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IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Lequero, 18 mrt 2009.

  1. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Korte hands on impressie van deze game door 1up:


    We take a look at this promising WWII flight-combat game based on a PC best seller.

    I'm a huge fan of IL-2 Sturmovik on PC. Whenever we get around the water cooler and start talking about flight sims...well, that doesn't really happen. If it did, though, oh man -- I'd be gushing about that game daily. A few years ago, I even bought a couple copies of IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 for my friends so we could all play it online together, and it's one of the few games I've purchased twice for myself. Needless to say, when 1C announced IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey last year as a console game (for 360, PS3, PSP, and DS), I was giddy as a schoolgirl. It took a year, but I finally got my first hands-on time with the 360 version last night at a 1C press event held here in San Francisco.

    The developers greatly simplified the game's controls from the PC version: You use the left-analog stick for pitching and yawing, while the right stick handles the throttle and rudder -- you don't need to hold the throttle forward to keep speed up a la Blazing Angels, however; you can set it and then leave it alone. The upper left of the screen displays the throttle, airspeed, ammo, and altitude numerically, while the upper right shows the radar -- a very minimal interface overall. You fire with the Right trigger, cycle through weapons with the Left bumper, and use the Back button to control the landing gears.


    The D-Pad commands your fellow squadmates: left to assist you, up to attack the current target, etc. You cycle through targets by pressing A, and by holding it down you can lock-on. Once you target an enemy, you can track their position by holding down the left trigger. If you want to see the view from behind, you can press down on the right analog stick, or you can cycle through various views with the Y button. Got all that?

    Now, if the screens and video don't give it away, this is a very good looking game. When trying out a mission from the Battle of Britain -- the game features other theaters of war as well as different national aircraft, such as Battle of the Bulge or taking control of the IL-2 Sturmovik itself -- I flew a Spitfire against the Germans over England; the amount of action and detail happening on-screen all at the same time floored me. The only noticeable slowdown occurred when too many smoke trails showed up on screen at once, but it didn't affect my ability to play the game (hopefully the developer will fix this for the final release).

    Birds of Prey has two different flight modes to use: arcade and realistic (the difference being that arcade mode makes it easier to control your aircraft through tight turns and gives you unlimited ammunition). I spent most of my time with the realistic setting, and after just a few minutes found it to be miles better than what was in Blazing Angels (the closest console counterpart) but not nearly as intense as what is available on PC. It's a nice melding of approachability with the heart of what makes flight combat so exhilarating: playing chess in the skies, trying to shake an enemy plane, balancing throttle and proper positioning for the kill, etc. I didn't want to hand the controller off to anyone.

    While it was great to get hands-on time with a single-player scenario, there's plenty left to reveal -- from modes, to controller support, to whether there will be a mission editor. "[And] there will be multiplayer," says 505 Games' Jeremy Barnett, "We're just not ready to talk about that yet."

    At this point, neither 505 Games nor 1C plan to bring IL-2: Birds of Prey to the PC. We'll have more information on IL-2: Birds of Prey as it gets closer to its intended Fall '09 release date.

    Oh, en nog een shot vlak bij de grond voor de liefhebbers... :)

    Laatst bewerkt: 1 jul 2009
  2. Bertje sim

    Bertje sim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    He tof dat screenshot, bedankt man.

    Nou, het ziet er toch heel behoorlijk uit hoor. Als je daar overheen scheert ziet het er zelfs hel erg goed uit denk ik.

    Ik had gelezen dat het max 8 tegen 8 wordt.

    Lijkt me voldoende voor de dogfights, maar voor aanvallen en verdedigen van bv bommenwerpers is het te weinig. Tenzij de bommenwerpers AI zijn.

    En als deze game nu eens echt lagvrij wordt. Dan lijkt mij het echt super gaaf.
    Laatst bewerkt: 3 jul 2009
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Preview: If You Think Planes Are Beautiful

    Never mind, for a moment, how this game plays -- though I will tell you. Check out how it looks.

    IL-2 Sturmovik, the 2001 PC original, was for the hardcore. Not the Mario-loving hardcore. Not the GTA-loving hardcore. Not the people who memorize JRPG scripts. No, the hardcore of World War II combat flight-sim lovers. The people who want the planes in their Russian-developed games to handle as accurately as the cars in Gran Turismo.

