep from swallowing my tongue. Mark Randel (Terminal Reality President & Chief Technologist) is taking it better: he’s just near-catatonic.

    It was January 2006. We arrived at the publisher forty minutes ago, one of a few stops on a tour to show off our Infernal Engine next-gen technology demo and an original game IP we’d been developing (‘the publisher’ at this time being Vivendi, before Atari took over the title in 2008: look up ‘Activision Blizzard merger’ on Wikipedia for more info). In addition to cutting-edge lighting, materials, and rendering, the tech demo depicted squad gameplay action, heavy emphasis on chaotic environmental destruction, and extremely realistic physical interaction.

    It was the massive destruction is what really got their attention. Seriously: fiery explosions & debris will get your foot in any door.

    Vivendi Executive Producers John Melchior (tall, quietly fast-talking, awesome), and Pete Wanat (beard & soda also awesome) introduced themselves and let us know immediately that they were the two most hated men at this publisher. John O’Keefe (Terminal Studio Director) asked if maybe there was someone else there we could talk to.

    They watched our demo politely, exchanged mysterious raised eyebrows, asked a few pointed questions, and then left for a private discussion in the hall.

    When they came back they seemed to have agreed on something. They told us they’d been working on developing a movie license IP. Brendan Goss (Terminal Reality Executive Producer) shot a look my way: Uh-oh. Here we go again. But this was a really big one, they continued: a really great one. And it wasn’t tied to an upcoming theater release in less than twelve months.

    Then they dropped the G-bomb.

    There it was, out in the open. Ghostbusters. Maybe one of the greatest movies made. Definitely one of the funniest. We were getting a crack at it. To say we were thrilled is a lazy understatement. Pleasantly electrified is closer to the truth. It wasn’t until later, after the shock wore off some, when we realized the depth of the responsibility we had staked ourselves to when we finally stammered, “Y-yes! Of course we’ll do it!”
    Stars Align
    The Ghostbusters game finally happened as the result of a fairly rarefied confluence of elements, a sort of Hollywood fairy tale.

    Sony Pictures Consumer Products (Mark Caplan & Keith Hargrove) knew that the time was ripe for a Ghostbusters revival, and wanted to wrap it around a centerpiece game. Sony felt that game technology had finally arrived and were looking for a developer with the right mix of passion and skills to do the project correctly. First, Sony knew they needed to do two things: 1. Make sure all IP holders—which includes the director, three of the original Ghostbusters stars, and Sony Pictures itself—would be totally on board; and 2. Find a publisher that could make the game happen with as much of the original talent involved, as possible (i.e. the Ghostbusters).

    Across town at the publisher, John and Pete had been talking about doing a GB game for quite a while, and had started talking to the owners of the property. They were also trying to sell their own upper management on the concept. Some reluctance is certainly understandable. The reason we jumped at the chance was the same reason the finance people were shy: a major movie-license game that’s not actually attached to a theatrical release can be a tough sell. There’s no built-in multi-million-dollar studio-financed marketing campaign. With a high-profile title, securing the license can be very expensive, especially when that license is one of the highest-grossing and most beloved films of all times (market research by Vivendi revealed that the enduring ‘no-ghost’ logo ranks just behind Coca-Cola and the Nike Swoosh stripe in order of worldwide recognition). Securing the talent can be both cost-prohibitive, if not impossible to do: Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Reitman haven’t worked as a group for years, and each has his own successful career to manage.

    In the meantime, Dan Aykroyd had been trying to get a Ghostbusters film sequel off the ground for years, but was having a hard time reassembling the cast and generating studio interest. He had decided that a CG-animated movie would be the best way to go, since the GB III script called for a daunting budget if shot practically. A few voice-acting sessions would require a much smaller time commitment from the cast. And the now almost-sixty-year old principals wouldn’t have to strap those brutally heavy proton packs back on and run through NYC streets. So, from his perspective, moving to a game format for a true sequel wasn’t too big a leap for him.

    The three sides found one other and liked what each was bringing to the table. They worked on pulling the rest of the group back together. And the snowball starts to roll. We jumped on as soon as we could.
    Ghostbusters: The Video Game, in development for PS3, PS2, Xbox 360, PC, Wii and NDS, will launch on June 16th in North America and June 19th Worldwide.

    The launch will also leverage the presence of Ghostbusters: The Video Game around the globe as Sony marks the film’s upcoming 25th anniversary.
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh geweldig!

    Never, EVER cross the beams.

    Jammer dat ze er een game van maken i.p.v een derde Ghostbusters film. Die mensen bij elkaar zien na zo'n lange tijd lijkt me geweldig!
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    NYCC 09: Ghostbusters: The Video Game Progress Report
    Did you see it?! What was it?!
    February 6, 2009 - Thanks to my blog, the fact that I stole "Making Ghostbusters" from the library, and a certain video, it's a widely accepted fact that I'm a pretty big Ghostbusters fan. You should care about this declaration of dorkdom because it means that I'm following Ghostbusters: The Video Game closer than any human being should be and that I'm getting pretty good at spotting even the tiniest of changes.

    Let's take today's New York Comic-Con demo as an example. I was handed the controller, the demo started up, and I immediately identified the level as one I wrote a great deal about on April 28, 2008 -- this is the one where Ray and the recruit are battling through an architect's office, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man shows up, and the boys duke it out with some pesky poltergeists on the roof. Goof stuff, but something I've already seen.

