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Halo 3: wat moet er allemaal in komen, hoe,...?

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door boss, 1 jul 2005.

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  1. Prime NL

    Prime NL ~Robot in Disguise~

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet niet of deze link al gepost is geweest....maar hier een (lange) maar zeer interessante read omtrent een insider die met wat Bungie employees heeft gepraat omtrent de aankomende Halo 3 en een announcement die er voortzo (vermoedelijk) aan gaat komen :


    Wat stukken eruit :

    -You will see solid information/Screenshots on Halo 3 By the end of November.
    -Microsoft is getting impatient with Bungies wanting this to be the Pinnacle of the Series, and is considering doing what they did with Halo 2. I.E invading Bungie Studios and taking over development again.
    -The graphics, are quote "Disgusting". As in "amazing". Master Chiefs Suit has not changed much, but the Elites will be more wicked than ever before.
    -Bungie is still considering adding Halo 1 playable VIA Xbox Live on Xbox 360 as a Bonus with Halo 3.

    -Halo 3 is using about 40% of the Xbox 360's total power.

    -The A.I. is going to be unlike the previous Halo games in terms of "Battle Awareness". This is his direct quote pretty much.
    I asked him what he means. and heres the jist.

    -Enemies will get to "know you, and how you work, they will adjust their tactics to your play style. Think Metal Gear Solid 3 and Splinter Cell Chaos theory A.I, combined. But with way more processing power"

    -Microsoft is arguing that the concern over porting Halo 1 over to Xbox Live (Bungie wants to include this on the Halo 3 Disc) Is "wasting time and talent". This was argued down by many a bungie staffer, who want to bring back the hardcore halo 1 audience.
    This scares me, because I am really rooting for this to happen. But as I was told "Microsoft says Jump and we say how high, but sometimes we tend to wear earplugs".

    -For all those concerned with graphics. This is the message I recieved. *Him laughing* (paraphrasing ) 'remember that B.S Killzone Footage for PS3? Well, wait til you see this ****. Sony is going to tread softly. Real Time, baby. Thats all we are going to show our fans. Is real time. And you will all forgive us for holding off for so long"
  2. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat belooft heel veel
    kan niet wachten op de bekent making
  3. Alé Gertje!!!

    Alé Gertje!!! Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vooral dat laatste stukkie over de graphics........die vergelijking met sony.....meesterlijk. Als dat zo zou zijn tenminste._O_
  4. Kelovitz

    Kelovitz Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat het in Halo3 echt veel meer op skill zal aankomen...
    (Daarmee zeg ik niet dat ik zo goed ben :+ )
  5. Alé Gertje!!!

    Alé Gertje!!! Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eigenlijk zit ik echt wel te wachten op de nieuwe Halo-game. 1+2 vond ik ook geweldig qua sfeer en speelde ze laatst nog en verbaasde me over hoe de graphics van 1 waren, ten opzichte van de laatste xbox-games. Nog steeds mooi. Er is veel teleurstelling geweest wat betreft deel 2 en daar ben ik het deels mee eens. toch vond ik em vernieuwend en wel degelijik mooi. Daarbij was de sfeer voor mij weer herkenbaar.
    Weet zker dat deel 3 ook een topppertje wordt!!!

    MYSTERY X Fysiotherapeut & Dj

    Leuk Bevonden:
    WoW, dat stuk belooft idd HEEL wat :)!
    Nu hopen dat ze het ook waarmaken, inplaats van een Grote Hype te creeëren.

    Ik ben nu ook zeer benieuwd naar HALO 3. Wil wel graag weten wat ze ervan gaan maken.
    Vooral, als ze het met die KillZone gebeuren gaan vergelijken :p.

    Ben ook benieuwd wanneer deze game uit gaat komen! Voor 2007 moet toch lukken ofniet?
  7. Jest3r-NL

    Jest3r-NL Firefart

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Berrie en ik hadden ff lol met paint pics maken voor Halo 3
    berrie's resultaat

    mijn resultaat

    _O_ :+
  8. jensss

    jensss ^^

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yoh Kelovitz man wat is er met jou gebeurd?:confused: Speel je nog wel us halo2 of niet?

