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Halo 3 [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Goiz, 28 dec 2005.

Niet open voor verdere reacties.
  1. No_Name

    No_Name -

    Leuk Bevonden:
    jah maarh eyh jongen speculeren heeft ook een grens er wordt nu 3 tpoics lang gebullshit over dit spel en strax heb je er teveel van verw8 en wordt het weer een teleurstelling dus ..

    ff een tijdje laten inzinken ...als er nieuws is over halo 3 en dan bedoel k van bungie dan praten we wel verder.

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:

    I will remind you HAlo was originally meant to be a RTS.

    This post is by “WHAT KID” in the xbox.com forums.

    It fits in perefectly with FRankies Extensive UI comments text comments etc.

    As you may recall, before I posted a tiny bit of insider info on Halo 3 and was
    caught by the mods for doing so. Fortunately for me, I’m fairly anonymous on
    here anyways. I don’t care whether or not you believe me and I unfortunately
    can’t tell you any specifics about who I am without risking my job but there is
    a memo/mission statement circulating between Bungie’s various development teams
    in order to get input from fellow Bungie employees on the various features
    planned for Halo 3. I’m one of the lucky people who got a chance to read
    through the memo. And outlined below are as many of the details as I could
    remember from it. Nothing here is confirmed, just several of the things being
    considered by Bungie for Halo 3. And don’t even expect to hear any solid
    details on Halo 3’s features till the game is well into development. Though
    almost all of this is still in the planning stages, I just thought that it
    might be nice to get the word out and get some input from the hardcore Halo

    Changes to Online Play…

    Xbox Live games will have many more options and players can choose to play with
    31, 15, or 7 other players in the game type and the map of their choice. In
    Halo 3, players will also be able pick such rudimentary options as whether
    music tracks on their HDD will play in the background, whether they want
    infinite grenades and whether all starting primary and secondary weapons as
    well as the heavy and light vehicles are randomly determined each respawn.
    Everything in the game from the trees to the giant skyscrapers will be fully
    destructible in the multiplayer maps as well. Another feature mentioned was an
    online co-op and counter-op mode with up to 16 players. These 16 player co-op
    and counter-op modes will only be available for a select few massive open ended
    single player missions. There will be a ton of additional gameplay modes as
    well, including one where you spend the whole time on the back of a warthog,
    one where your job will be to accompany and protect certain individuals. In
    co-op 15 players play along side you as fellow marines while the counter-op
    team will assume the roles of elites and other units all over the massive map
    with the job of preventing your team from completing the mission in the
    allotted time. When one of the co-op or counter-op players die, they simply
    assume the role of one of the computer controlled allied or opposing characters
    should one be available.

    Changes to Level Design…

    In addition to dual wielding and stealing vehicles (and steal weapons as well
    using a new disarm attack), Master Chief will be able to swim very quickly and
    will able to sprint this time and will also be able to quickly duck and roll
    out of the way in order to avoid charging vehicles and hunters.

    Various weather and particle effects including snow, rain, lightning, dust
    storms (presumably for a desert level), fog (presumably for a rainforest level)
    as well as many ambient life forms found on Earth, including fish, sharks,
    alligators, birds, rabbits, stampeding rhinos (in jungles), and civilians in
    complete panic and disarray (in urban settings) will be included.

    The levels will be truly massive in scope, completely destructible (down to
    every last wall of every building), fully interactive (you can climb to the top
    of and fight in the rooftops or through the windows of virtually every
    building) and allow for full free roaming. All of Earth’s armies are immersed
    in a war to determine the fate of Earth itself, and the levels, the tone, and
    the scale of the gameplay will truly reflect this.

    The flood are making an reappearance possibly on Earth!!! (only they’ll now be
    faster, scarier and more hideous than ever before). And their numbers will be
    so massive at certain areas that the only way to survive is to sneak past them
    while destroying critical light sources to be able to hide in the shadows.

    The game will center on repelling the covenant invasion of Earth. The levels
    will be much bigger as will the number of enemies and the number of allies by
    your side. This will be a full blown massive war between the covenant, humans
    and flood with tons upon tons of units from each faction engaged in combat at
    any given time all over the massive levels. The outdoor levels also allow
    players to free roam and choose which battles they wish to engage in thus
    giving players the sense that they truly are fighting an epic war for Earth’s
    survival. To facilitate this, the game will be less scripted, the AI will be
    ramped up quite a bit more (to a degree that bots will require no additional
    programming time), the multiplayer games will support atleast 32 players at
    once, and there will be multiple playable characters with unique strengths and

    The playable characters being considered include Hunters (bigger targets,
    slower except when charging someone without a weapon, but they have more life,
    are much faster and have more varied melee attacks) and the flying Drones found
    in the first level of Halo 2 (weaker but faster and possessing the ability to
    fly limited distances). But there is talk that all the characters in Halo will
    be playable characters.

