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Halo 2 Geruchten en Feiten Deel 4

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Elite, 11 jun 2004.

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  1. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik denk dat die nederlandse site alleen die counter heeft omdat het een grap is van een van die studenten daar want voor de rest is die site normaal
  2. Dioga

    Dioga Piraat

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De site is niet gehackt hoor lieve schat ;)
    Het verhaal is dat de site gehackt is. BEE staat naar alle waarschijnlijkheid voor Bungie Easter Egg, ilovebungieeastereggs.com ;)
    Zo gaat de site ook om een reden over bijen en niet over andere beestjes, waarom weet ik niet maar een reden heeft het! Daarbij relateren alle namen naar het verhaal van Halo of naar Bungie. Denk je dat het toeval is dat de site op 14 juli is geregistreerd en dat alle toevallig alle namen iets met Halo hebben te maken :+

    De eerste reacties op de blog zijn misschien door 5 mensen ofzo getypt, maar ze doen zich voor alsof het er veel zijn om het verhaal aan te dikken. Er staan trouwens een hoop links in de reacties naar verschillende sites die mee speculeren over wat er allemaal gaat gebeuren.
  3. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja maar ik haalde de duidelijkheid eruit zodat er minder verwarring is (hey "schat" wat is je telefoon nummer `knipoog`)
  4. InfernoGamer

    InfernoGamer ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    butfun.gif: She cut her a new mouth and fed her
    beelogo.gif: instead of carrying them with
    Butthehi.gif: She walked through the empty
    figure.jpg: and leave a hollow crown behind.
    cloe.jpg: Continuing on her quest, she spied another chip of precious
    margarets_market.jpg: When she had made (sure) of the tools
    danapicnic.jpg: At the feel of the Queen's pulse beneath her boney fingers, the Widow next thought to proclaim through all the Kingdom and into

    ik heb tot nu toe dit :eek:

    margaret.jpg: When her Queen died,
    bee_garden.jpg: At the gates of the Inner Keep all the guards were dead
    farnsworth-window.jpg: Queen, and I have walked up out of Hell to prepare this
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jul 2004
  5. aggie

    aggie Overloper

    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat mysterieus
  7. InfernoGamer

    InfernoGamer ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dat is niet het enige, kijk wat er bij margaret's bio staat..
    "It has started, he killers are among us. August 24th, there is only one who can save us now. "
    dat komt door dat netwerk gebeuren in die counter :eek:
  8. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ach ach ach ipv alle plaatjes door te zoeken kan je net zo goed even hier kijken ;)
    complete verhaal van ilovebees.com

    btw die stukjes van "MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY" schijnen passages te zijn uit Gulliver swift....

    *edit 2*
    nog iets grappigs die nederlandse site met dezelfde timer loopt 2 dagen achter.... (behalve voor de timer)
    nederlandse site :p
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jul 2004
  9. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    die nederlandse is zo nep gewoon een gecopieert van ilovebees door studenten
  10. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vreemd dat ze er dan 2 dagen verschil in hebben als ie alleen maar gekopieerd is volgens jou...
  11. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kijk misschien hebben ze het verkeerd gecopieert en daardoor loopt hij 2 dagen achter
  12. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    lijkt me erg onlogisch dat t een kwestie is van fout kopieeren...
    ik geloof zelf ook dat t een grap is maar waarom zouden ze m 2 dagen verschil laten hebben?
    gewoon iets dat ik me afvraag :p
  13. EL RIFLE

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze moet bijna kloppen komt van bungie.net heel knap gevonden(is wel lang sorry)
    Subject: Halo 2 Theory (involving www.ilovebees.com) -Please Read-

    I figured my theories need to be canonized and posted somewhere where all can read. They get lost in the other topic, which, at this moment, has surpassed 300 pages.

    If you haven't kept up-to-date with all of the stuff on www.ilovebees.com, this might confuse you. Hang in there.

