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Grand Theft Auto IV [Deel 11]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Fiasco, 27 feb 2009.

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  1. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    tip: neem de taxi
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vet die die nieuwe nummers van LATD zitten ook in GTA.
  3. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehe, alleen herkent Zit het niet. Maar maakt niet veel uit :+
  4. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb 55% complete nu, en ik zit op 20h, dus ik denk dat het wel gaat lukken hoor *).
    Liep in het begin nog wel veel te kutten met die dates e.d. maar die ignore ik nu allemaal :p
  5. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    tip: zet je mobiel op mute
    ik heb de game gewoon met cheats uitgespeeld:p toen nieuwe game begonnen voor de achievements die geblokt waren op andre save en die gehaald, toen verder gechead en daar de 100% opgehaald8)
  6. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet zeker wel lukken. Kijk even bij stats hoeveel missies je al hebt gedaan, zijn er 96 dacht ik.

    Pas nog overnieuw begonnen, overal heen gegaan met taxi maar geen telefoontjes en tussenfilmpjes geskipt. Was in 16 uur klaar :cool:
  7. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja maar ik kan nu toch ook gewoon tegen iedereen die belt zeggen dat ik niet kan, en als ik dan de story heb gehaald gewoon iedereen weer 90% halen :p
    Ga nu kijken hoeveel missies ik heb gedaan..

    Edit: 79 gedaan.
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 feb 2009
  8. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    welke optie ga je bij de laatste missie kiezen?
    ik zet wel in spoiler wat er gebeurd
    je kunt kiezen of je deal of revenche doet.
    ls je deal doet word roman vermoord en wil kate niks meer met je te maken hebben, en als je revenche doet word kate vermoord
    dus ik zou revenche doen als je nog voor de 90% achievement wil gaan, tenzij je roman al 90% like hebt want anders maakt het niks uit
    en wat heb je trouwens gekozen bij dwayne en playboy X?
  9. PyamaManNL

    PyamaManNL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Roman telt niet mee voor die achievement.
    Omdat hij dood kan gaan
  10. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wel voor de liberty city (5)
    je moet alle vrienden ook roman en dwayne boven 90% like hebben;)
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 feb 2009
  11. PyamaManNL

    PyamaManNL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    [​IMG] Liberty City (5) 20

    After meeting all possible friends, the ones left alive all like you above 90%.

    Dus alleen degene die nog levend zijn.
  12. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nee niet waar
    want ik had packie, lil jacob, brucie 90% like en toen kreeg ik de achievement niet, toen ik roman en dwayne ook 90% had kreeg ik hem wel
    want het is gewoon zo:)
    of je moet ze voordat ze dood gaan al boven 90% like hebben
  13. Amigo NL

    Amigo NL Macho NL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Onjuist, ik heb de achievement gehaald terwijl Dwayne dood was en rond de 60% zat.
  14. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nja tzal wel, iemand toevallig nog een leuke easter edge gevonden?
    (niet dat hart in lady liberty want die wist ik al)
  15. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Net ff 4 missies gedaan zit dus nu op 83 missies complete en nog 9,5 uur te gaan voor liberty city minute. Eitje dus. Maar goed ook want ik had geen zin om 2x de story te moeten doen :+
  16. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is wel leuk om te lezen, gemaakt door iemand op Gtaforums.com
    Die shit is toch best wel erg diep!

    (Gaat over de coke, heroin en diamanten )
    The Diamonds

    The Diamonds are brought to Liberty City on the Platypus ship, which is also bringing in Heroin for the Triads. Rodislav Bulgarin may or may not ahve previously owned these Diamonds, as he seems to know of them and want them escpially. Anyway, they arrive and the Chef who got hold of the diamonds goes to sell them to Gay Tony. Ray Boccino finds out about the ice and gets Johnny to go and steal them from the meeting.

    Gay Tony's entourage is ambushed by The Lost and he and Luis manage to escape while the diamonds and the other bodyguards drive away in a limo and an escort car. The Lost kill allt he bodyguards and steal the diamonds from the Limo. Johnny hides them in trashbags in Algonquin, which are retrieved later on by Niko and Luca. However, Luca's crew steal the diamonds and plan on leaving to Las Venturas, before Niko kills them and takes back the ice.

    Niko and Johnny go to the Libertonian mueseum and attempt to sell the diamonds to Isaac Roth and the Jewish mob. Luis Fernando Lopez, who was present at the Platypus when The Lost stole the diamonds, interupts the deal and all hell breaks loose. Niko escapes, Johnny gets away with the cash and it is believed Luis steals the ice while the jewish mob and the Ancelottis fight in the museum.

    Again later on, Niko and Patrick McReary kidnap Gracie Ancelloti, the daughter of the don of the Ancellotis, and Gay Tony agrees to eschange her for the ice which is now in his possesion. When at the sewage works, Gracie is exchanged, but just as Niko and Packie move to take the diamonds, Bulgarin ambushes it and his men attack. Bulgarin leaves, and his men take the ice. Niko and Packie kill all the attackers and get to the top of a sewage walkway. The man who is holding onto them drops them into a garbage truck, which drives away. He is promptly killed.

