Mooie analyse van iemand:
Well I was due to have this thread up thirty minutes after the trailer aired but to some unfortunate site bugs I was unable to post for the entire night into about 10 minutes prior to now? That REALLY sucks because by now EVERYONE has an analysis thread and mines will only resemble the repeated threads.
NO! My thread is more about what can be behind these images then what’s in them. Sure everyone can point stuff out in pictures but why not look deeper and decipher or speculate what really can be in store for us... so my thread is more focused on theory and speculations then simply what’s in the picture.
It was the only way to distinguish this thread from the others and allow forum users to give it a chance. I will update this thread a couple of times by way of conversions (like v1.5, later today I will update it to v2.0) with more images from last night's teaser and provide more of what may or may not be included in MW2.
NOTE: These are just speculated theories of what might be included MW2, those features that are confirmed are refer beforehand and credited to Game Informer magazine. Enjoy my thoughts and let me know what you think...
1) The first one isn't something SUPER spectacular okay. So this is obviously an Enemy NPC and he is armed with 2 Stun Grenades which obviously make their return in MW2. The real theory and purpose of this pic lies within the GI article mentions of customized NPCs with Multiplayer style weaponry. In Cod4 Enemy NPC Stun Grenades were not as often as the hail mary of Frag spammage we received from them, in MW2 will they be able to spam us with Stuns as well, since they will be outfitted like human players would be in MP. Special Grenades X3 for the Enemy NPCs?
2) Okay some of the obvious stuff - Russian SWAT Teams which you can tell by the Russian Letters on the black truck they hop out of, and that the location is an Airport Gate area (Where planes land and receive maintenance). The obvious stuff is out of the way now lets get down to the speculations and theory.
Notice in the first teaser trailer (the green one) it is presume to be Russian Terrorists attacking an Airport with one of them reminding his fellow suited gun toting comrades "Remember, no Russian." Most of us assumed they were posing as Americans, well to me at least this confirms that they were. We know they were in an Russian Airport of some sorts, chances are that this is the same exact Airport which takes place in that trailer. Its obviously in Russia due to the Russian SWAT Team coming along and engaging with our fellow NPCs (later photos). I think this action takes place right after the suited Russians hijack a possible plane with our good NPCs trying to stop them before take off, and in the confusion have to tangle with SWAT who probably came in to stop the suited Russians who eventually escape? Well I can't get too far into speculation now can I...
3 ) Okay here we have our first of many photo shots of our now popular Mohawk NPC. Some people think he is our playable character but I doubt that, in most of our COD games and COD4 our playable character is always faceless as in - we never see his face. I believe this tradition will carry on in MW2 (this is of course with the exception of Soap who is now an NPC and Price in his Flashback missions but our protagonist is usually a mystery). I believe he is a very valuable character in MW2 who comes off more as a supporting role similar to what Gaz portrayed in the first MW, with Soap playing our new residential badass ala Captain Price.
More confirmation that this is a commercial Airport and undoubtedly civilians will play a huge role in this part of the game (as well as others as GI exclusive article confirms this). Also our Mohawk friend is wearing a vest, will this be somehow included into game play or is it just merely NPC eye candy like the vest in MW? Will it play a part in Multiplayer... a new take on Juggernaut? Only time will tell...
4) Ahhh... the rooftop shots, judging by these shots we are in a high chase pursuit of someone (similar to COD4's Sins of the Father) or hauling ass... I'll go with the former. In this image is a masked NPC (Non Playable Character) or is he? Is this masked soldier our playable character cleverly designed by IW to hide his identity from us as we scan these trailers for every detail?
Obviously this is in the shanty towns of Rio de Janeiro but what exactly is our team after here? Brazilian Arms dealer? Mentioned in the GI article is a mountaintop objective with a great implementation of MW2's new open ended game play. Here in Brazil as confirm by GI exclusive MW2 article, civilians also play a role during combat as this South American Faction (which might be playable as in MP) is primarily dressed as common villagers as well (later photo). Speaking of Multiplayer, does this spell out a "Hell Yeah" for a rooftop MP map? Ummm I sure hope so...
