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Modern Warfare 2

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Hybrid, 8 feb 2009.

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  1. Cryton NL

    Cryton NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er goed uit:)
  2. egelhunter

    egelhunter It's all in the game

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vet die analyse zaten dingen bij die me niet eens opgevallen waren
  3. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:

    DAT ZOU PAS COOL ZIJN.................
  4. GForce

    GForce Danica Patrick

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou. Nu maak je al een hoop friendly kills in Hardcore met nades en airstrikes...
  5. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat ze op de E3 de missies laten waarmee de PU gespeeld heeft.
  6. Syn3rgy

    Syn3rgy Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou idd vet zijn. Die analyse is best goed in mekaar gezet. Rambo knife :cool:
  7. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoop het ook, maar we zullen wel zien of het echt zo'n wereldprimeur was of niet. Meestal katten de verschillende site's en bladen elkaar rond de E3 ook wel een beetje af. Het is immers moordende concurrentie. ;):9
  8. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor de geïnteresseerden:

    De Franse preview van MW ( Soortgelijke als die van de PU )

    Translation Of The Impression of the Staff about Modern Warfare 2 and the interview of the guys from Infinity Ward - Consoles +

    " It's on the Champs-Élysées that infinity Ward gave me an appointment to discover the futur of a mythic serie. And it's official, it's going to be awesome"

    The date of the release of what might be the Messiah of the First Person Shooter on consoles is given, it will be November the 10th of 2009.
    And if the pessismits are already beting ont eventuals reports... it's sure that they didn't see the game running.

    Because it's a fact, Modern Warfare 2 looked pretty much done, or as the first mission presented.

    No lags, no graphic bugs, loadings almost instant.
    In a rush of joy, i was even hoping come home with a playable demo, but it's bad to dream.
    Altought, the begining of the presentation drowned me into it... in a dream, like a 12 years old kid watching a symphonie of pure epicness.

    Chapter 1: Stupors and Tremors

    The mission starts on a cliff. Weather sucks, it's freezing my peanut ( <- comment of the writer, i'm translating what I'm reading... ), snow is covering every square of the land and the frost is slowingly covering my sight.

    A man is with me and leading my path witht he help of a mic inserted in his ear, we all know that falling here could happen in a split second.
    Quickly, that crazy dude starts climbing the abrupt side of the mountain, telling me to follow him... One ice pic left, one right, it looks easier than I thought and I reached the top without much difficulty.


    " We're gonna infiltrate the ennemy base, put some c4 at some strategic points, without waking up the suspicions."

    Everything is said like if we were going to the market buy some stuff for the party tonight.
    The new gadget inserted in the rifle allows me to open a screen near from the magazine which indicates the warming sources around me.

    Two men between an army, I don't mind... Well two.. as quick as my partner and I entered in the base, he looks like he is at home in his couch and covering me from a high structure with his sniper rifle.No time to panic, one ennemy is going forward to my location.

    A choked and heavy noise resounds and the guy just fall down his head blowed whereas I was gonna knife him from behind. My partner doesn't seem to be a retard ( I apologize for this translation... ) and the weather is on our side, the blizzard covering the sound of our shots. I could pick up the weapon the guy just dropped a second ago, but what the hell ? Mine's better...

    One by One, people are falling, at least the ones who are blocking me into my way to the supermarket ( this writer is awesome ^_^ ). One more c4 to put in a warehouse headed up to the North.
    One man is only blocking me in my path, well no more for a long time. This time my partner team up with me and throw the guy against a rack. The impact is brutal to deform it.

    Throwing the guy on the floor ( " oh dude it's sick ! " <- comment of the writer ), takes his knife like an assassin and stab him directly in the carotid. OH MY GOD ! OWNED !
    Violent, but effective.Barbare, but clean. He tells me to run upstairs on the second floor, he's waiting for me at the exit. As I was gonna put the last bomb on the location indicated on my radar ( UAV ? can you say radar in english ? ), the heavy footwalk of the guards stop me. Everything is not going as we planned.