    Trouwens is 40% gebruik maken van de kracht van de xbox360 niet een beetje weinig?
  9. Jest3r-NL

    Jest3r-NL Firefart

    Leuk Bevonden:
    voor de XBox360 niet
  10. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    als je ziet wat de 360 aankan en dat ze maar 40% gebruiken is dat weinig. maar ze zullen vast wel meer power gebruiken

    Edit: dit had ik nog gevonden over de Juggernaut
    Laatst bewerkt: 20 nov 2005
  11. svennies

    svennies Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Yep , ze mogen hunne power gebruiken zoals ze willen zolang ze maar hetgeen gaan doen wat ik hier gevraagd heb en bungie kennende zal dat niet gebeuren .
    Tja ik zal dan toch eens een keer mijn overzees contact van microsoft zelf een keer moeten inschakelen om een beetje pressing te kunnen uitoefenen , maar ja dan is deze gast gelijk ook verraden en mag hij inpakken.O-)
  12. Weggooi32

    Weggooi32 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    HatcH3 anyone?

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. Daz


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet je registreren :mad:, kan je het niet even quoten?
    Ik wil dat er een 4 player co-op missieline inkomt!

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The truth about halo 2......


    This is long, but any true Halo Fan should find it HIGHLY fascinating...

    The following is all true, based on documentaries, articles, interviews, the special DVD that came with the game's Silver Edition, and basic perception.

    Roughly 7 months before E3 2003, Bungie decided they would shock the world with an intense footage of live, actual gameplay that blew everyone away. Unfortunately, 7 months before E3 2003, all they had finished making so far was the game's basic outline (story and content-wise) and an experimental version of the game's engine, all of which took about 5 months in itself. Nevertheless, they spent the next 7 months solely on that 10 demo so that it would hype us out of our minds for the actual game. Anything they could think of that seemed cool, they threw into the demo without thinking about any consequences it may have. Like people thinking it would be in the game. They were just too excited to care.

    Ultimately, finishing the demo took up all of their 7 months of work time.

    After Bungie hyped the world out of its mind with their undeniably awesome demo, they came back and realized they had made a mistake that not even the public or gaming press would think a game company could make... which officially became known as, based on hard stats, "The Greatest Upset in Gaming History".

    They had wasted the last 7 months of work. Completely and 100%. They realized they didn't have a level. They didn't even have a part of a level. What they had was a demo, that ran on an experimental engine that ultimately could not work with the Xbox, and none of it could be implemented into the actual game. For the next TWO months, I kid you not, Bungie studios was practically empty because they were so confused on what course of action to take.

    Those 2 months dwindled away. That's when Microsoft showed up...

    Microsoft, being fair and rational, inquired as to why the hell Bungie had been screwing around with Halo 2 for 1.5 years but still seemed to have no useable material. Who knows if Bungie leveled with Microsoft and admitted they screwed up, or if they hid the truth somehow. The fact was, the hype for Halo 2 had been set with an actual playable demo. The public would not stand for waiting much longer after seeing something that made the game look so... complete. In all rationality, a good game takes about 1.5 years to make. It had been almost 2 since the public thought Halo 2 was in the works. So Microsoft did what it had to do. It gave Bungie a deadline that would wind up as their death sentence. They were given 10 months to finish the game before Microsoft demanded the discs be made and shipped.

    They hadn't even started making the actual game...

    For ten months, Bungie studios sacrificed every fiber of their beings to make the game. They did not go to their homes after work. They designed and programmed for 18 to 20 hours a day, falling asleep on their desks or on beanbags. They rushed the game furiously. Slamming it together piece by piece, hoping things at least functioned without a total crash.

    And as the leader of Bungie said, "At that moment, Pandora's Box was opened...".

