Dit maakt me echt gek van nieuwsgiergiheid. Waaaaarom zetten ze een site van een vrouw die van bijen houdt in een reclame voor halo 2. Ik wil het weten, nu!
edit: als je op die site de link bij Q&A (questions and answers) volgt zegt de beheerdster dat de site gehackt is en de hackers zeiden dit:
The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible.
This is a significant warning, namely that any interference with that process will be regarded as a hostile act, and will be responded to accordingly. I don't know what the SPDR is capable of, but I'm not sure I want to find out.It's for this reason that I suggest that you don't do anything else to get in the way of this business. If your aunt's business needs a functioning web site immediately, purchase her a new and similarly named domain and get her web site going there. But let this follow its course… while it could just be some hackers being jerks, there is at least a chance that this is something unique and important and wonderful, a window on a world that we may have never seen before, nor will ever see again.
btw, ik bedoel die link die Tijmen net even voor mij postte.
Laatst bewerkt: 25 jul 2004