    I hadn't played the PC original. And I'm not a WWII flight-sim guy. But I was worried for those hardcore IL-Sturmovik fans when I was invited to try a multiplayer session of of the 1C-developed, 505 Games-published upcoming console edition of the series. The 505 rep doing the demo started out by saying the game I was about to play would be like Call of Duty in the air.

    What Is It?
    IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey is a World War II flight combat game developed by the Russian studio behind the franchise, 1C. It's published by 505 Games, the new-ish publisher doing upcoming games based on Grease and Michael Phelps. Yes, they're diverse. Birds of Prey is coming to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, PSP and Nintendo DS.

    What We Saw
    I played parts of a couple of multiplayer skirmishes on a networked Xbox 360. The game includes more than 45 planes from the 1941-1945 war in Europe, but I foolishly chose one of the weakest, the original IL-2 Sturmovik -- a Russian plane -- that had poor guns and armor. I should have chosen a newer IL-2 if I didn't want my wings to get perforated by enemy fire.

    How Far Along Is It?
    The game is set for a September release and a demo is scheduled for the Xbox 360 and PS3 in the first week of August, so I gather that what I played is close to completion.

    What Needs Improvement?
    My Patience (Or The Game's Controls): Good news, hardcore IL-2 fans -- I think. I have not played the original PC IL-2 Sturmovik, but I now have no reason to think that the simulation values of the original were abandoned in this game. Even the Arcade mode in the new game is less forgiving than Ubisoft's HAWX, which felt like it was an auto-pilot compared tho this. A targeting reticule in arcade mode helps show how far ahead of an enemy plane your bullets need to lead. But even with that it's hard to hit the enemies. This is no easy game to control -- a sign that either it's got really good, complex sim controls or it's got poor, stiff controls. The 505 people showing me the game would surely say it's the former, but I can't judge it during a half-hour appointment. Check the demo next month and feel for yourself. I flew into the ground twice. Into another plane once. But I did shoot another player's plane up a bit before he lost me in the clouds.

    The Graphics In Motion: The gallery below presents one of the loveliest batch of screenshots I've been sent by a publisher in a while. But the simple explosions and the detailed but lifeless terrain don't make the game come much more alive when it's put in motion. The planes are the stars. And the vistas are lovely. Anything that would animate doesn't look as great.

    What Should Stay The Same?
    The History: Authenticity is a goal rarely pursued in home console games. But IL-Sturmovik is going for it, representing real planes in minute detail and replicating historical battles across its six campaigns of, combined, 50 missions. The Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Bulge, and campaigns over Berlin, Sicily and Stalingrad are here. The missions are based on diary entries written by real fighter pilots who fought in those battles.

    The Range Of Realism: Play in Arcade mode and it will take a lot of gunfire will make your plane lose control. Play in Realistic or the even the more realistic Simulation mode (gotta love how difficulty settings are named) and you will have to worry about stalling, won't have an aim-assist and will find your plane flying in realistically hampered ways determined by how bullets have poked holes in your wings, rudder or fuselage. At any level, expect your plane to move in realistic and less-player-assisted ways than you would find in more mainstream flight games. Controls in any of the game's modes put pitch and roll on the left stick; throttle and yaw on the right. 505 reps say some flight sticks will be supported.

    The Graphics In Frozen Moments: The planes and the skies look lovely.

    Final Thoughts
    The "Call of Duty in the air" reference made at the beginning of my demo was something I didn't get to follow-up on. The game is by no means as fast-action as Activision's first-person shooter series. But the feel of having an enemy ace on your tail, and the sight of bullet trails whizzing past, then -- oh, no -- through your wings, is plenty exciting.

    I didn't get to try a base-capture option that 505 wanted to promote as a key multiplayer component. In that mode, I was told, players will land at a base, and only when their wheels are still will they begin to capture it and shave points off their team's total, Battlefield style.

    What I did see and play looked good for World War II flight combat enthusiasts. If you're looking for something with a more realistic feel, follow this one. And try the demo in August.

    Demo. :)
  4. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er wel gruwelijk uit zeg.

