[Multi] Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Barbabravo, 6 feb 2016.

  1. ColdzeroNL

    ColdzeroNL Thrustmast TX Leather Edition

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch maar besteld voor 49 euro bij ygz. Heb wel zin in een lange game, twijfelde tussen deze en sea of thieves maar ga op dit moment liever in mijn eentje en zonder druk van met anderen te hoeven afspreken spelen ter ontspanning.
  2. Sander1940

    Sander1940 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waar heb je hem gehaald?????
  3. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hij heeft hem besteld bij www.ygz.nl zoals aangegeven in ze post.:+
  4. Sander1940

    Sander1940 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Duh......ik bedoel Servantes.......
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  5. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 feb 2018
  6. Barbabravo

    Barbabravo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mount & Blade?
  7. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee die is het niet.
  8. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kingdom Under Fire II?
  9. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja het is Kingdom Under Fire Heroes ik vond er net video vanop youtube.

    Anyway ik dacht dus dat dit net zo'n soort game was maar dat is het dus niet en ik vind hem er best wel tof uit zien dat Kingdome Come.
  10. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Er druipen heel erg gemengde gevoelens binnen over deze game. Even afwachten tot de sites hun reviews online gooien en mensen echt met de game hebben gespeeld.

    Ik hoop zo dat de game voldoende slaagt dat het een aanschaf waard is, want een middeleeuwse RPG zonder magie erin trekt natuurlijk wel aandacht, mits goed uitgevoerd.

    Alleen die gemengde reacties lopen wel heel ver uit elkaar, dus dat is wel een issue vind ik. Ik zit te twijfelen tussen deze game of Monster Hunter World. Ik heb nog een VVV bon liggen, dus korting heb ik sowieso, maar heb mijn twijfels bij beide titels. Ik denk dat het eerder de kant van deze game op gaat, maar dan moet de game wel een redelijke 7 of hoger krijgen. :)
  11. Barbabravo

    Barbabravo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zijn indd veel gemengde reacties op internet te vinden over KCD. Deze zijn wel allemaal gebaseerd op de bèta, of gebaseerd op de game vóór de day-one patch van 23 GB. Hopelijk gaat deze patch veel houterige animaties etc. nog verhelpen. Maar dat het niet van de kwaliteit als TW3 gaat worden lijkt wel duidelijk, maar het is ook wel weer een ander soort game. Ik kan echt niet meer wachten om de middeleeuwen te betreden en ik neem die hier en daar slechte voice-acting enzo wel voor lief. Helemaal mijn type game dit :)
    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  12. DutchOwnage

    DutchOwnage Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben erg benieuwd naar de eerste ervaringen met de game van @ColdzeroNL :)
  13. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    After 15 hours of playing this over the weekend i'll take a break from it. Don't honestly know if i'll return to it.

    Overall i had my fun with it and i can see the huge potential but some things are driving me nuts.

    - stealing
    Why am i allowed to steal if everyone knows it's stolen? Nobody saw me steal it and it's not an special unique item. I chocked out a wanderer and looted him. 3 towns over i tried to sell his stuff and every merchant says to me it's stolen and they're not buying. What the hell? I likethe system that i can't rob a merchant and sell him his own wares back without him noticing and that i can#t sell unique items even a few towns over but this is a) broken or b) plain shit design. There're a few people you can sell stolen stuff to but they're poor as can be.

    - choking
    You can choke enemys/npc/everyone out from behind. This is fun but way overpowered. I, a peasant nobody, choked out a knight and robed him of his armor worth a few thousand coins. Nobody saw me doing it but as explained in the point "stealing" i couldn't sell his stuff. Magically every merchant knows it's stolen goods. Even his measly undershirt... After a few minutes i returned to the chocked out knight and he starts attacking me... I choked him from behind. He couldn't have known it was me but he's started to attack me anyway. (I didn't wear anything i stole from him either). He hit me with his fists and i attacked him with a sharp sword. I had to hit him over 20 times before he gave up.

    - fighting

    I like the fight-system in this game but man it's broken. When i in the real world, even as a peasant with no experience, hit anybody without clothes with a sword they'll die in a few hits. Not in this game. Multiple stabs (with the pointy end) into the head(no helmet/etc.) and my enemy still tried to hit me with his fists and nearly killed me before i was finished with him. When you're trying to sell your game on the "as much realism as can be" angle i understand that i need tactics against a knight in armor or enemys who know how to fight. But why does the realism suddenly stop when i fight against unarmored nobodys?

    - fast travel
    it's not my cup of tea... It's slow (a theme of this game) but your going to be attacked during it and when you fight against more than one enemy in the first hours you're fucked as the enemys'll even kill you with their fists. Even fater if they're in a group. You have to run away but every time i tried they caught up to me and killed me. So i didn't use the feature and walked through the beautiful game. But it takes ages on foot so add 10-20 hours traveling time to your adventure.

