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Halo 2: Geruchten en feiten deel 5

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Elite, 23 aug 2004.

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  1. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    ik vind hier net wat informatie op het internet maar het is vrij oud volgens mij, geloof dus ook niet alles wat erin staat

    Halo 2



    ===Questions and Answers===

    Q - How many levels will be in Halo 2?
    A - Approximately 24 levels.

    Q - Where will the levels take place?
    A - 16 on Earth, 2 on the moon, and 6 on another Halo ring.

    Q - What type of vehicles will be in Halo 2?
    A - Here is a list of planned vehicles:

    >Transporthog (Unknown)
    >All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV)

    Q - What types of enemies will appear in Halo 2?
    A - Here is a list of planned enemies for Halo 2:

    >Advanced Grunts
    >Ultimate Grunts (Unknown)
    >Secret Enemy
    >Gold Elites
    >Platinum Elites (Unknown)
    >Ultimate Elites

    Q - When is Halo 2 coming out?
    A - Halo 2 is planned for a September release. It may end up coming out in

    Q - What are the multiplayer features for Halo 2?
    A - Here is a list of features for Halo 2:

    >16 players (System Link)
    >24 players (Xbox Live)
    >2-4 players (Co-op) (Unknown)

    Q - How will the enemies react to the enviroment?
    A - The enemies in Halo 2 will fully react to its enviroment, looking all
    around trying to find a way to attack you. The enemies will be able to use
    items in the enviroment against you.

    Q - Is there bots? (By bots I mean if you dont have anyone to play with)
    A - Unfortunately, no. Bungie states that bots will not be a good idea. They
    have no reason but are sure that they dont want bots in Halo 2.

    Q - What are the new weapons in Halo 2?
    A - Some of the known weapons in Halo 2 are:

    >Battle Rifle
    >Sub - Machine Gun
    (more to come)

    Q - What is the Storyline for Halo 2?
    A - The basic storyline for Halo 2 is that the convenant are beginning to
    attack earth. No more information was released about the storyline of Halo 2.

    Q - Are enviroments in Halo 2 destructible?
    A - FULLY. The enviroments will be your second most powerfull weapon. Throwing
    enemies into walls and other kinds of things will definetly help you. You
    could also hide in the shadows and sneek up to your foes.

    Q - Will Master Chief's armor be improved?
    A - At it's fullest. His armor, along with the marines, will still have its
    automatic recharge. It will of course be much stronger than the first time

    Q - Will Halo 2 come with game demos?
    A - Yes. Halo 2 might contain demos of Driv3r, Spiderman 2, and Fuzion Frenzy
    2. (Unknown)

    Q - Is Halo 2 going to be the game of the century?
    A - That depends on how much work Bungie put into it. It does look like they
    put a lot of work because they have been making it for about 2 years now. I
    personally think so.

    Q - What's new in Halo 2?
    A - There will be tons of new ideas embeded in Halo 2 such as new vehicles,
    destructible environments, new weapons, low gravity levels, online play, Human
    vs. Covenant multiplayer battles, improved AI, and more. But most of this you
    already know.

    Q - What kind of vehicles will be allowed in the multiplayer of Halo 2?
    A - EVERY SINGLE ONE! EVEN THE FLYING ONES! Halo PC is the perfect preview of
    Halo 2.

    In this section you'll learn in detail about the new items/weapons/vehicles in
    Halo 2.


    The same old car from Halo. Of course, now it will have better detail because
    of the new graphics engine. I was informed by Chris Meanor
    (haikumojo@hotmail.com) that the Warthog has two versions : Regular turret and
    Plasma Cannon.

    # of people it can carry = 3
    Description = Driver - Passenger - Gunner

    This new type of Warthog is built for the jungle. It is great to camouflage
    all of the passengers aboard.

    # of people it can carry = 3
    Description = Driver - Passenger - Gunner

    This other type of Warthog is built for a snow terrain. Its wheels look that
    of a tank to easily travel through the snow.

    # of people it can carry = 4
    Description = Driver - Passenger - Passenger - Passenger

    A vehicle whose job is that of its name: to transport. This big version of the
    warthog is only for transport

    # of people it can carry = 6
    Description = Driver - Passenger - Passenger - Passenger - Passenger -

    >All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV)
    This one man vehicle is the fastest one of them all. It is mostly used to
    catch or run away from enemies.

