At least the absence of staff members means we get longer to digest the contents of whiteboards and concept art hanging on partitions as we move around. How about this for a Halo 2 creature you've never heard of before: a Drinol Beast, a sort of hairless, grey monster with one eye - although there are other drawings of it with two eyes so you can't take for granted that it's going to make the final game. And then there's Bungie's twisted sense of humour to take into account. We wouldn't put it past the company to put a few red herrings around the place, just for a laugh. However, one whiteboard does catch our eye, chiefly because it's out of the way and unprepossessing. 'Block 4' is the title, followed by four subheadings: 'Spacestation', 'Flood Lab', 'Forerunner ship', and 'Delta Control'. Just a nugget like this is enough to whip fans into frenzies.
Overigens denk ik dat Bungie gek zou zijn als ze co-op eruit halen. Dit was een van de dingen die geweldig werkte in Halo, maja we zullen zien.