[9:14] Kristian Kit: How is Mass Effect 2 comingalong XXX?
[9:15] XXX: and its coming a long good, their was talks of a possible delay but it got sorted so we're all on schedule for the Jan 26th release
[9:15] XXX: met some interesting people, shame i cant really name them till the next trailer comes out
[9:16] XXX: well appart from seth green
[9:16] Kristian Kit: That's nice, i still have to complete Mass Effect 1. I found out it's really not my type of game but it's basically the only game left i still can complete
[9:16] Kristian Kit: since i have all the others 1000/1000 (Xbox360)
[9:16] XXX: it's weird being incharge of seth green, i had to email him stuff to re record and what nor
[9:17] Desereck Creeggan: HAHA
[9:18] XXX: last months task for me way ALL of the joker diologue...i think if i hear seth green anymore i'll cry
[9:18] XXX: just glad its over
[9:18] Desereck Creeggan: Isnt he the maker of Robot Chicken?
[9:18] XXX: yea
[9:18] Desereck Creeggan: Thought so.
[9:18] Kristian Kit: Joker actually looks like him
[9:18] Kristian Kit: i suppose that was the point tho?
[9:18] XXX: we got a few movie parodies in 2
[9:19] Desereck Creeggan: So how much you earnin' XXX?
[9:19] XXX: austin powers and 2001 space odyssey
[9:19] Kristian Kit: What are you going to do with Austin powers?
[9:20] XXX: started at $60k, and we're making jokers chair break like dr evils and go crazy
[9:20] Kristian Kit: haha
[9:20] Kristian Kit: I suppose coming up with stuff like that is one of the coolest parts of being a game developer
[9:21] XXX: oh yea
[9:21] XXX: well theres like a deadline for submitting easter eggs and jokes and we past that
[9:21] XXX: they have to get approved by the head of design
[9:21] XXX: and that was like 2 months back
[9:22] XXX: OH theres a penny arcade refference too
[9:22] Vinnie Lei wishes there was more dopefish these days :<
[9:22] XXX: if anyone saw the penny arcade comic on mass 1
[9:23] Kristian Kit: I've completed Noveria on mass effect one, never went to Feros and that's where i stopped playing
[9:23] XXX:
[9:23] Kristian Kit: It was nice but i dunno, not my type of game really
[9:24] XXX: one of the tips on the loading screens on mass 2 now says "drown less"
[9:24] Desereck Creeggan: ..
[9:24] Desereck Creeggan: HAHAHAHAHAH
[9:24] Kristian Kit: lol
[9:24] Desereck Creeggan: Nice, very nice.
[9:25] XXX: tbh i found the first game boring
[9:25] XXX: very longwinded
[9:25] Kristian Kit: haha same
[9:26] XXX: but when you see what they had to work with you can see why it had a lot of downsides
[9:26] XXX: mass 2 on the otherhand, fixes all that
[9:26] XXX: the team is nearly 4x bigger for mass 2
[9:26] XXX: and they actualy have a polish pass!
[9:27] XXX: which is a lovely, rare thing in modern gaming
[9:27] Kristian Kit: polish pass?
[9:27] XXX: something bethesday has never heard of
[9:27] XXX: bethesda*
[9:28] Kristian Kit: I heard Bethesda might release a sequel to oblivion next year
[9:28] Kristian Kit: heard anything about that?
[9:29] XXX: basicaly after your "orange box pass" (adding the bare content) and your "harden pass" (cleaning up the basics of your content) SOME companies do a "polish pass" which is perfecting everything so theres no where near as many bugs or glitches in the game
[9:30] Kristian Kit: That's pretty neat.
[9:30] Melly Deemster is Online
[9:30] Kristian Kit: Could ME2 be compared with ME1 in terms of being long winded etc?
[9:31] Kristian Kit: The screens look nice for sure
[9:31] XXX: as we go into ME3 we're needing to explain the universe less and immerse the play into it
[9:32] XXX: as 3 is going to be a shit storm of space fights
[9:32] Kristian Kit: wait what, 3?
[9:32] XXX: yea, mass effect 3

