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[XOne] Halo 5: Guardians

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fiasco, 10 jun 2013.

  1. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tnx, gebruikt! :)
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. assaultpr0

    assaultpr0 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hybrid vindt dit leuk.
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn nice dude.
  6. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    If you were to drop by for a tour, you’d find a great deal of work-in-progress goodness on screens across the studio, most of which would give you an in-development look at this month’s update, titled Infinity’s Armory. The update is scheduled to drop towards the end of the month, and it’ll include new maps, weapons, armors, weapon skins, and more. We’ll be detailing the full contents of the update over the next few weeks, including another preview livestream in approximately two weeks’ time.

    To help hold you over, here’s a preview of one of the new battlegrounds coming this month:

    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  7. GasMonkeyRSR

    GasMonkeyRSR New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Okay jongens even een noob vraag vroeger speelde ik veel Halo online zins kort weer een Xbox in huis gehaald voor Forza en Halo.

    Nu zag ik dat Halo wat veranderd is. Packages die kan openen ofzo daar heb ik toch niks aan in slayer? Oftewel kan iemand mij enigzins uitleggen hoe de muliplayer werkt? Speel nu alleen slayer.....

    Alvast bedankt!!
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    1) REQ Packs & REQ Cards are Halo 5's reward system. REQ Packs contain REQ Cards that will award all of the cosmetic items such as armor variations, as well as other types of REQ Cards for use in the new Warzone game mode. Each REQ Pack contains a specific number of cards, but those cards will be random until you purchase and open the pack. Upon launching Halo 5, all players will be granted a Starting REQ Bundle, which will include 54 REQ Cards and 7500 REQ Points. REQ cards have different rarities; better/cooler items will have a higher rarity. The REQ Card chain of rarity looks like this: Common - Uncommon - Rare - Ultra Rare - Legendary. So what does this all mean? Keep reading!_____2) Ways to earn REQ Packs in the game:
    • Spartan Rank: Spartan Rank is Halo 5's linear rank system. Every game you complete in multiplayer, whether it be Warzone or Arena, will grant progress towards leveling your Spartan Rank. Spartan Ranks are individual performance-based, so the better you play, the faster you rank up. Every time you level up your Spartan Rank, you get a REQ Pack as a reward.
    • Commendations: As in Halo Reach and Halo 4, commendations are categorized goals to be accomplished within multiplayer. There are many types of commendations, and each one has multiple stages. For example, a Headshot Commendation would be for killing enemy players with headshots, and there would be multiple stages for killing more players with headshots. Every time you complete a stage of a commendation, you will receive a REQ Pack.
    • Supply & Promotional Packs: These REQ Packs can be unlocked through codes included with select Halo licensed products at retail, and through various promotions. These are not earned in game, though any content they contain can also be unlocked in other REQ Packs.
    • REQ Points: REQ Points are your in-game currency. You earn REQ Points for playing any kind of multiplayer match, excluding custom games. Players will earn roughly 2000 REQ Points per game of Warzone, and roughly 1000 REQ Points per game of Arena.
    • Microtransactions: Silver REQ Packs can be purchased for $1.99 USD, and Gold REQ Packs can be purchased for $2.99 USD. (Note: microtransactions are used to purchase the same exact REQ packs that REQ Points are used to purchase. Any item that can be obtained by using a microtransaction has the same exact chance to be obtained by using REQ Points)

    :cool: REQ Pack pricing and contents are as follows:
    • Bronze Packs cost 1250 REQ Points and contain 12 cards (Common, chance for 1 permanent card)
    • Silver Packs cost 5000 REQ Points (or $1.99 USD) and contain 15 cards (Common - Rare, 2 guaranteed permanent cards)
    • Golden Packs cost 10000 REQ Points (or $2.99 USD) and contain 15 cards (Uncommon - Legendary, 2 guaranteed permanent cards)
    • Premium Packs contain 16 cards, are NOT purchasable in-game, and each Xbox LIVE profile is limited to ONE Premium Bundle. 2 Premium Packs will be given each week for 7 weeks, totaling at 14 Packs. Premium Bundles can be purchased separately for $24.99.
    _____4) REQ Packs award different types of REQ Cards:permanent Cards: these cards are not consumed upon use and can be reused infinitely. Permanent cards include:
    • REQ Certifications: these are special REQ Cards that, once obtained for a certain weapon or vehicle, greatly increases your chances of receiving more of that weapon card from REQ Packs. So if you get a Ghost Certification, you will be more likely to receive REQ Cards for Ghosts in the future.
    • Cosmetic cards: these cards unlock appearance-altering items such as armor pieces, assassination animations, weapon/armor skins, and stances. Any item that is purely for character customization and has absolutely no impact on gameplay is considered a cosmetic card. Cosmetic items can be used in both Warzone and Arena.
    • Basic Weapon and Vehicle cards: these are used to spawn simple loadout weapons like the Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, and the basic Mongoose
    • Armor Upgrades: these are passive abilities like enhanced mobility and increased grenade capacity.
    Single-use cards: these cards will be consumed upon use. You can only use a single-use card once, so be careful! Single use cards include:
    • Power Weapon and Power Vehicle cards: these are used to call in powerful weapons and vehicles, like Sniper Rifles and Phaetons.
    • XP & REQ Point Boost Cards: both of these cards can be used in Warzone and Arena modes. They will boost the amount XP and REQ Points you earn from matches, respectively.
    • Power-Ups: these are things like Overshields and Active Camo