    The bots and AI allies and opponents will be so advanced that not only will
    they be able to drive realistically, every thing about their actions makes you
    feel as though you are facing a real human opponent. A feature being considered
    that’s tied to this includes voice control of nearby marines and bots. If
    implement, it’s possible that by utilizing the headphones used on live, nearby
    bots and marines will be able to recognize and obey simple commands such as
    defend this area (whatever area the crosshair is pointed to), retreat and take
    cover, follow me, drive this vehicle to enemy flag, provide cover fire, wait
    here, attack in line formation etc.

    A map/mission maker is also strongly being considered.

    New Weapons…

    Bungie is considering just having one type of grenade on the map. But these
    standard grenades can be made into the sticky plasma grenades, EMP grenades,
    proximity grenades, or bouncing grenades based on which button the player holds
    down as they press the trigger to launch the grenade into the air. If no button
    is pressed, they are launched as standard grenades

    EMP grenades - a much larger blast radius that are ideally suited for
    temporarily disabling all nearby vehicles including planes and helicopters

    Proximity grenades – explode whenever someone approaches them

    Bouncing Grenades – Bounce all over the map for 10 seconds until they hit a
    player or vehicle.

    Also under consideration…

    A gravity gun

    A flame thrower

    A new controller exclusively for Halo 3!! It’s a light gun shaped like Master
    Chief’s rifle complete with a scope through which to look through and zoom in,
    but with two triggers and two shafts, one to be gripped with each hand. The two
    triggers allow for independent control of dual weapons, or a weapon and
    grenades. And each shaft houses the two analog sticks and all the buttons that
    would found on the controller to allow you to do anything you could do while
    playing the game using a standard controller. If you’ve ever played Silent
    Scope or any of those games, that’s likely how the controller will be set up.
    But they’ll be a analog sticks that you can use to control Master Chiefs

    New Vehicles

    A helicopter that basically serves as the human answer to the banshee

    A large transport boat for the humans with a cannon and the ability to carry up
    to three people (expect there to be some extraordinary battles over water)

    All of the covenant vehicles (the spectre, wraith, ghost (basically the
    equivalent of a jet ski) etc.)

    can now hover over water as well

    The Pelican, Covenent Shadow, Phantom, and Scarab can all now be driven by
    human players. In fact, occupying and driving the Scarab to the enemy base so
    that you can destroy it while the opposing team tries to board and regain control
    of the Scarab (in order to do the same) will be one of the key multiplayer
    modes available online.

    A fast ATV/Motorcycle type vehicle that serves as the human answer to the Ghost
    is being reconsidered. Only now, it may be in the form of a small fast hover
    craft that can be driven over bodies of water as well.

    The plan seems to be use much of the 360’s processing and graphical power to
    create much bigger, much more populated, fully destructible levels with a great
    many enemies, realistic AI, and many simultaneous battles. Halo 3 will not be a
    scripted action FPS. It will be a dynamic world with combat going on
    simultaneously at all parts of the world at all times. The player will be able
    to roam to any part of the level at any time and still find plenty of battles
    to engage in. The exact same level will pack a very different experience each
    time you play it depending on the route and strategies you use to get to your
    objective. In addition, all actions and events will be stored to the HDD so
    that players will be able to review their gameplay from multiple angles at any
    desired speed after the level ends and players will even be able to store their
    favorite clips of gameplay to the HDD. You know how during Live matches, you
    get to view the gameplay of a fellow teammate from a more aerial perspective.
    That seems to be similar to what Bungie is going for only you can zoom in on
    the footage from multiple angles. And while this alone is enough to make the
    gameplay revolutionary for an FPS, it actually seems to be a part of a
    revolutionary new gameplay mode that Bungie is trying to implement.