5) Here is a close up of the fore mentioned masked character in the process of making a death defying jump. Speaking of these type of jumps, it reminds me of the very last timed event jump in the level "Crew Expendable". Is it possible we'll be making more of these type of timed event jumps on these level in MW2, I mean in "Crew Expendable" IW did a tremendous job portraying the need of urgency in contrast to impending doom when escaping that sinking freighter. Will they pull off that same type of fast pace action and timed jumps in the rooftops of Brazil? That would be an awesome concept I want to lean towards to.
I know, I know... a lot of you guys noticed the gun in the masked guy's hand and spreaded the news already. For those who are still unwary of what it is - I'm not even sure now but it looks like a rifle not an SMG like I first thought. I'll get back on that soon with an update.
6) Expanding more about timed event jumps here, this also looks very similar to the last part of "Crew Expendable" only thing is I don't think that's our chopper, it's the enemy. Notice as it looks like they're jumping for the chopper but the hatch is not opened... I believe its a deceiving angle and our guys are still involved in some roof hopping here trying to catch up with the chopper. Probably while chasing an enemy NPC through the rooftops, the enemy ditches our guys and makes it to a particular rooftop with an awaiting chopper to make a dashing escape?
Nevertheless this Brazil shanty town is looking to be a very interesting location for the game with civilians, civilian dressed enemies, open ended level design and rooftop chases with choppers. Sounds 'effing exciting to me.
7) This photo here proves to be rather interesting... as far as theory goes for the time being I'm completely stumped with this one so lets explain the obvious here. Another masked character, is this the same guy jumping the Brazilian rooftops who is our possible playable character? He's wielding a dagger or ice pick here in the process of stabbing some unfortunate soul. What looks like a hostage in some sort of red-orange suit looks to be tied to a seat in the back there, but is most interesting is the red lights in the background.
I remember those red lights fairly well - C4? Since it looks to be a hostage situation, maybe the C4 is a certified way of keeping our hostage there, he possibly could even be tied to the C4 incase any would be rescuer would trip it and blow them both sky high? Or some type of other explosive device? Could this mean some environmental traps in single player mode? We know by GI's article that a snowy mission takes place where our new protagonist is accompanied by Cpt. Soap to rig up some explosives at an enemy base but does this mean disarming them as well? Maybe a new type of explosives in MP and a new Perk to disarm them? Who knows...
8 ) What is possibly to be believed to be some sort of lot on U.S. soil? Or maybe a wreckage site... noticed the burnt out colors the plane parts display which could've been done by a bomb that was planted on this doomed plane... Mile High Club anyone? Further analysis leads me more to the bomb theory as it seems it fell to this piece of land in pieces as opposed to crashing of other causes (which would have made it seem more driven into the earth by impact not land in partly intact pieces). Due to the partly intact nose end of the plane I'm assuming this bomb was placed somewhere in the middle of the plane to cause maximum damage and casualties, and it did a pretty good job at it.
9) The reason I mentioned Mile High Club is the fact of that plane having a bomb on it (or several), you can tell when you dive out with the hostage it blows up mid-air. Now was that chapter over or just the beginning? Is it linked to MW2? What would bring us to this location in MW2 among the wreckage, maybe the hostage wasn't the only thing important on that plane back in MHC... Maybe in MW2 we are after the black box that plane carried for more Intel on what the enemy’s intentions were? Being it was the SAS who took part in that Op and the muffled foreign language of that hostage, the plane itself was over international airspace. Maybe this lot is not U.S. soil as some of us might think?
Or maybe this thoery is too imaginitive, as pointed out by forum users Judge bredd and Your_nan there is no possible way it could have landed so close to the other part of the fuselage... I'll include a more thorough analysis on my next update, thanks guys.
10) Now here is a "no surprise" shot of the Christ the Redeemer statue located of the mountains of Rio de Janeiro. Also some sort of satellite tower, do the villagers of this shanty town enjoy the luxuries of premium cable television or is this an objective for our friends of Task Force 141? Well since this doesn’t resemble the wealthiest of towns I believe that satellite tower is definitely under control by the wrong side of the law? Spying on certain people or used as a way for our Brazilian arms dealer to communicate with his international clientele…
Laatst bewerkt: 22 mei 2009