Hmm, ben een beetje gaan rond kijken op Metal Gear forums, en vond wat interessante informatie.
De character die wij zien op de teaser ziet er uit als Raiden, zoals wij die kennen in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Echter heeft de echte Raiden altijd blauwe ogen gehad, en deze personage in de teaser heeft bruine ogen. Je kunt het ver zoeken, maar men denkt dat je niet met Raiden speelt. Het klinkt eigenlijk best logisch. Let wel, alles is van vorig jaar.
"The evidence seems to be pointing to Gray Fox, and not Raiden. I mean, even looking at those pictures you can see some facial similarities between them and the one featured on the site. Do you seriously think that they'd put Raiden in again, when they've already gotten him to finish wearing that Suit (at the end of MGS4) and made him a father? MGS4 was meant to tie everything together and end the Solid Snake saga.
I really think that this is what Kojima want's everyone to think. Kojima loves to fool around with people. You can bet that he's put these two faces in the site to start discussion over the possibilities of them being both Big Boss and Raiden. It's marketing. He wants you to fall for his plans. What happened with MGS2? You thought you were going to be playing Snake the entire time, but ended with piss-boy Raiden. What was that from? Clever marketing.
What about the whole storyline to MGS4. Kojima is an incredibly intelligent man, and I don't think he's going to waste his energy by backtracking to something he made clear he wanted to clean up. He spent so much time into the tying up all the loose ends within the storyline of MGS4, and he's going to waste that effort by scratching that and attempting to expand it further? That sounds like a really stupid plan for any director. Kojima should know better. Kojima DOES know better.
So in conclusion, if that was indeed Raiden, it can't be a sequel because Raiden would have given up his hi-tech suit and gone on to be a father. It cannot definitely be a Prequel either because Raiden doesn't have Orange/Brown eyes, hasn't lost his left eye (in MGS4) and hasn't got all these holes or a barcode on his head. It would be hard to get rid of those screws and barcode on his head don't you think? Looks to me like those screw-things are essential to "his" character. So in otherwords, it can't be Raiden, whether a Sequel or a Prequel."
Even in het kort, Raiden heeft dus altijd blauwe ogen gehad, geen bruine. Ook is Gray Fox (uit Metal Gear Solid PSX/Gamecube) zijn linker oog kwijtgeraakt, en had hij toen ook al een speciale 'suit' aan. (Exoskeleton?)
Zo zou Gray Fox ook blond haar hebben.. dat heb ik nooit gezien maar er is dus een plaatje van een prototype? Gray Fox..
Echt een hele grote discussie daar dus, wie weet speel je wel met Gray Fox, of blijft het gewoon Raiden. Hopelijk krijgen we meer duidelijkheid op de aankomende E3. Dit is zeker dé titel waarnaar ik het meest naar uit kijk.
Ik kan het ook harstikke fout hebben hoor en dat we 100% gewoon met Raiden gaan spelen, maar ik vind dit soort discussies wel tof om te lezen.
Laatst bewerkt: 13 mei 2010