Waar jij het over hebt zijn The Hunagok, or Engineers.
The Hunagok, or Engineers as they are referred to by the Humans, are the only known non-combatant Covenant race.
While the Prophets guide, direct and manage Forerunner research, it is the Engineer caste who must excavate, unlock and transport Forerunner artifacts. These remarkable aliens are patient, almost completely silent and utterly focused on their task and its religious implications.
Their concentration has been described as "a trance-like reverie" by the few who have witnessed it. They communicate only with Prophets - a fact that may contribute to the balance of power between Elites and Prophets - and will usually ignore anything that is neither a Prophet nor a Forerunner artifact. One observed exception is a high-pitched, keening wail that Engineers will emit should Forerunner objects or structures be threatened.
Some Engineers are used to help contruct and repair the Covenant starships from the inside, while in the conjunction with the Drones who contruct and repair the ships in space on the outside.
The Engineers are an amorphous, purple-skinned species that have six dark eyes, and have 4 tentacles that can split into very small, near-microscopic cilia. The Engineers use these cilia to construct, or repair nearly anything they can grasp. They can take apart whole vehicles and rearrange the entire structure of it in a matter of seconds, and it will still operate. They learn at an unprecedented rate, and store that information for future reference if ever they need to repair the same thing twice.
Engineers are not a tactical threat and are hardly ever seen in combat situations.
De Drones komen pas in het laatste boek voor.
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