    So why am I putting so much emphasis on the zoomed out camera mode and the
    massive level sizes? Why is Bungie dedicating so much time to programming in an
    AI smart enough to literally take over for a human player for short periods of
    time? Why are there going to be so many characters engaged in combat all over
    the level at any one time? Why did Bungie spend such a large part of Halo 2
    introducing a new covenant ally that is also a playable character? Because
    Bungie’s current plan is to take the Halo universe back to it’s original roots
    in some of massive outdoor maps in the single player campaign. And by it’s
    original roots, I’m referring to how Halo originally started as an RTS. This
    caught me by surprise when I first read it as well. Fear not, a top priority
    seems to be (and I say so because it was emphasized multiple times on the memo)
    is that this will be integrated into the gameplay seamlessly so that players
    can easily switch back and forth from the aerial RTS perspective whenever they
    desire. Halo is still fully designed to be an FPS first and foremost and you
    will be able to play through the entire game without once having to try the RTS
    aspect of the game if you so desire. Every level starts from the FPS
    perspective and ends with the FPS perspective. Sure in some of the massive
    outdoor single player levels, you will be able to zoom out to a more aerial
    perspective for some RTS functionality at any time, but this is by no means a
    critical component of the game, just a fun diversion of sorts.

    So how will this feature be implemented? From what I can gather, everything
    about this mode, including whether or not it will even be included, is still
    very much up in the air. Several Bungie employees are unsure how fans will
    react to this addition, no matter how well it’s implemented or how unobtrusive
    it will be to the FPS mode. So if you’re indeed interested in seeing this
    feature be implemented, I strongly recommend that you contact Bungie with your
    opinion. But here’s how the mode is being approached for now. Cortona will be
    rescued early on and will take charge of coordinating Earth’s forces against
    the invading hordes. She will be observing the entire battlefield from an aerial
    perspective. And in certain levels, you can opt to switch to her perspective by
    pressing a button (likely the black button) giving the AI control of Master
    Chief or the Arbiter or whichever character you were commanding. The AI plays
    far more conservatively with these characters than a normal human player so
    they won’t die on their own losing you the mission. But since they are not
    nearly as aggressive as human players, assuming their character will be
    essential to complete missions. As Cortana, you will assume Cortana’s various
    duties but can at anytime opt to switch back to your character, or possibly any
    allied character found on the battle field that you select.

    So what exactly will you be able to do as Cortana and how will you be able to
    execute these commands with so few buttons? According to the memo, this seems
    to be the current plan. Cortana’s primary job will be coordinate troop
    movements. All allied forces will be divided into various squads that Cortana
    can cycle through with the press of a button. You use one joy stick to move the
    pointer around the map and the other to change the camera angle and zoom in and
    out. While the various squads will use their AI to direct their general actions
    and will often follow Master Chief or the Arbiter’s lead, Cortana will be able
    to order the selected squads to go to any point selected by the pointer and
    will be able to command them with basic voice commands such as defend this
    area, assault or attack this area etc. Cortana will also be able to select individual
    units on the map using the pointer and give them commands such as (using the
    pointer as an indicator) drive this vehicle, man this turret, take this sniper
    rifle, leave your squad and go to this high point and snipe this area, be the
    gunner of this vehicle and she can then use the pointer to select the entire
    vehicle and order it to attack a certain point etc.

    Good squad coordination to take advantage of choke points, good sniping spots,
    defend critical buildings, provide supporting fire to another squad in trouble,
    sneak into and destroy critical enemy structures, destroy critical vehicles
    will all make the level much easier for Master Chief and/or the Arbiter. In
    addition, there will be various drop ships all over the battlefield that pick
    up newly built vehicles or newly trained troop squads and drop them off in
    needed regions on the battlefield. While this process is completely automated,
    Cortana can use a button to cycle through and take control of active drop ships
    to ensure that the drop ships take the safest, fastest route possible and drop
    off supplies to the squads that you intend to use for future assaults etc.
    Bungie is also considering implementing an influence bar for Cortana.

    While new squads of troops may be trained at the barracks on the battle field
    and dropped off for deployment, Cortana can also use up her influence (with the
    press of a white button) to request additional troops, weapons, or vehicles be
    dropped off to the area indicated by the pointer via drop ships from bases that
    are some distance away from the battle field and thus out of the level’s view.
    Her influence bar will increase as allied forces destroy enemy vehicles, units
    and buildings. And this bar is depleted slightly everytime Cortana requests
    additional units or vehicles. Cortana will not be able to construct new
    buildings or rapidly repair entire buildings as is possible in most other RTS
    as it’s not realistic having a building pop up in the middle of a battle. But
    there will likely be various buildings already on the map that Cortana will
    have to defend and utilize. And Cortana will be able to cycle through the
    various buildings on the level with the press of a button.