    The Flood and Varrao Mites

    I'm sure you've all noticed a particular sound that plays as you access the page titled "the Hive". With some help, I've found out something interesting. That sound is the sound a queen bee makes. Not only that, but the queen bee only makes this sound when she is trapped. The sound is a call for her bees to come and protect her, and she only makes this noise when her life is in danger. Sound familiar? It should. It's the same general message relayed through the scattered texts around the site. Trapped...endangered...all alone...

    Second, on the "honey" page, Aunt M. tells us she can't produce more honey at the moment due to an infection of "varrao mites". (Note: I have noticed alternate spellings of this mite. One is spelled 'varrao', the other 'varroa', although they appear to be the same mite.)

    On further inspection, the mites seem to have some characteristics that ring a bell. They attach onto their chosen host and cause deformities, eventually resulting in death. Another effect of these destructive mites is "queenlessness". In other words, these mites cause the colony to be without a leader. This sounds like something we're familiar with, doesn't it? Think Captain Keyes and the Flood.

    It has become clear that the varrao mites are an integral part of this puzzle. Whoever narrarates the texts throughout the site speaks often of an eight-legged creature. This creature steals the narrator's thoughts. The narrator then goes on to say he or she has become a monster. It's all in the texts.

    I have come to believe that this eight-legged creature is none other than a Flood infection form. I also believe the infection form is too similar to the varrao mite to be purely coincidental. See for yourself. The similarities don't just stop with text. The varrao mite even looks like a Flood infection form. Don't believe me? Check it out:


    Three Swords

    From what I gather, there are three "swords" present in this evolving story. Each sword is harnessed by a different race and used to combat the Flood. The swords, while not literally being a sword in the Halo Universe, have historical ties.

    Cortana is the first, and most obvious sword. The well-known AI is used by the humans as a weapon against the Flood. Not only this, but Cortana is the name of a literal sword, part of Charlemagne's tale. When the sword struck, it dealt a fatal blow.

    There are two other swords present in Charlemagne's tale. We'll get to that soon enough.

    The second sword is Dana, who you all know to be the creator of www.ilovebees.com . Her site, and her, in a way, are being harnessed by the Covenant. As I said, the varrao mites are key. These mites, a.k.a. the Flood, have affected the Covenant far worse than they have us. It is possible they have infected a Prophet. I'm not clear on all of this just yet, but it seems that Dana is a way for the Covenant to communicate their cries for help. They are in more danger than us Humans are.

    In Charlemagne's tale, the second sword is named Durandal, which is a name I'm sure most of you are familiar with. Durandal is sometimes referred to as Durandana.

    Cortana and Durandana are both AIs. I can only assume the third and final sword is also an AI.

    Two swords, two races. We are left with one more.

    I quickly gathered that the Forerunner were the final race. It seemed obvious enough that the Halos were the tools they used to combat the Flood. However, I then realized the "sword" itself has to be a single entity. Another AI would make sense.

    Sticking with the story of Charlemagne, one final blade remains. Joyeuse, the sword which the King used himself, has to be the last sword in this puzzle. Harnessed by the Forerunner, Joyeuse is an AI related to the Halos, which they use in order to defeat the Flood.

    Although the AI Joyeuse remains to be seen, I am considering the idea that it might be a higher AI than 343 Guilty Spark. Perhaps it is one that governs over the entire network of Halos. Whatever the role Joyeuse the AI plays, it is surely an important one.


    Well that's it. Thanks for reading, and if you think you know something that could add to my theory, please share. Even if you have some evidence that disproves it, you are welcome to share that.

    - Jon
    en nog iets!