[9:32] Kristian Kit: you guys started on that already?
[9:32] XXX: the final
[9:32] XXX: yup
[9:32] Kristian Kit: I never knew Mass Effect was a trilogy?
[9:32] XXX: it's already been made public i'm pretty sure
[9:32] Kristian Kit: is that going to be released on 360 or is it a release game for the new xbox?
[9:33] XXX: 360
[9:33] Kristian Kit: Ah nice
[9:33] XXX: never for the ps3
[9:33] XXX: the guy incharge of dragon age summed it up perftly for me when i asked what it was like developing for the PS3
[9:34] XXX: "Well, try to imagine parking a oil tanker in a bath tub,...and you get a pretty good idea"
[9:36] XXX: baww no voice chat
[9:37] Kristian Kit: and ME2-3 is not going to have some sort of co-op mode i suppose?
[9:37] XXX: i dont see why
[9:37] XXX: though it would be cool
[9:38] XXX: but you could say that about pretty much every game
[9:38] Kristian Kit: That's why i asked, a co-op is one of the factors that counts for me when buying new games
[9:38] Kristian Kit: But, you are the Bioware guy not me
[9:38] XXX: well then no it isnt
[9:39] XXX: the same way half life 2 ep3 wont either
[9:39] XXX: or any other trilogy
[9:39] Kristian Kit: Fair enough.
[9:39] XXX: theres not much point in introducing a co op feature in a continuation of a game that didnt
[9:40] XXX: especialy when it already has henchmen
[9:41] Kristian Kit: I just wondered because developers tend to include those features in a lot of games these days.
[9:41] Kristian Kit: Fable is a perfect example, also some sort of RPG
[9:41] XXX: like kane and lynch,...and we all know how amazing that was
[9:41] Kristian Kit: Kane and Lynch sucked right?
[9:42] XXX: just a bit
[9:42] XXX: i couldnt even finish the first level with my friend because of bugs
[9:42] XXX: but having a game thats all about choice with a co op feature wouldnt work anyway
[9:42] Kristian Kit: As long as Mass effect 2 is going to have more action than the first one
[9:42] XXX: oh yes
[9:43] XXX: and 6 different endings this time round too lol
[9:43] Desereck Creeggan: Brb
[9:43] XXX: and pets!
[9:43] Kristian Kit: pets lol?
[9:43] XXX: yup
[9:43] XXX: shepard has pets he can buy and keep now
[9:44] Kristian Kit: Don't tell me shepard gets to have a cat
[9:44] XXX: so far as far as i know theres fish or hamsters
[9:44] Kristian Kit: Real pets or futuristic alien style pets?
[9:44] Kristian Kit: haha, i assume he can have his own quaters then?
[9:44] XXX: alien fish, you can catch or buy from different planets, some are rarer than others
[9:44] Kristian Kit: or own a house or what not?
[9:44] XXX: yup
[9:45] Kristian Kit: Well that's actually a nice feature.
[9:45] XXX: if you dont feed up and come back after a few missions your fish are floating at the top of the tank
[9:45] Kristian Kit: haha!
[9:45] XXX: and shepard cries
[9:45] Ron Bleac: Why did I suddenly think of that massive pink jellyfish that spewed out semi-religious philosophy in the first game?
[9:46] Kristian Kit: Where was that?
[9:46] XXX: the hannar arnt in 2 at all
[9:46] Kristian Kit: But, if shepard can have a house. Can he get married then?
[9:46] XXX: they realised they just annoyed people, so they got scrapped
[9:46] Kristian Kit: or have relationships, he could get into some sort of relationships with Ashley and the girl whos name i forgot
[9:47] Kristian Kit: the alien girl..
[9:47] XXX: no, but theres plenty more people shepard can have sex with!
[9:47] Kristian Kit: hahaha, it's not like you got enough shit thrown in your direction for having that one sex scene as it is?
[9:47] XXX: well that depends if you let ashley live or die on the first game
[9:47] Kristian Kit: i believe all of the republicans cursed the gaming industry because you spoiled our children
[9:48] XXX: yup!
[9:48] XXX: theres even a clip of one of them in the recent shitty trailer
[9:48] XXX: made by the producers here, who dont know how to advertise, we slapped them
[9:49] XXX:
[9:50] Kristian Kit: It occured to me how important trailers are. I bought Operation Flashpoint 2 based on the trailer...
[9:50] Kristian Kit: well that was a mistake
[9:51] XXX: the mouse cursor at the end
[9:51] XXX: just,..everyone in the office face palmed
[9:51] XXX: not many of the public noticed it though
[9:52] Kristian Kit: haha
[9:52] Kristian Kit: now that you mention it...
[9:52] Ron Bleac: I see it now.
[9:52] Ron Bleac: DIdn't notice it at first.
[9:52] Desereck Creeggan: Where's the mouse cursor? o.o
[9:52] Desereck Creeggan facepalms
[9:52] Desereck Creeggan: LOl
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Oh
[9:53] Ron Bleac: 1.18
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Saw it
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Hahahaha
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Right as that giant robot fell
[9:53] XXX: this is why our producers shouldnt make trailers
[9:53] XXX: its not their job lol
[9:53] XXX: stick to what you're good at
[9:53] Kristian Kit: haha, i see it now
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Its not that big of a fuck up, but LOL
[9:53] Desereck Creeggan: Hilarious
[9:54] XXX: they were a laughing stock in the office for a while, dont worry, they've learnt their lesson
[9:54] Kristian Kit: Anyway, i'le see how it turns out
[9:54] Kristian Kit: i am going to log now
[9:54] Kristian Kit: gonna play some mass effect 1

[9:54] Intus Infinity: Take care Kit

[9:55] XXX: everyone kept going up to their screen when their working going "i'm sure i've sene that mouse cursor somewhere before?"
[9:55] Desereck Creeggan: LOL