    For example, there may be various powerstations on the battlefield that you as
    Cortana will have to defend. Should one of them be damaged or destroyed,
    Cortana will choose which of the support buildings will be powered down
    (indicated by all the lights inside the building going off). These support
    building will likely include turrets surrounding key choke points, various
    factories that can produce a couple of vehicles of Cortana’s choice throughout
    the course of a battle, repair facilities that can fix damaged vehicles.
    Cortana will be coordinating both human forces and allied covenant forces led by
    the arbiter and will thus have access to human drop ships on some levels and
    covenant drop ships and units and vehicles in other levels. All of these tasks
    are automated and most of these actions occur without you having to order them.
    Squads attack nearby enemies on their own. Drop ships drop off supplies on
    their own etc.

    When playing as Master Chief or the Arbiter,
    players won’t even really notice all this stuff going on in the background.
    Occasionally, Cortana tells you where to go. Occasionally, drop ships drop off
    additional marine squads, weapons, and vehicles for you to use. This aspect of
    the game will feel identical to how Halo 1 and 2 feel. They maybe able to
    request additional supplies or troops dropped off by cortana. And it’s likely
    they will be able to request air strikes from support ships onto specific
    locations. But these won’t significantly alter the gameplay. The only key
    differences will be more open ended level design, gameplay, fully destructable
    environments, and more enemies on screen for those particular levels where the
    Cortana mode is available. Other levels such as indoor levels will feature
    objective based gameplay with various check points as before. But as Cortana
    you can take charge and coordinate how these all background tasks occur.
    According to my friend, Bungie really wants to find a way to incorporate this
    new mode into online play (perhaps having one player on each team play
    Cortana’s role for the team defending various buildings and commanding all the
    drop ships while all the units on screen are played by real people). But this
    is a task that’s far easier said than done.

    There were some other stuff but this is all that I can remember at this time.
    If I get another look at the memo or remember anything else, I’ll add an

    Some feedback I received from Halo players that I’ve told about this and my
    responses to them…

    “In Single player, it maybe awesome but playing as hunter or drone in
    Multiplayer is going to fail , the cool thing in Multiplayer is that Spartans
    are all equal, no one is more powerful than the other ones, I don’t want this
    to be unbalanced.”

    First, I’m not sure if you will be able to play as these characters in
    multiplayer too or be able to take on their role in some of the large outdoors single
    player levels by switching to Cortona and then clicking on any allied character
    on the map and pressing the black button. Even if your character is choosable
    in multiplayer custom games. I’m sure that in ranked games, everyone playing
    will have to play as either MC or the Arbiter to keep it fair. But in custom
    games, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea to let a human army with 16 players many
    using different characters, take on a diverse covenent army.

    “I love the RTS aspects of it that may offer a nice change of pace, but
    only if it means that when I want to play it the game as an FPS, I can play
    through the game in it’s entirety as a FPS.”

    Like I said, this seemed to be a top priority at Bungie as well. If they do go
    ahead and implement the RTS components, they will make certain that everyone
    that wants to can play through the whole game as MC or the Arbiter without ever
    once having to play as Cortana atleast from what I got off the memo. And in the
    indoor levels, playing as Cortana probably isn’t even an option. Those players
    who don’t want to play from the new perspective likely won’t have to. That’s a
    lesson that Bungie learned from the feedback they got on making people as the
    Arbiter. The memo mentioned a lot of people loved it, but some hated it. So
    this time, they’re going to make sure those that hate it can simply opt to
    ignore it without it changing their gameplay at all while keeping those that
    like the idea satisfied. And the memo mentions that Bungie’s research suggests
    even those that didn’t want to play the RTS elements still really liked the
    notion of being able to request additional troops, or call down air strikes
    which such a mode would make possible. You will probably be able to request air
    strikes and such as MC as well.

    So there is no reason to ever switch to Cortona, unless you geninuely want to.
    And I believe that the plan is, that even when you’re Cortana, things will be
    automated as if you were MC. Dropships will automatically drop off supplies and
    possibly pick up damaged vehicles for repair. You just have the ability to
    redirect the squads or dropships to go on a different path, in order to make
    the game easier. Bungie seems to want to keep this simple and entirely
    optional. Even for those that don’t opt to play the RTS component, this will
    provide a means for them to play as any character in the map, rather than just
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 feb 2006
  3. Dutch Vigilante

    Dutch Vigilante gameverslaafde

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nee het staat hier op xboxworld bij de releases kijk maar dat ie dit jaar nog uitkomt ;)

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hi,hi daar dacht ik ook aan toen ik aan het lezen was.8)
  5. unitbuster

    unitbuster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dit las ik net...

