Halo 3 [Deel 3]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Willem, 23 mei 2006.

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    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, want die was ronduit KUT als je hem vergelijkt met halo1 en andere spellen. HEt is gewoon een dual pakken en raggen en meer niet, alles zit verder vast op rails en de trein gaat er snel doorheen:p. Bij halo1 had je nog wat tactiek en nadenken en langzaam werken nodig om hem uit te spelen (de eerste 2 keer op legendary dan:9 8) )
  2. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had ook veel meer verwachtingen van die Halo 2 singleplayer.

    Misschien kunnen jullie die scene nog herinneren met de MC en dat ie dan aan het eind kwam met een ghost en er dropte van die kisten met elite`s met swords erin. Daarna pakte hij z`n stick nade en toen zei hij zo van ''you`re on''. klaar

    Hier hebben we ook niks meer van gezien erg zonde eigenlijk.

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt dat was idd wel een stoer filmpie.

    Maar ff een vraagje aan iedereen.

    De trailer (alweer) van halo3 vind ik persoonlijk niet zo heel erg indrukwekkend, natuurlijk zijn de graphics super en is het geluid meesterlijk. Maar als ik dit vergelijk met de de aankondigings trailer van halo2, dan vind ik die toch nog steeds 13917648716 keer vetter. Nou weet ik dat dit niet over het spel zelf zegt, maar toch, ben wel benieuwd wat jullie hier nou van vinden.
  4. LeGeNdaRisCh

    LeGeNdaRisCh Je ziet ons

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het zijn ook teasers, dus ik had bij beide niet veel verwacht, natuurlijk kreeg ik bij beide teasers wel het halo gevoel (bij H3 meer _O_ ), maar we moete nog een hele tijd wachte voor H3, dus ik ben wel met andere dingen bezig eerlijk gezegt O-)

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    JA, maa rik bedoelde ook dat wat er in die teaser van deel 2 gebeurde (dat ie zo met zon bom uit dat ruimteschip jumpt met al die stemmen van wat ie gaat doen op de achtergrond en dat je cortana zo hoort zeggen dat er super versterking komt enzo) vond ik gewoon een stuk stoerder dan wat er in deel 3 gebeurde. Ik vond dat allemaal een beetje saai... Wel halo gevoel enzo, maar toch niet zo flitsend
  6. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar de Halo 2 trailer heeft ook voor een slechte naam van het hele spel gezorgd, hij was te goed, dus waren de verwachtingen veel te hoog en viel het tegen, slim ben ik he? :+
  7. NaZ

    NaZ X&Y

    Leuk Bevonden:

    ze moeten juist weinig trailers tonen om het spannend te houden.:)
  8. Dead Worm NL

    Dead Worm NL Casual Gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind dat filmpje dat nu op bungie.net staat echt vet\o/
    Je ziet hoe ze de muziek hebben gedaan enzo, Je ziet meer van de omgeving en er worden een paar dingen uitgelegd _O_
  9. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Uit andere hoeken ziet het filmpje er helemaal goed uit =/. In ieder geval, vond boeiende post op het Bungie.net forum. Gaat over een idee van Surival Mode, iets wat ik eigenlijk al in Halo 2 had willen zien. Check de link in m'n siggie =). Als je het wat vind, gooi het ook in je sig en post even wat op het forum :)
  10. Tha)Sven

    Tha)Sven Pillz-E

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow die survival mode lijkt me echt heel cool. Dat kan erg interessant worden op Live..
  11. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou hup, post iets in de thread dan :) ! Hoe groter de thread, hoe groter de kans dat Bungie er wat mee doet toch ^_^?
  12. Tha)Sven

    Tha)Sven Pillz-E

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oké hier ff het artikel dan: Ik heb het wel ff in een spoiler gezet aangezien het nogal veel is.. en sommige mensen zich willen laten verrassen bij de release ;):+
    Survival Mode

    Mini FAQ

    Q. What is this "Survival Mode"?
    A. Typically, Survival Modes put you against unlimited enemies, and challenge the player to get the most kills, or survive for the longest time. If it were implemented in Halo 3, it would work along similar lines.

    Q. How would it work?
    A. Briefly, you'd choose a location to fight, customise the options, and enemies of your choosing would constantly spawn for you to fight. The method of scoring would be selected before the game started. A more detailed version of how things would work is featured below.

    Q. What levels would there be?
    A. Levels would be based on locations from the campaigns of all 3 Halo games, typically those offering plenty of combat options, great scenery, and those that were most memorable.

    Q. Is this single-player thing or multiplayer?
    A. Both; the idea is that it would be available for up to 4 players to play co-operatively, by split screen, system link, and xbox live.