    Literally 75% of what Bungie had originally intended to be in the game, had to be scrapped. It was absolutely the only way to finish the game on time. If anyone wants me to, I can develop a list of what was promised in the game that was ripped from it.

    The worst part of it all, was that even the original intended storyline had to be mutilated. Anybody remember the original Halo 2 Teaser where the MC jumped out of a space station? Think about what we saw happening to Earth in that trailer. Or watch it again. What do you notice?

    Earth... is in flames.

    Most people have forgotten that the trailer and demo of Halo 2 both gave a direct impression that the game would contain the first stage of THE LAST BATTLE FOR EARTH. ALL ACROSS AND OVER EARTH. Think of the demo. Human bombers bunker-busting giant covenant artillery, Jackals marching in formations, fleets of Phantoms swarming the clouds, legions of starcruisers circling the earth, razor drop-pods, hundreds of them, crashing to the ground, each holding deadly black-armored Elites with energy swords that actually LOOKED like they were made of energy. All the while, the entire sky has been painted orange with the flames consuming the planet the whole surface of the planet. This was the last battle we had been waiting so long to fight.

    Remember anything of that caliber in the final version? Where did it all go? Easy. Bungie did not have the time and resources to develop a game with a battle of that magnitude. So what cover-story do they pull? Anyone remember?

    They rewrote the story so that the ships that attacked Earth was merely a small strike force that accidentally jumped the gun, and didn't harm any part of Earth outside the levels in the game, being New Mombassa. Bungie's best cover story was to make a profit named "Regret" (how creative) to accidentally warp in too early. Genius. Crafty. They succeeded, because only the particularly sharp gamers noticed the dastardly move they pulled. And in case you read the novels and are wondering why a fourth one is not coming out when there are so many questions unanswered, this is the reason. Eric Nylund could not work with the material from Bungie’s substitute-story in a way that could connect to his universe properly. Nylund was probably planning a book after First Strike based on the original story of the last battle Bungie wrote out for Halo 2. Well, Bungie cared more about finishing their game then being friendly to the novels. So there you have it. Bungie killed the Halo novels as well.

    As far as game CONTENT that didn't make it, well, with Multiplayer being whipped together in 2 months, and stuff that they didn't have time to make work, the list would be huge, but I could make it if someone wanted me to.

    Why do you think Halo 2 has been ruined by cheaters? For a whole year, the cheating ratio became 1 out of 4. That's because within that 10 months, Xbox live had to be rushed in design and program as well. In fact, they were not even sure if they would be able to get it working for Xbox Live by the deadline.

    Why do you think so many of the aspects in Multiplayer seem broken, unfinished, and unbalanced? This is your answer. This is your answer to all your questions.

    If anyone has wondered why anything in the real game seems worse, different, or missing things that were shown to us in the TRAILER and DEMO, this is your answer.

    You have three choices. One, you believe this, and you accept it and choose not to let it get to you, and call me a knit-picky whiner. Two, you believe it, and you get angry, confused, and disappointed, like every hardcore Halo fan has the total right to do. And three, you tell me this is all bullcrap, and I go search for concrete evidence to further prove I know what I'm talking about and shove it down your throat. Take your pick.

    Dat is wat er op die pagina stond, ik hoop dat het goed gekopieerd is, het is lang maar wel duidleijk om te lezen en zeker de moeite waard:cool: Hij heeft trowuens ook nog een lijst met wat er niet inzit, maar dan wordt het wel heel erg lang....
  16. Dea Petrus

    Dea Petrus Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch zou ik dat heeel graag zien. Want dikke kans dat dat terugkomt in Halo3!
  17. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De lijst

    ---gt;LIST OF CUT HALO 2 MATERIALgt;---

    Notes: List is updated regularly, & "Video available" means there is recorded footage floating around the net somewhere.

