Yup, precies wat mistte in GTA IV. Of misschien ook niet, nu kunnen we hier echt naar uit kijken, had het al in iV gezeten,dan was het nu niet zo speciaal geweest.
Maar als we straks in jets kunnen vliegen, dan lijkt mij Los Santos en een stuk gebergte wel erg klein daarvoor. Je wilt toch juist flinke stukken ermee kunnen vliegen? Allemaal speculatie..want dadelijk kunnen we de fucking jets niet eens in 
Dan hoop ik echt dat ze gewoon LA niet te echt namaken, gooi gewoon je eigen draai eraan Rockstar.
Handige summary opzich:
What we know so far..
San Andreas is the location, if not all of it, at least Los Santos is 100% confirmed.
The time period appears to be present day.
At least some portion of the playable area is rural setting as indicated by the windmill and mountain scene.
All of San Andreas will be featured in-game. Several pieces of evidence may point to the entire state being playable, such as the jets we see flying over, the liquor store that appears to be in a desert setting as is evident by the dirt road and bare surroundings, the mountain from the hiking scene seems to show the new incarnation of Mt. Chiliad, the license plates of the vehicles saying SAN ANDREAS.
You will be able to customize your character(s?). The trailer shows weight lifting on the beach, a sign for piercings, a character with tattoos running from the police. Does this indicate character customization beyond a new suit will return to GTA?
Animals are included. The trailer does show a couple with their K-9 pal on the beach, was this just for a cutscene or can we expect to see dogs and possibly other animals roaming in the front yard of a suburban home? Going further can we expect to see police K-9 units or possibly have a dog as a companion in the game?
There are multiple playable characters. In the trailer we see a middle-older aged white male, whether the voice of the narrarator is this man is yet to be determined, however we do see this man more than once. We also see the hispanic appearing individual on more than one occasion, could the new story be split between two characters on opposing sides of the wealth struggle that the trailer seems to showcase?
Airplanes have returned. I won't add this to the facts simply because we don't have confirmation that you can actually pilot the planes seen in the trailer. However, this ties in with the entirety of San Andreas being available. If the map only consisted of a beefed up Los Santos I seriously doubt they would have flyable jets for the same reason they were not flyable in GTA IV, there would be nowhere to fly them, you could be across the map in 5 seconds in Liberty City if you were flying a jet. So heres hoping air travel will be a viable mode of transportation because of the gigantic size of San Andreas.
Laatst bewerkt: 2 nov 2011