    Aight here is the answer to the bee's riddle...dont read forward if u want to solve it yourself...
    My translation from = http://www.ilovebees.com/comatas.html

    A little translation on the myth comatas...
    Comatas was an Italian shepherd most dedicated to the Muses. He frequently sacrificed his master's sheep to them in tribute. When the master discovered that Comatas was sacrificing his sheep to the Muses he locked Comatas in a caedar sarcophagus, and off-handedly said that since he was do dedicated to the Muses they would no doubt save him from death. Three months after the sarcophagus was sealed it was re-opened, and, much to the master's surprise, the Muses had indeed saved Comatas. They had been sending bees into the sarcophagus to give him food and water enough to live.
    My translation.
    The nine muses = halo players..
    met on mt olympus surrounded by the bee's = met on a slope surrounded by vehicles...
    one day a goat herd glimpesd them dancing..and caught up in a wave of awe = saw them near base and sent out one of his spartan's.
    the muses took pity comatas and sent there bee's to carry hunny to them through a crack in the chest..when the chest was fully opened he emerged in perfect health = they sent vehicles toattack the base and broke thru a spot in the defence...they killed every1 and some1 brokle away in a vehicle with the prized flag...ie honey..
    Halo 2 was suppposed to come out on the 9th of November (9/11/04)

    9 + 11 + 04 = 24

    you played Halo's single player?
    did you check the email of the person who 'supposedly' runs ilovebees.com?

    its ladybud777@hotmail.com

    7 x 7 x 7 = 343
    343 Guilty Spark

    you see how the first news post starts off with
    'it looks like ilovebees.com (aka SPiDeR)
    and see how the letters SPDR are in caps?
    well look to the left underneath 'IN PLAY'

    you see...SPiDeR (Halo 2) ?
    ie. Single ( S ) Player ( P ) Demo ( D ) Release ( R ) ie (Halo 2)

    But halo 2 cant be released as a demo......it has an ESRB rating so its completed....and in the faq they have sworn not to release a demo.....

    on the countdown it says in 3 days network throttling will erode.
    3 days time there is as ms conference

    IMO i think halo 2 will be released early...they have put it back so many times...and they have completed the game...why get it rated and complete and hold it 3 months to release?!?!

    Either that or in the microsoft meeting they will be discussing a halo 2 pc version. they can afford it lol..i dont care what happens but post what u think and hints...eetc in this thread and keep it alive.
    Hope this has passed those crossroads for y'all.

    En gelukt met lezen?
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jul 2004
  14. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het is niks bijzonder je ziet alleen die counter en je weet dus wel dat bungie er niet achter zit dus wie zijn het anders dan studenten die dat doen voor de lol en het is makkelijk om het fout te copieren
  15. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmm ik wou net de scripts op beide pagina's gaan vergelijken.
    alleen het schijnt dat de nederlandse site t niet doet op t moment |:-

    btw EL RIFLE nice stukje :D
  16. InfernoGamer

    InfernoGamer ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    daar dacht ik gister ook aan, lijkt me een beetje raar.
    Eerst zweren geen demo en dan opeens wel :{
  17. EL RIFLE

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    p.s even voor alle duidelijkheid,dit heb ik natuurlijk niet geschreven,uitgedokterd of wat dan ook....daar moet je slim voor zijn en niet zoals ik "retarded". ;)
    Maar ik vind het zo fuckin' knap gevonden allemaal......we gaan weer verder met zoeken ,keepin'you lads updated!
  18. InfernoGamer

    InfernoGamer ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    weer een theorie van het Bungie forum:

    Its in the Xbox Magazine. The magazine will availible to suscribers in 15 days just like in the countdown. It will be availible to book stores (non suscribers) on Aug 24. Its tons of new screenshots and reviews on Halo2, splinter cell, and many other games. This is so much more believible.
    It also says "The best and newest hardware in xbox gaming" That refers to meltdown, this is obviously the solution.

    maar ik vraag me toch af, waarom een hele site met zoveel raadsels maken voor een xboxmagazine 'halo 2' special :confused:
  19. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    toch iets dat ik niet snap aan die theorie...
    de timer telt af naar een uurtje of 6 s'ochtends. Waarom zou die dan naar zo'n vreemde tijd aftellen als het alleen maar een aantal artikelen zijn in een OXM... en waarom zou bungie zoveel ophef maken voor een nieuw artikeltje in de OXM? :confused:
  20. Coolie

    Coolie Zeer Zeker Onwetend

    Leuk Bevonden:
    om 6 uur sochtends worden alle bladen verstuurd naar kiosken enzo
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