    So, what is the ultimate fate of the diamonds? On the Liberty Tree website, it says a hobo found 2 Mils worth of diamonds in the garbage, and as no owner for them was found, he was allowed to keep them. With the money he made, the lucky homeless man is moving to Vice City to set up a shop where people can buy booze and guns in one convinent place. There you go, the complete journey of the ice!

    The Heroin

    The Heroin was brought from China to Liberty City by the Triads, one of whom was the cousin of a Triad in LC. It was held on by the Triads but was stolen by the Angels of Death early on. When the Angels of Death were believed to have killed Jason Michaels, a young biker from the Lost who was actually murdered by Niko Bellic on Faustins orders, The Lost declared war.

    Johnny Klebitz fired a grenade launcher on their clubhouse and the AOD present were killed in a large shootout outside the clubhouse. Soon enough The Lost stormed the house and fonud 2 bags of Heroin stashed in the basement gym. Billy Grey may have used the death of Jason as an excuse to attack the clubhouse because they previously thought Jason was killed by a Serb, and then Billy changed his story.

    Originally The Lost attempted to sell the Heroin through Elizabeta to a contact alled Charlie, but he turned out to be from a drug team and Niko, Playboy X and Johnny had to shoot their way out of the builiding. Johnny held on to the H and it was from this deal he later had problems with FiB Agent Jones.

    The Lost contacted the Triads and set up a deal to sell the H back to them. The deal fell through and the Triads fired on Johnny and Jim. They killed all the Triads on the roof of a building in Chinatown, but Billy was arrested outside. The H stayed with the Triads until they attempted to offload it in Alderney. Niko Bellic, on orders from Phil Bell, attacked the deal. He killed the Triads and as the truck with the H drove away, he jumped on the back of it, climbed around on it and jumped into the cabin, killing the driver.

    Niko left the truck with Frankie, Phil Bells nephew. After a week or so, Frankie, Phil and Niko went back to move the drugs via cars. But the FiB had been watching and pounced. The 3 barely escaped and dumped the cars later, using a van to escape after a heated fire fight with N.O.O.S.E. After this, Jimmy Pegorino found a buyer for the cursed H, Dimitri Rascalov. Just as Niko was about to cut his ties with Pegorino, he asked Niko to do one last thing, oversee the deal with Dimitri.

    At this point, the story splits into the Revenge and Deal branches.

    Niko agrees to do the deal with Dimitri. He goes to the meet and Dimitri betrays the buyers and kills them, taking the Heroin for himself. Niko and phil are forced to fight for their lives and money. They eventually get the Money but when Niko goes to his Cousins wedding, Sergei, Faustins former bodyguard tries to kill him. They struggle and Roman is shot instead. Niko goes after Dimtri and eventually kills him on Happiness Island, and the Heroin is left with Dimtri's Russian Bratva.

    Niko goes to the Platypus, being used by Dimtri for importing and exporting Heroin, and kills the Russian crew and executes Dimtri. At Romans wedding, Jimmy Pegorino (who's mafia family is now ruined due to not having a deal left or the money) fires at Niko but hits Kate, killing her. Niko goes and chases Pegorino, and kills him on Happiness Island also. The Heroin remains with the Pegorinos, now ruined.

    The Coke

    Elizabeta's coke was brought to America by a coke mule called Marta. She arrived in the country and was about to be raped by a border inspection officer before she was rescued by Johnny Klebitz, who fought with LCPD and then evacuated her from Francis International, all while she speaks in Spanish to Johnny. John delivered her to Elizabeta who was very protective of her, and Malc and Johnny believed them to be in a rellationship.

    Eventually Malc and Johnny went to sell the coke but they ended up shooting one of the buyers and escaping via Doulbe T from a large police force. Johnny wasn't able to sell it and Elizabeta got Little Jacob to find some dealers, but they betrayed her and took the coke. Nik owas sent to get it back from them (they were the AOD) and retrieved it, but ULPC operative Michelle (real name Karen) took it from him.

    The Coke is thoguht to have remained with U.L.P.C and hasn't been moved. If it was given to the Russians in order to track their operation for John Gravelli, then Niko destroyed their operation anyway, so the coke is either in ULPC posserssion or destroyed.
  17. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geen idee wat ik heb gekozen bij Dwayne en Playboy. 8)
    Volgens mij is Dwayne nog levend bij mij. Zou het niet zo weten. Kan ik het controleren door bijv. in het telefoonboek te kijken welke er nog in staan en welke niet?
  18. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als Dwayne in je telefoon staat dan leeft hij nog. Of heb je die savehouse links boven in Algonquin, zo ja dan heb je Playboy vermoord.
  19. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heb je een savehouse in het noorden van algonquin?
    want dan heb je
    playboy x vermoord
  20. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Start 'm zo wel ff op om te kijken wie van de twee in m'n telefoonboek staat :+
    Hmm ik heb Dwayne er niet in staan, en playboy ook niet :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 1 mrt 2009
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