    - random searches
    In some cities it can happen that a guard is telling you stop so he can search you for stolen items. Even if you've never stolen anything in this town he'll search you (you can resist and run/fight/etc) and you've to pay a hefty fine (and all your stolen shit is gone). remember what i wrote under "stealing"... They can't know that this stuff is stolen but magically it still happens.

    I don't want to trash the game because many people'll love it very much but for me these things are dealbreakers. If you're going for realism than please go for realism and not his strange mix.
    Laatst bewerkt: 12 feb 2018
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand reageerde op de impessie van hierboven

    Oh boy, let me address some things cause a few of them are pretty awkward.

    - stealing
    I think the tutorial or the codex page tells you that you need to sell it in a village far away or they will recognize it. Alternatively, you can just put it in your chest and wait a few days, they will give up searching for it after couple of days and they are not marked as stolen anymore. I don't have any problem with it.
    Sure, they could reduce the distance you have to travel but this is also differently every time. Why are you even trying it to sell them randomly to anyone, wtf? You can see which items are stolen in your inventory because they have this red mark, you don't need to ask around. If that mark is gone, nobody misses them anymore.

    Alternatively (important), you meet a person pretty fast in the game for that you can do a side quest, if you do that, he becomes your personal illegal salesperson and you can sell him stolen shit every time. Later not only him but also his friends that are in the same profession. So this is literally no problem anymore.

    - choking

    It's also not that simple. Yes, like I said before, it seems pretty simple and an easy way to steal stuff, but then you will realize that sometimes when you start to choke someone out, the recognized you and even if it works, the village will know what you did and your reputation goes down. Sometimes and I personally had that once, the choke doesn't work, the opponent comes out, pushes you back and than have fun with the fight. With the integration of the limited save system, quick load is mostly no option so you have to stick with the consequences. It maybe works 4 out of 5 times but the fifth one, if you abuse it and can't get enough, could give you major trouble.

    - fighting

    Really? I mean, really? Come on, you want it to be even more realistic? This game tries it best to give you unique and realistic feeling, and while I can understand it a liiiiiiiitle bit, it's exaggeration high 10. I never had problems against nobody, for me they went down after 2-3 hits. Maybe you used a sword that had too high stats? Than the atk will be massively reduced.
    You probably doesn't even have the advanced techniques unlocked or the combos.

    - fast travel

    You can get attacked? And than it pulls you out and you have to fight? I never had that..... but I don't use fat travel that much, used it maybe 5 times over 45 hours? I actually like it that there is a risk. Maybe, uhm, crazy idea but, uhm, just don't use fast travel (that often)? Not really a critique that I understand. You will get your own horse later anyway so you don't even need it anymore then.

    - random searches

    This one is ridiculous. What is wrong here? I don't get it. Yes they will search you randomly, (I even think it has to do with how you look or if you are dirty or have torn down clothes, that is an important factor in the game in general) but this is absolutely normal, back then and even still today as example on airports (I don't know the specific term for that). This tries to teach you to get your stolen stuff out of the villages immediately. It's once again, a risk thing, stealing stuff can get you in deep trouble and I don't see anything wrong with that. Personally, I only got searched so far with nothing on me, never while I had something, so it's everything, but not unfair or "magic" (unfair). It's exactly how it would be in reality.
    You could criticize that you never see them do it on other people, I would give you that (At least I can't remember seeing that so far) but in reality, they would probably do that every 10-15 minutes with any random or strange looking guy, I can't blame them with how often I run around through these villages, to be honest.

    It just seems like you didn't understand half of what you was playing and I hope nobody here takes that serious and loses interest because you don't understood things and talked nonsense. :/
    Specially the searches and stolen items part, there is nothing wrong here.
    Barbabravo vindt dit leuk.
  15. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij is het devies bij deze titel: even op wat reviews wachten.
  16. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog niet binnen op de redactie helaas (en de Nederlandse distributeur). Komt vast wel. Ik heb hem in elk geval aangevraagd.
  17. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ook wisselende reacties daar dus, van aanbevolen tot wait for sale. Vanavond even wat reviews kijken.
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 feb 2018
  19. ColdzeroNL

    ColdzeroNL Thrustmast TX Leather Edition

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb hem ook nog niet op de deurmat liggen en moet tot 18.00 werken dus hopelijk lukt het nog om vanavond een eerste impressie te geven.
  20. Barbabravo

    Barbabravo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo wat een wisselende cijfers. Ik had verwacht dat het allemaal zo rond de 7 ofzo zou zitten maar de een geeft een 4 en de ander een 9 :eek:

    Wel blij om te lezen dat er veel uur aan content in zit.

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