    Ben altijd wel fan van zulk soort games en de 360 heeft nog niet een echt geslaagt vliegspel. Over G Fighters vind ik echt te sim/hardcore en Ace Combat(hoewel een goede en amuzante game) is toch net een beetje te arcade. HAWX heb ik alleen nog niet gespeeld maar lijkt me redelijk gelijk aan AC.

    m.a.w. zeker een titel om in de gaten te houden.
    En volgende maand zeker de demo checken.
  5. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ Dulle NL: Als ik de conclusie in dat geposte stukje trek, dan krijgen we dus een Blazing Angel in vlammen naar beneden. Heb ik het nu verkeerd of ligt het weer aan die kut-gameplay soms?

    Heb altijd al gezworen bij Ace Combat. Die Multiplayer van Deel 6 is echt gruwelijk. O-)
  6. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Achievements toegevoegd. :)

    Vond zelf de multiplayer van AC6 trouwens behoorlijk mager. Het enige wat er gedaan werd was XLAA's strooien en hopen dat je iets raakt. :mad:
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jul 2009
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kort maar krachtig bericht.
  8. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wooo! \o/
    Hopelijk is het een beetje een fatsoenlijke demo. Multiplayer zou ideaal zijn. :)
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet kort en krachtig genoeg? :+

  10. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik was toch al druk bezig met fotootjes, dus :+ :

    Dan ook maar even op de normale manier:
    IL2 Sturmovik - Birds of Prey - Demo
    Bestandsgrootte: 1.22 GB
  12. PBateman

    PBateman From the Shadows

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Demo is best tof !

    Ziet er goed uit, vliegt lekker, en als je de tutorial uitspeelt krijg je nog realistic en sim settings.
  13. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op zich best een aardige demo, maar ik moet echt enorm wennen aan de besturing. Op arcade is het nog wel te doen, maar op realistic en simulation zijn die vliegtuigen echt een hel. Binnen 5 seconden in een stall en zo de grond in. :'-(
  14. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind die besturing echt gruwelijk irritant. er lijkt wel een half gebakke auto-aim in te zitten. Je vliegtuig zwabbert soms echt alle kanten op. zal vast wel iets van turbulentie zijn oid om het realistisch te maken, maar het is echt verschrikkelijk. Grond targets zijn daardoor ook heel lastig uit te schakelen. Ook mis ik de mogelijkheid om te strafen heel erg.
  15. Dee0342

    Dee0342 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    IL2 op de pc is zo hardcore, dat ik amper me vliegtuig van de grond afkreeg, laat staan in de lucht wist te houden :emo:

    Ik zal binnenkort de demo proberen, maar me schijf zit op het moment een beetje vol :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 aug 2009
  16. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb nu al aardig wat tijd gestoken in de demo op simulation mode, en het begint steeds leuker te worden.
    De Spitfire heb ik nu aardig onder de knie (mits goed getrimt), maar die P51 blijft echt een bitch om te besturen. Vooral krappe bochten zijn echt een drama... =(

    Denk trouwens wel dat ik 'm ga halen 4 september. :D
  17. PimpmasterB

    PimpmasterB Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hori Flight stick EX

    2 weken geleden heb ik de Hori Flight Stick EX gekocht bij http://www.gamebaz.com/?a=i&i=21039. In eerste instantie voor Ace Combat 6, maar hij blijkt veel en veel beter te werken in IL-2: BOP. Er is nl. geen dead-zone geprogrammeerd zoals bij Ace Combat 6. Het kost je een paar centen, maar dan heb je ook wat. Dit is echt een aanrader (stick en game)!
  18. Lequero

    Lequero Let It Rain

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 aug 2009
  19. SleepTrgt

    SleepTrgt Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ik hoop ook echt dat mijne ff snel bij die douane vandaan komt want dit is dus echt niks. Mag ik zo zeker ook weer invoer rechten betalen!
  20. PimpmasterB

    PimpmasterB Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben wel benieuwd hoeveel invoerrechten ze gaan vragen voor deze stick? De mijne kwam gewoon rechtstreeks naar mijn woning. Heb ik mazzel gehad denk ik. Btw, ben jij ook actief op http://forum.1cpublishing.eu?

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