    01. Three to four-hit melee combo strings in campaign and multiplayer.

    02. The four-wheel ATV, or "Mongoose". Initially weapon-mounted. Render made.

    03. The human assault hovercraft, or "Kestrel" flying vehicle Banshee equivilent in campaign and multiplayer.

    04. Damage to vehicles effecting how they drive/function (boosting, barrel-rolling wingless Banshee, anyone?)

    05. The RELIABLE, and effective versions of the Needlers. Video available of prototype versions.

    06. The single SMG that could kill w/o aid of nades/melee. Videos available of prototype versions.

    07. ODSTs having more advanced AI/behavior/tactics than Marines. Watch the demo.

    08. Giant, plasma-throwing Covenant artillery installations. Watch the demo.

    09. Human bomber jets (Longbows) being seen actively in campaign. Watch the demo. Very cool.

    10. The "Juggernaught" flood-giant form. Bigger than a Hunter. Very cool. Video available.

    11. The "Drinol" giant ogre-like Covenant alien. Render made. Kind of like Star Wars "Rancor".

    12. The Covenant sniper alien. Very cool. Render made. Concept art in LE dvd.

    13. The "Blind wolf" Brute-mounted walking creature. Render available. Concept art in LE dvd.

    14. The Covenant "Engineer". Render available. This guy was even meant for Halo 1.

    15. Grunts without their masks actively seen in campaign. Render available.

    16. The Flamethrower for campaign and multiplayer. Render made. See LE dvd.

    17. Jungle and Arctic variants of the Warthog. Renders made.

    18. Plasma swords that actually looked like burning plasma & not plastic. Watch the demo.

    19. Black Elites that emerged from fallen drop-pods on Earth level. A sad loss. Watch the demo.

    20. The great, last battle, meant to be all across earth and in space. See original teaser-trailer.

    21. Covenant AI that knew formations, like Jackals in defensive lining. See demo.

    22. The original models for the Battle Rifle and SMG. See renders on b.net.

    23. The original effective and cool-looking version of the Plasma Pistol. See demo.

    24. Balance between the UNSC weapons and Covenant weapons. (Carbine vs. BR anyone?)

    25. Balance between the Elite model and Spartan Model. (Elite = Giant walking target)

    26. The effective version of the Plasma Rifle, even single-wielded. Video available as prototype version.

    27. Fuel Rod Gun being in multiplayer as an effective Rocket equivilent.

    28. The reliable version of the Warthog that doesn't explode to one or two frag nades.

    29. Vehicle's that didn't burst into flames just because the pilot was killed. Video available.

    30. Lighter auto-aim on the BR so a monkey or an infant couldn't easily get 4-burst kills.

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bedenk overrigens dat deze lijst neit volledig is....

    -maan level
    -level zonder zwaartekracht
    -single shot BR
    -grotere online gevechten (is gesproken over 12 vs 12 of zelfs meer)
    -voorwerpen om kunnen gooien om dekking achter te zoeken
    -AI die dat van covenant kant en UNSC kant ook doet
    -commando's kunnen geven aan UNSC
    -multiplayer Coop via live
    -Die tekens boven vriendschappelijke spelers ook in de SP boven UNSC
    -om een hoekje kunnen kijken

    Als ze dat nou is allemaal in halo3 zouden doen, misschien dat het dan nog wel wat gaat worden, in plaats van een 2e zware teleurstelling:'-(
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 nov 2005
  19. Panzerdelta

    Panzerdelta Konnichiwa!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maan level en 1 zonder zwaartekracht heb ik nooit wat van gehoord

    BLACKHAWK EM Target Theory

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is aan het begin tijdens de ontwikkeling over gesproken dat ze heel graag ook actie op de maan wilden doen, en dat het hun dan vet leek om een stuk te maken zonder zwaartekracht waar je dan rond moest zweven:)

    Kan je denk niet egt meerekenen, maar al had bungie meer tijd gehad en minder tijd verpest had je wel kans gehad dat het erin zou zitten, waren ze namelijk eerst wel van plan...... Lijkt me trouwen ook HEEEEEEEEL erg vet voor halo3
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 nov 2005
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