    Q. How would it work on xbox live?
    A. Games would be organized by creating a lobby and switching to “Survival Mode”, similar to how you currently switch to co-op games. Alternately "Xbox Live" could be selected from the Survival Mode option from the main menu

    Why should it be included?

    Think of how much fun it would be, for starters! Fighting huge amounts of Covenant, Flood, or whatever you want in an effort to kill as many as you can, survive for as long as possible, or merely have huge fun enjoying the unique and varied combat of Halo.

    Secondly, it's a great way to have fun with friends, and online, there's no cheating, no modding, standbying, bridging etc.

    Thirdly, it offers a hell of a lot of replayability, especially for those without live or those not interested in multiplayer.

    Fourthly, it's a great way to practice tactics and other skills. It's not the same as playing against human opponents, but you can practice all kinds of tactics under intense pressure.

    Finally, it allows you to experience the non-stop thrill of Halo's wonderful combat, something that you wouldn't really be able to get anywhere else in the game (though here's hoping).

    The General Idea

    My idea is that it'd be a seperate entry from Campaign and Multiplayer in the main menu, and would be set up in a manner similar to multiplayer in Halo 2. Support for up to 4 players over Xbox Live, System Link, and Split Screen (possibly limiting the number of players if the 360 cannot cope with 4) would be included.

    You’d then configure the various options, choose a map, start the game, and rack up those kills.


    Enemy Spawns
    Enemies would constantly spawn in locations out of reach of the player(s), or out of sight of the player(s). The idea of enemies being dropped off in drop ships is also a possibility.

    Weapons and Ammo
    Weapons and ammo would respawn at certain locations that somewhat make sense, such as at crashed dropships/lifeboats, or where dead marines and weapon caches are located. The multiplier could be configured as part of the options. The weapons and ammo that spawn at caches could also be customised.

    If respawns are enabled when playing co-operatively, players would spawn when the coast is clear. If disabled, each player will only have 1 life and will spectate when dead. If "Die as One" is enabled, the death of one player ends the game.

    Game Over
    The game will end when the time limit is reached, if all players die, or if one player dies with "Die as One" enabled

    Powerups would be hidden out of the way like in Campaign, and respawn at a certain rate. The spawn multiplier would be configured as part of the options, and powerups can be removed from the map entirely if desired.


    Levels would be based on locations taken from the campaigns from all 3 games (perfect for that sense of nostalgia), typically the more intense ones, or ones that offer a large range of gameplay options. A few suggestions from H:CE and H2 are as follows:

    (H:CE) Halo: Rockslide Lifeboat Section
    (H:CE) T&R: Bottom Floor, Hanger Bay
    (H:CE) Silent Cartographer: Beach Landing Section
    (H:CE) AotCR: 2nd snowfield battle/spiral path battle
    (H:CE) 343GS: Final Swamp
    (H:CE) Two Betrayals: Final snowfield battle
    (H2) Cairo: Hanger Bay
    (H2) High Charity: Mausoleum


    Whilst the nature of Halo combat is usually pretty variable, there would be a large degree of customisation in how Survival Mode is set up, to cater the game to how you and your buddies want to play. The options you can configure would be similar to multiplayer:

    Quick Settings
    Quickly edit major gametypes settings. These are visible in the lobby.

    Time Limit - The duration before the game ends (15 minutes, 5 minutes ... 1 hour, No Limit)
    Primary Weapon – The primary/secondary weapons you start with (Default, Assault Rifle, Sniper rifle, et all)
    Secondary Weapon – See above
    Enemies - The types of enemies you face (Covenant, Flood, Classic Covenant (H1), Grunts, Drones, Elites, Brutes, Jackals, Hunters, Custom, Random)
    Difficulty - How difficult the game is (Normal, Easy, Heroic, Legendary)
    Scoring - Method of Scoring (Kills, Time Survived, None)
    Reinforcements - Whether Marine reinforcements are on or not. (On, Off)

    Detailed settings
    Selectable from the detailed settings tab, and not shown in the lobby, these allow you to tweak survival mode in many different ways.

    Match Settings
    General game settings and reinforcements options.

    Scoring - As above
    Time Limit - As above
    Difficulty - As above
    Reinforcements – As above
    Reinforcement Waves - The number of waves of marine reinforcements you recieve (1, 2 ... 10, Unlimited, Random)
    Reinforcement Frequency - How often you recieve reinforcements (10 minutes, 5 minutes ... 30 minutes, Random)
    Reinforcement Weapons - The weapons set that reinforcements will use (Default, Human, Plasma, et al)

    Player Settings
    Modify options affecting the player.

