Dit komt van deze site:
Xydexx does not want to eat puppies. Xydexx also does not want to staple his tongue to a moving bus, build a coffee table out of live weasels, or have a sea hare fetish. Xydexx has not built a full-scale model of the Eiffel Tower out of tinkertoys and rusty barbed wire yet. Xydexx does not have a Bright Red Mohawk, is not boycotting Mu Press, and has no family members in the band GWAR. Xydexx does not like to eat cole slaw. Xydexx has never been to Idaho, gone skydiving, worn Jello, gone skydiving in Idaho while wearing Jello, or projectile vomited for a distance of more than 100 feet. Xydexx is not Elvis. Xydexx does not plan on building a rocket and going to live on the planet Jupiter. Xydexx is not a turnip or any other easily-thrown objects. Xydexx does not think whitetail deer are ugly, and sees no reason to dress them up in ballerina outfits to make them cuter. Xydexx has never gargled mayonaisse in a bingo parlor full of kleptomaniacs, ridden a 4-person unicycle, or knitted a sweater out of Wilford Brimley's armpit hair. Xydexx isn't really a weirdo, except when he is. Xydexx is not made of cauliflower, doesn't worship cauliflower in his secret underground headquarters, and doesn't believe that angry cauliflower gods will devour the planet someday. Xydexx has never had a pet water buffalo, nor has he ever brought a pet water buffalo to a furry convention. Xydexx hasn't had a secret crush on deercicle in the past 30 minutes. Xydexx has never seen the giant moles that allegedly live beneath the Disputed Terminology Squabbling Territory. Xydexx has never had a laboratory with a giant magnetic telescope that sends comets and stars crashing down Main Street so that the next day the local papers are emblazoned with the headline MAGNETIC TELESCOPE THREATENS CITY. Xydexx didn't steal Ivy the inflatable reindeer from Tyson's Corner Mall, or if he did he's just not admitting it. Xydexx has never dressed up as Joan Jett or Elvira. Xydexx doesn't think it would be a good idea to paint a room with marmalade if you ever get on the TV show Trading Spaces. Xydexx is not afraid of cows. Xydexx does not think everyone is always after his Lucky Charms. Xydexx usually wears pants in public, except when he's wearing shorts. Xydexx is not really an inflatable unicorn, he just plays one on the internet. Xydexx doesn't think ignoring problems solves anything. Xydexx knows most people are smart enough not to need a lengthy disclaimer explaining things he doesn't believe and hasn't done, because most people know he doesn't like wasting his time arguing with people over things he never said in the first place. Xydexx has not eaten any bees or participated in a zombie brain-eating contest.
Lay Off The Furries, Okay?
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