    5) Here's how the REQ System works within the Warzone game mode:

    • REQ Levels are required to redeem your REQ Cards in Warzone.REQ Levels are earned both as a team and individually. Your personal performance mixes with your team's overall performance to determine your individual REQ Level. So even if you're not th best player, your team can help bump your REQ Level up. REQ Levels are essentially tiers of weaponry, with higher level REQs being more powerful items. Upon starting the match, all players will have access to Level 1 REQs, which will increase as the match progresses. Loadout weapons are usually around REQ Level 3. Higher REQ Levels are for power items like Spartan Lasers and Mantises. You cannot use a higher Level REQ card before your team has unlocked that REQ Level in the match; you cannot use a Level 7 card before your team reaches REQ Level 7.
    • There's a REQ Energy system that stops you from spamming REQ Cards, so you can't do stuff like spawn a rocket, die, then immediately spawn another rocket. Your REQ Energy drains by the number of the tier of REQ Card you redeem. For example, if you have 7 available REQ Energy and you use a Level 6 REQ Card, you will deplete 6 of your REQ Energy points and be left with 1. You must then wait for more REQ Energy before you can use a REQ Card higher than Level 1. The REQ Energy recharges at a fixed rate, it is not based on individual performance. This prevents "snowballing", or using a power card to do really well, get more REQ energy faster, and use more power cards faster. When your team reaches the next REQ Level, each player receives one additional REQ Energy unit.
    • You redeem REQ Cards at terminals called REQ Stations, which are located in each of the bases. So if there are 5 bases on a Warzone map, there are also 5 REQ Stations. Interacting with a REQ Station will enter you into the Requisition Menu, where you will choose which REQ Card(s) to redeem. You can use any kind of REQ Card at any REQ Station. Using a vehicle card at a REQ Station will "teleport" you to the Garage, where you will watch a short cinematic introduction of your vehicle coming up a lift with you inside of it, after which you are free to drive away.
    • You can also access the Requisition Menu while on the respawn screen. While you are choosing where to respawn, you can access the same Requisition Menu that you do at a REQ Station, and use any REQ Cards you wish. If you use a vehicle REQ Card, it will spawn you at the closest Garage. So, if you choose to respawn at your home base and enter the Requisition Menu and use a Mantis card, you will spawn at your home base's Garage, inside the Mantis.
  9. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet zeggen dat er weinig beter is dan alle Halo soundtracks in een playlist te wippen - paar vage nummers er uit gooien - en dan de hele dag luisteren op je werk. Heerlijk. :D
  10. JJNL77

    JJNL77 Let's have fun

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Team Spicy is op zoek naar actieve spelers om halo 5 mee te spelen.

    We zijn nu met 13 spelers en gisteren begonnen wegens een inactive vorige clan.
    Mochten hier mensen zijn die een actieve clan zoeken.
    Dan kan je me bereiken op xbox.

    GT: JJNL77

    Gr, JJ
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Forge blijft wel geniaal.

    Bidle vindt dit leuk.
  13. Bidle

    Bidle Bidle

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had deze game al sinds dat die uit is, maar domweg geen tijd en andere games voorrang gegeven.
    Kortom net begonnen met single player op legendary. Hiervoor Halo Reach ook op legendary gehaald.... dus deze ook maar eens proberen. Echt gaaf om weer terug te zijn!! :)

    Heb nu twee missies er op zitten, ben benieuwd hoe dit gaat aflopen. Vind tot toe het team gebeuren tegenvallen. Lopen aardig in de weg en luisteren voor geen meter. Worden door elke Grunt van hun plaats gelokt. Ook vreemd dat als er iemand dood gaat, ze vrolijk in het volgende stukje weer mee doen,....... detail, details, ben er helemaal blij mee.
  14. Bidle

    Bidle Bidle

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rustig hier,....

    Nou ben al een paar missies verder en vind Halo Reach toch wel lastiger. Heb enkel bij Missie 5 op het einde even vast gezeten voor ruim een kwartier. Had ook niet verwacht een dergelijk monster tegen te komen. Toch wel gaaf!!

    Meest irritante blijft toch wel mijn team.... Als je een keertje schuilt en het hoekje om wil schieten, dan staan ze zo vaak in de weg.... super irritant. Gebruik ze nu enkel nog maar als levend aas. Toch komen ze dan weer terug,... stomme lui. ;)
  15. Bidle

    Bidle Bidle

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Te rustig,....