    # of people it can carry = 1
    Description = Driver


    Note : The "Encounter Them" section means how often you run into them
    throughout the game.

    A very fierce bear-looking enemy. Brutes have the ability to jump on any car
    and forcely take you out. You do not want to get in their way.

    Strength = XXXXXXX
    Encounter Them = High

    The leaders of the grunts. Grunts follow the cammands of these ugly-looking

    Strength = XXX
    Encounter Them = Low

    The same old creatures from the previous Halo. They're just a little tougher
    to defeat.

    Strength = XX
    Encounter Them = Very High

    >Advanced Grunts
    These are specialized grunts with cannons (Also in previous Halo). I think
    they're in the last level in Halo.

    Strength = XXX
    Encounter Them = High

    >Ultimate Grunts
    These are the last versions of grunts. They are as big and strong as a normal

    Strength = XXXXX
    Encounter Them = Very High

    These creatures are in the original Halo and are presented in the Halo 2 demo.
    Most of them are equiped with shields while others are not.

    Strength = XX
    Encounter Them = Very High

    >Secret Enemy
    Enemy you see in the new Halo 2 picture. I contacted Bungie asking if that was
    Jackal and they said "NO". They said that these are much more powerful than a
    Jackal and can probably even beat a Golden Elite! They did not say the name

    Strength = XXXXXXX
    Encounter Them = Unknown

    The same Elites from the previous Halo except just a little tougher to defeat.

    Strength = XXXXX
    Encounter Them = Medium

    >Gold Elites
    The same Elites from the previous Halo. The same thing goes for these Elites.

    Strength = XXXXXXX
    Encounter Them = Low

    >Platinum Elites
    These Elites are the same height as a Brute. They have the ability to jump
    very high into the air or call in a group to attack.

    Strength = XXXXXXXXX
    Encounter Them = Medium

    >Ultimate Elites
    This is the last version of an Elite. These elites can have a plasma sword,
    become invisible, or call in a group of them to attack.

    Strength = XXXXXXXXXX
    Encounter Them = Medium


    >Battle Rifle
    This a mix between the machine gun in Halo and the sniper rifle. This gun is
    great for a slow going mission.

    Power = XXXXX

    >Sub - Machine Gun
    This gun is like one of those guns that have six holes to shoot from and is
    very heavy.

    Power = XXXXXXXXXX

    This section will show if any rumors are confirmed. Only the non-confirmed
    ones will be Marked with *. Note: There may also more items/weapons/vehicles
    to be added.

    >>Vehicles (80% Confirmed)
    >All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV)

    >>Enemies (65% Confirmed)
    >Advanced Grunts*
    >Ultimate Grunts*
    >Secret Enemy
    >Gold Elites
    >Platinum Elites*
    >Ultimate Elites*

    >>Weapons (100% Confirmed)
    >Battle Rifle
    >Sub - Machine Gun

    ===Other Info===
    I got some of this information from people I know so I dont believe some of
    it. I just posted it here to show people the possible things that might be in
    Halo 2. I also posted some information from Bungie.net which seems highly
    possible to happen.

    Just kidding! There is no major news! It just a NEWS section!I found all of
    this info in many different places so I'm putting it together to make one
    report. (Note : Everything that is written here is considered true)

    >>>Multiplayer Levels (Only 3 Known)

    >>Snowblind (Unknown)
    A possible snow covered level in Halo 2. It is said that you can hide a bomb
    under the snow to catch your enemies easier.

    A huge structure based level with tons of hiding places. The structure at the
    center of the level is an alien machine.

    >>Burial Mounds
    A desert-based level in which ATV's can be driven.

    >>Note : The old levels like Blood Gulch and Sidewinter will return.

    >>>Convenant Vehicles

    A suprisingly large vehicle used by the convenant capable of carrying 2
    passengers and 1 driver. In the back passenger seat the vehicle carries a
    plasma gun powerful enough to kill a Brute with one shot.

    >>The New Dropship
    Capacity to carry up to 20 convenant passengers. Also has a gun like the other

    >>The Phantom
    Vehicle seen in the Halo 2 E3 demo. It can shoot a lazer from the bottom of
    it. Bungie also said that later in the game they change.......

    >>The Transport Bus
    A mini version of the dropship. Mostly used for taking a convenant here and
    there. Not much of use though.

    >>>Any Other Convenant Information

    >>The Convenant Will Be Playable
    Elites will be playable in multiplayer. I dont know if any other convenant
    forces are playable, nor do I know if there will be more than one class of
    human to choose from.