    Yesterday video gaming site Hexus published a story claiming that Bungie has completed Halo 3, and are awaiting the green light.

    According to an inside source speaking with Hexus, the final artwork has been finished for disc, booklets and box art. As well, one of Europe’s largest CD distributors is on standby, waiting for word from Bungie.

    Moore has recently dropped a few hints regarding the release of Halo 3, saying that for now MS will ride the “wave of success” with the launch of the 360, and will pull Halo 3 when the time is right.

    "The good news is interestingly we're riding this wave of success [with Xbox 360] and Halo's still sitting in the quiver. Ready to pull out when we feel like it's done," Moore has said in an interview with GameInformer.com.

    Moore also suggested that Halo is being kept under wraps is to avoid Xbox 360 being pigeon-holed.

    "One of the things we said to ourselves a number of years ago is that this has to be more than a Halo box. This [the Xbox 360] has to be more than a shooter box if we're going to grow and expand the marketplace, and expand our own market share in the marketplace. We need to broaden who we are as a brand, which I think we've done very well. And we need to get away from some of the darkness of being a shooter box," said Moore.
  6. Dutch Vigilante

    Dutch Vigilante gameverslaafde

    Leuk Bevonden:
    t zou wel heel verstandig zijn
    want bij halo 2 viel t toch gedeeltelijkt tegen
    omdat iedereen er zulke hoge verwachtingen van had na 2 jaar van wachten
    ik zou t nie erg vinde als ie nu kom:p
  7. unitbuster

    unitbuster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja maarja dan nog ze willen wachten op een goed moment en dan is het maar net de vraag wanneer dat goeie moment is
  8. apoc123

    apoc123 Lucian

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dat verhaal hier een paar posts boven is echt volkomen bull shit volgens mij, dit was ook allemaal verteld toen halo 2 uit kwam en dat bleek volkomen bullshit, ze hebben nu een aardige formule denk je echt dat ze die zo drastisch gaan veranderen.
  9. rikkel

    rikkel Umm Kulthum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    xbw weet al wat halo 3 allemaal kan :9

  10. Nicos

    Nicos Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De meeste punten die daar staan spreken voor zich.
  11. unitbuster

    unitbuster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    er staat ook 2e kwartaal 2006 dus dan zou het kunnen maarja als dat zo is dan zullen we wel binnenkort screenshots enz gaan krijgen. Dus dat moeten we maar eerst afwachten
  12. No_Name

    No_Name -

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo zou een dronken Xbox 360 medewerker flink wat geheimen hebben vertelt.

    - Microsoft en Blizzard zijn bezig met een 360 versie voor World of Warcraft. Deze versie zal speciaal zijn aangepast voor gebruik met de headset en zal natuurlijk draaien op aparte servers. Bovendien krijgen de Xbox 360 spelers de nieuwe uitbreiding een maand eerder dan de rest.

    - In november komt Microsoft met een media uitbreiding voor Xbox live, oftewel legaal muziek downloaden. De prijzen zullen tussen de 99 cent en 4 dollar gaan zitten per liedje/video.

    De volgende geruchten zijn NOG vager:

    - Halo 3 komt in de herfst

    - Binnen twee jaar zullen er 50 Dreamcast games op de Arcade staan

    Uit de duim gezogen of misschien toch een kern van waarheid? Sommige klinken wel enigzins logisch. Vooral de media center moet er haast wel aan komen. Volgens het gerucht weten we op de E3 meer.

    Bron: Xbox 360 News
  13. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja en een Dronken sony medewerken zei dan in feb de PS# wordt gelaunceerd
  14. EL RIFLE

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jongen lig niet zo te .............
  15. unitbuster

    unitbuster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    we kunne nu wel gaan raden wanneer die uitkomt maar we kunnen beter wachten tot we wat screenschots krijgen of een trailer en daarna pas gaan raden
  16. jensss

    jensss ^^

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja door een trailer kan je opeens wel gaan raden? :confused:

    Laatst bewerkt: 9 feb 2006
  17. auke

    auke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan er wel aan zien hoever ze ongeveer zijn, als ze al een meesterlijk filmpje hebben waar je veel verschillende dingen in ziet kan je een stuk beter raden.
  18. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat kan niet aan een Filmpje kan je niet zien hoever ze zijn. Kijk naar de E3.
  19. EL RIFLE

    EL RIFLE paf!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee,maar je kunt wel zien wat de intenties van het spel zijn en dan vervolgens verder SPECULEREN.
  20. auke

    auke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat hij zegt ja.:)
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