    C'mon! Let's run some red lights.
    However, it was immediately noticeable that the game looked better. Since Terminal Reality began showing off Ghostbusters, there have been some aliasing issues with the proton pack and new recruit's head -- oftentimes it looks shimmery like a mosaic. Today, things looked markedly smoother and more realistic. Now, this level makes use of the PKE Meter quite a bit, so when I whipped it out and the game dropped into first-person mode, I was surprised to find an overhauled point of view. Gone is the clear-goggle setup that basically spotted spectral trails out of thin air; in its place is a binocular-looking setup with a green tint and crosshairs in the middle. Now, these aren't just cosmetic changes. In the past, you've been scanning ghosts with the PKE Meter as they appear so that you can have detailed profiles in your copy of Tobin's Spirit Guide via the in-game menu. These new goggles still put an emphasis on scanning creatures, but once you've completed a scan, that information -- the ghost's method of attack, if it needs to be trapped or destroyed, and so on -- will pop up as text on the right side of your goggle screen.

    The next change that popped up came in the form of the Marshmallow Man's minions -- whom I lovely referred to as "dingleberries from Stay Puft" way back when. Originally just medicine ball-sized blobs of goo, the little marshmallows are now singed on top and ready to spit flaming projectiles your way. While I was dodging out of their path, a bunch of the buggers surrounded Ray and were cleaning his clock. I fired off a Proton stream and followed up with a Boson Dart, which is a blast of extra power that flows through the stream and does some splash damage. The enemies blew up and kicked up a ton of marshmallow gunk that covered Ray in real time.

    That was cool.

    Dr. Ray Stantz: the heart of the Ghostbusters.
    Although I could barely hear it over the roar of Comic-Con, this build also added the vocal talents of one Bill Murray. All four of the Ghostbusters have been part of this project from the beginning, but voiceovers have been missing from certain demos just as long. Once Venkman met up with Stantz and the recruit, it was back to the roof to fight the ghosts of some construction workers. Trapping has been touched up once again, and the act of capturing your ghost in a proton stream, slamming it to the ground to weaken it, and dragging it to the golden column of light being emitted from your trap is as simple and fun as it should be.

    Yeah, I would have loved to have seen something completely new today, but seeing that Terminal Reality and Atari are tuning their game leading up to its June release is just as good.

    En wat screens:
  7. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Hey Sam Fisher doet ook mee!

    Maar ff serieus, die screens zien er erg goed uit. Ben benieuwd of de gameplay een beetje strak loopt. Vaak zijn dit soort games erg stijf.
  8. Probailer2

    Probailer2 Casual gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben wel een Ghostbusters fan, dus denk dat ik deze game ook wel koop.
    Maar niet voor de volle hap denk ik
  9. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat er een demo komt. Die trailer zag er best leuk uit. Het lijkt me wel een grappig spel. En als ie dan op Gamehubs komt te staan dan koop ik hem wel.
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Staat al op Gamehubs. :)
    Tenminste...de laatste keer dat ik keek. €36.99
  11. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er tof uit, sfeer ziet er ook wel goed in. Ben benieuwd, kan een toffe game worden als de gameplay goed is. Ik verwacht geen topper maar wel een vermakelijke game. :)
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het lijkt dan toch echt een goede game te gaan worden. :D
    Ik denk dat GH binnenkort de volgende order van mij gaat ontvangen. ;)
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een Ghostbusters demo in juni?

    Gerucht | 13 februari 2009 - Tijdens een interview met Glenn Gamble, Senior Artist voor Ghostbusters, zou naar buiten zijn gekomen dat we in juni aan de slag kunnen met een demo van Ghostbusters: The Video Game. Het spel verschijnt halverwege juni, de demo wordt daarom aan het begin van de maand verwacht.
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben net terug uit Rotterdam waar er een presentatie was van het spel, gevolgd door een speelbare demo. De preview zal zo snel mogelijk online staan. Het zag er aardig uit en speelde goed maar ik ben toch bang dat het na verloop van tijd wat repetitief wordt omdat de wapens toch beperkt zijn, ondanks de upgrades. Het level design was echter wel netjes en vooral het "ontbreken" van een HUD was opvallend. Je krijgt eigenlijk maar in een paar gevallen iets op je HUD te zien en veelal moet je het aflezen van je Proton Pack. Ook moet je continu je P.K.E. meter gebruiken voor het opsporen van bepaalde ghosts wat redelijk de vaart uit het spel haalt en daar ben ik persoonlijk geen fan van. Echter is dit wel goed uitgewerkt en weer eens wat anders.
  16. Bertje sim

    Bertje sim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    4 player splitscreen?
  17. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Enkel de Wii versie beschikt over splitscreen en kan niet online. Bij de 360 en PS3 versie is dit precies andersom. Dus die kunnen wel online maar niet splitscreen.
  18. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is dat voor iets schandaligs? Splitscreen is zo langzamerhand aan het uitsterven deze generatie. Fijn dat je online kunt, erg hip, maar ik wil nog wel eens met een vriend op de bank zitten. Waarom dan wel de moeite nemen voor een console, maar niet voor de andere?
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is er nog iets bekend van een limited edition?
    Anders pre-order ik hem bij GH.

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