    Net klaar met de campaign op Legendary. Moet zeggen dat ik het verhaal super vind en sommige stukken echt lastig waren. Paar x op het punt gestaan bij Missie 14 om de 'glitch' the gebruiken, maar toch niet gedaan. Sowieso stom eigenlijk dat het mogelijk is, moet haast toch wel bewust erin zitten..... zouden ze dat echt niet hebben gezien met het testen???

    Enfin, kijk stiekem al uit naar de volgende!
  16. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn al lang stil hier inderdaad. Ik ben de laatste tijd meer en meer Halo 5 gaan spelen, speel vaak 2 of 3 potjes Free-For-All, dan wat Team Slayer en dan Warzone Assault. Wanneer krijg ik eens toffe gear? =(

    BTW, op Reddit zie ik zo vaak van die heerlijke gifjes: http://i.imgur.com/ndPOBkU.gifv
  17. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maart update. CE Pistol komt ook terug.

    Greetings, friends. Another week has passed since the last formal community blog, which means the weekend is here again, and this is cause for celebration. Also worth celebrating is the impending arrival of the Hammer Storm update. Let’s talk about that and more!

    As we mentioned last week, based on feedback from across the internet as well as the Halo Community Feedback Program, the multiplayer team has kicked off a permanent social playlist that will feature a variety of offerings. Single game modes (Social CTF, which just went live, for example), variety playlists, new game types, community playlists, and more will all live in this new location. We’ve also been keeping an eye on your feedback on matching/skill matchmaking within social playlists. We hope you enjoy, and we’ll see you online. Hopefully, I don’t end up getting assassinated on the front page of r/Halo again.

    The Hammer Storm update draws near, and we are so darn excited that we’re moving our livestream up to an earlier date. We simply cannot wait until Friday to do this stream. Here are the details:

    Hammer Storm Live StreamTuesday, Feb 23 at 3:00 p.m. PST
    Twitch.tv/Halo & The Halo Channel

    We’ll see you on the stream, which we’re packing with lots of sweet new stuff like new game types, an Arena map debut, fresh new REQs, and more. Speaking of, though we’re saving some of the stuff for the stream itself, we thought we’d show off some early looks at the upcoming Arena map as well as a few new REQs that are on the way.

    New Arena Map

    First, to hold you over until next week’s gameplay reveal, I grabbed the Art team to walk us through a few (earlier) work-in-progress images from Torque, the new symmetrical Arena map, plus the first ever screenshot from the finished product:


    This was a crane concept meant to be used in the skybox! Having large vertical elements contributes to an effect called “parallax”, where objects that are set different distances from the viewer\camera move in a way to create a sense of depth. We pushed the form language to be much chunkier than a normal crane both to fit with the theme of the level, as well as to make them more visually substantial in the background.


    With interior spaces, there’s a difficult balance that has to be struck between simplicity and functionality. Sometimes the spaces have a vague purpose, so we try to imply little stories about what certain doors are used for, or how doors would open/close if they were active. It’s those details that can help ground ambiguous areas.


    This is a screenshot of our early massout, you can see how we changed the look of the Observation buildings on the sides, replaced all of the crates, and removed the ceilings from the Warehouses in the final version. I would call this Torque version 0.5, and the map we’re finally releasing is Torque 3.0, since it went through a few design and art passes throughout the years. Almost everything in this screenshot was rebuilt by Dan Phillips, Greg Cox, and myself.


    This is a shot in the middle of the painting process - one of the goals here in the concept is to establish lighting and material qualities. We’re trying to make sure that light planes are framed against dark ones (such as the piston tops being framed against dark backgrounds) - and figuring out atmosphere so that player silhouettes will be clearly readable. In film, this is called “staging” and “layout”- the way that the environment can be used to frame and present the subjects, in this case - other players!

    Lastly, before we move on, here’s the first official screenshot from the map:


    Next, we’ll take a look at the latest REQ Reveal graphic, light up a few new ones, and zoom in on a few.


    If you like what you see, here’s a closer look at some of the new REQs we’ve lit up today:










    We’re not pulling the curtain back on Grifball entirely just yet, as we’ve got a few things planned for next week, but until then, here’s the first official screenshot from Halo 5 Grifball:


    The Hammer Storm update has way more inside, too. Not just new game types, content, weapons, and more, but also sandbox updates, new Forge goodness, UI improvements, and more tweaks. Oh, and before I forget, I grabbed the UI team to clear up any confusion about colors (which we started to discuss last week) - specifically the new color possibilities. Here’s a quick bit from Kevin McGinnis.

    With the emblem Harmony colors of the old system, there were 33 primary colors with 7 harmonies per primary color, making around 700 color possibilities - but with only around 230 options. With the new system, we added 5 hues for each of the 12 colors in our spectrum for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary for a total of 60 colors but with over 216,000 options.

    With armors there are over 2000 more color combinations the players can create.

    We’ll be detailing every last bit of the Hammer Storm update next week, through our live stream as well as the official Hammer Storm landing page and patch notes.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Warzone Firefight komt ook nog.

  19. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow nice!

    En Memories of Reach? WTF? Ben erg benieuwd.
  20. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zullen wel maps van Reach zijn.

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