    >>The Convenant Attacks
    The Convenant can do various of different attacks:

    They can get on each others back to try to reach you if you are on a high

    >Throw Gun
    When the bullets run out on a convenants weapon, they will throw their gun at
    you and run away (Except fot Elites).
  2. tha messenger

    tha messenger limited

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het verteld niet echt veel nieuws, maar toch leuk om ff door te lezen. Ik krijg echt al meer en meer zin om dit allemaal te gaan spelen. 24 missies zou wel lekker zijn.
  3. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Duidelijk nep, bron?
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 aug 2004
  4. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vertrouw het ook niet. Bungie zou toch niet zomaar zeggen waar alles zich afspeeld? Hier staat een hele lijst met hoeveel levels op Aarde, de Maan en een andere halo ring afspelen. Ik vertrouw het niet.
  5. Tijmen

    Tijmen Master Chief

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er staat ook dat de release datum nog niet bekend is.
  6. The Summoner

    The Summoner X...B...O...X

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vraag me af hoe de HALO 2 Theme zou klinken...en de soundtrack voor Halo 2!
    Hopelijk gooit Marty O`Donnel nog ff wat muziek op de site!
  7. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The leaders of the grunts. Grunts follow the cammands of these ugly-looking

    dit klopt dus al niet. En Ultimate Grunts die net zo sterk zijn als Elites?:confused: ik benieuwd wie dit allemaal verzonnen heeft.
  8. Ravage

    Ravage Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is wel grappig om te lezen, maar nogal slecht verzonnen en met weinig fantasie...
  9. [SSS]Whisp

    [SSS]Whisp Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    tja denk ook nie dat da waar zal zijn giel, maar eht kan toch wel zo zijn dat er een sterkere versie van de grunt zal komen (k bedoel k vind niks zo geinig als die kleine op stang jagen maar zo mogen wel een stukje sterker)
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 aug 2004
  10. il bruto

    il bruto Flame Fury

    Leuk Bevonden:
    is idd duidelijk onzin,of op zijn minst zwaar achterhaald.staan nog dingen in zoals de ATV,die er nu toch officiëel is uitgehaald,e.d.
  11. MasterApu

    MasterApu De klassieker

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het zal wel oud nieuws zijn. Maar ik zie voor het eerst een in-game filmpje van de multiplayer van halo 2. En dat ziet er echt vet uit, en het filmpje is lang:).

  12. Velvet_Dark

    Velvet_Dark Finish the Fight...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die info is eigenlijk net als dat IEDEREEN er maar vanuit ging dat Halo 2 in April 2004 uit zou komen, toen zei Bungie "Its done when its done" en Halo 2 kwam niet in April, toen zei iedereen dat Halo 2 uitgesteld was terwijl Bungie toen nog geen release datum had gegeven....
  13. [SSS]Whisp

    [SSS]Whisp Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja ,maar wat nu erg kut is is eht feit dat halo2 op 9 november zou komen maar dat hij nu op 11 november komt (wrom stel je een game 2 dagen uit :confused: )
  14. schijterwt

    schijterwt *-*

    Leuk Bevonden:
    9/11 klinkt niet zo lekker :)
  15. [SSS]Whisp

    [SSS]Whisp Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je leest teveel PU. (of je neemt gewoon perongeluk hun uitspraak over)

    waar ik em zorgen om maak is wanner k ehm dan krijg k heb samen met giel (THE matrix) ehm besteld (de limited edition natuurlijk) maar k vraag me af of k hem nu op de 9e of de 11e krijg :confused:
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 aug 2004
  16. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    9 november is Amerika. 10 November is frankrijk en belgië. 11 november rest van Europa.
    Waarschijnlijk komt die van gcshop.nl al de 10e, proberen ze.
  17. [SSS]Whisp

    [SSS]Whisp Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    thx for the info
  18. schijterwt

    schijterwt *-*

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Frankrijk en belgie een dag eerder??? en voor die snotapen moest het juist naar het frans worden vertaald 8)
  19. Velvet_Dark

    Velvet_Dark Finish the Fight...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik haat fransen, zijn ook nog eens geen sportive Xbox Live gamers !
  20. Soulfly_3

    Soulfly_3 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien al gevraagd maar:
    Zal Halo 2 ook downloadable content hebben voor de singleplayer mode, dus extra levels die van belang zijn voor het verhaal?
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