    Friendly Fire - Whether you can damage allies or not (On, Off)
    Allowed Weapons - Select the weapons the player is allowed to pick up. Disallowed weapons may still be used by the enemy, but will disappear when the enemy is killed. (Default (All), Melee, Plasma, Custom, et al)
    Respawns – Whether respawns are on when playing co-operatively (On, Off)
    Die as one – If enabled, the death of one player will cause the game to end when playing co-operatively (Off, On)

    Enemy Settings
    Configure various options regarding the foes you face

    Enemies - As above
    Enemy Rank - The Rank of the enemies you face - (Default (Mixed, increases in difficulty as the game progresses), Minor, Major, Elite, Spec Ops, Camo, Ultra, Random)
    Group size increase - The rate at which number of enemies spawning increases in size (Exponential, Fixed, Random)
    Enemy difficulty increase - The rate at which enemy ranks, weapons, and type increase in difficulty (Exponential, Fixed, Random)
    Enemy Weapons Set - The weapons which the enemies will use (Default, Plasma, Human, Sniping, et al)

    Vehicle Settings
    The vehicles that are on the map. Not every map will support vehicles.

    Vehicle Respawn - Vehicle Spawn multiplier (Default, Double, Triple, Half, Random)
    Primary Vehicle – See below
    Secondary Vehicle - The vehicle that spawns in each vehicle slot. Maps vary in how many vehicles they can support. (Default, Warthog, Gauss Hog, Ghost, Banshee, Wraith, Spectre, Scorpion, Random)
    Turrets - The Turret that spawns in each Turret Slot (Default, Human, Shade, None, Random)

    Equipment Settings
    Configure the equipment that you start with, and that appears on the map.

    Primary Weapon – As above
    Secondary Weapon - As above
    Weapon Respawn Timer – The multipier for the timer on weapons and ammo (Default, None, Double, Triple, Half, Random)
    Powerups - Whether powerups are on the map (Default, Camo, Overshields, Random, None)
    Powerup Respawn Time - Multiplier for powerup timer (Default, None, Double, Triple, Half, Random)
    Frag Grenades - Amount of frags you start with (Default, 0,1,2,3,4, Random)
    Plasma Grenades - Amount of plasma grenades you start with (Default, 0,1,2,3,4, Random)
    Weapons Cache Equipment - The weapons and ammo that appear at weapons caches. (Default, None, Plasma, Human, Custom, Random, et al)
    En hier is de tussenstand van de poll: Poll: Want to see this?
    Yeah 82%
    669 Votes
    Perhaps 12%
    94 Votes
    Not really (please state) 6%
    51 Votes
    Total Votes: 814
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 jun 2006
  13. ThaBEN

    ThaBEN Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. LeGeNdaRisCh

    LeGeNdaRisCh Je ziet ons

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ziet er erg goed uit, die 'survivel' mode (net als in UT 2004, maar dan net iets anders, dus niet al te orgineel), maar ik wil niet hebben dat ze daar te veel aandacht aan besteden, het moet een extra zijn :)
  15. Tha)Sven

    Tha)Sven Pillz-E

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, daar ben ik het ook mee eens. Helaas niet al te origineel, maar als de gameplay toch goed is, kan het wel erg leuk worden.
  16. Nexi

    Nexi forumspiekert

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Best wel koel die behind the scenes trailer, zeker dat de trailer gewoon halo 3 is.
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 jun 2006
  17. master_chief_m

    master_chief_m Halo3 is de beste.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    cool zolang mogelijk blijven leven
  18. rikkel

    rikkel Umm Kulthum

    Leuk Bevonden:

    As I layed back watching my xbox 360 I noticed something interesting...I noticed in the Halo 3 trailer where Cortana said,"This is the Way the world ends" you notice a blue light maybe hinting at the blue beam from new mombassa shown. Here's where it gets interesting. Before I updated my 360' there was just a dark screen when cortana says this is the way the world ends but now after my update it seems like it may also have updated the Halo 3 trailer, somehow perhaps starting another I love bees campaign?
  19. Beumah

    Beumah ----

    Leuk Bevonden:
    die goos heb eg geen leve
  20. Inf1nity

    Inf1nity Guest


    Maar uhm, ik zat laatst nog ff alle geruchten op een rijtje te zetten, toen mij iets opviel:

    Gerucht 1: JJ van de PU heeft Halo3 gespeeld
    Feit 1: Journalisten hadden de mogenlijkheid om Halo3 (multiplayer?) te testen volgens iemand van Bungie zelf.

    Ik zie de link wel, wat jullie?
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