    As quick as possible, I run downstairs to alert my partner but it's too late. Arms pointing the sky, powerless against a dozen of masked soldiers. "Plan B" is telling me in the mic in my ear. In his right hand, the sneaky guy had time to place the detonator and blowed all the c4 disposed on the outside of the warehouse.

    Bullet time's mode, the blast of the explosion destabilize the ennemy and I have a few seconds to annihilate ( god I love this word ) every single threat with a slowing motion coming from a pure paradise of epicness. Consequently, the mission which was supposed to be an infiltration mission changes into a suicide mission and we will have to leave the place with everything we can find around us, two men against everybody....

    Chapter 2: Butch Cassidy And The Kid.

    This time, I don't care about those old rifles on the snow, as old as my grand'ma, the mag of my rifle just went empty... We are trying to flee on the left but the explosion gave the alert and the guards are starting to rush in our direction.

    It's at that moment that I hear a huge " VROOOOOM " of an engine of a motor snowbike resounds in the background, as if God heard us. We might get the hell out of here alive !

    Still subtil, my trained war hero partner rush the driver of one of these snowbikes and insert with such a huge strenght the two ice pics in his thorax which served to climb the cliff, the force of the impact increased by the speed of the snowbike, and tear off what looks like an heart....

    " Jump in ! " he's screaming. In a split second, we hijacked it and are starting to rush down the valley. The impression of speed is just awesome. Slaloming between the trees, foot still on the accelerator, my motor snowbike's baptism is finally going well, fingers in the nose, gameplay is really great and I can even shoot with my glock any threat from behind while driving.

    Hundred metters ahead, an helicopter is waiting for us at the extraction point.
    The thing is we were supposed to come back only the two of us, and not a bunch of dudes chasing us ! We rush into it, taking care of the soldiers behind without any break because they're getting closer and closer....
    The helicopter is taking of, mission ends... and the presentation of the game with it.

    Chapter 3: Analysis of the Field

    The first thing which is really surprising when we look at Modern Warfare 2, it's his heterogen rythm. The missions looks like is just infiltration, and it starts to change to become something new, such as a suicide mission where surviving is the only thing youhave in mind.
    Where some games separate each mission of the story with themes, Infinity Ward is mixing everything up as he wants, and don't let any time break and is playing constantly with the player's nerves.

    We noticed that there is a switch in the interaction with the background. For example, before, if you were throwing a grenade, the blast just left a mark on the floor without any damage around.
    Today, do the same thing in an office et you will see the windows blow out with the blast, the furnitures burning, sheet of papers in the air etc...

    Modern Warfare was already known for his aphrodisiac beauty, this year the game designers / graphists are going faaar away detailling all gestures / facials expressions / mood / skin / frost on the sight /, we are flirting with the epicness.

    Thoses examples are so true in a mission we've seen just during 5sec, in the favelas of Rio.
    Unlike a majority of the actual games, there'is life here. Local population inter-reacting between them in the street, newspapers in the air following the direction of the wind, dust forming a huge dark brownish cloud, Infinity Ward isn't playing in the same court as some other companies... and don't put any limits for the variety of the environment, levels, from snow mountain to urban cities and through luxurious vegetation.

    Confirming at the same occasion what we all know about the precedent épisode, Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare which showed a lot of great stuff, these guys are artists.



    We attempted to obtain some optionals informations from the two important guys of Infinity Ward, Vince Zampella ( IW director ) and Robert Bowling ( community manager )

    C+: Is is to shut the mouth of people or the worry of fashion that you created missions which are not following only one path as it was in the past ?

    IW: We didn't choose to create bigger maps for a fashion question, but because the background was perfect for it.

    C+: Can we hope this year to play with the same hero from the begining till the end ?

    IW: ( laughts ) You wanna say, will he stay alive ? Let's say that you will play the SP in many perspectives.

    C+:Did you succeeded in the challenge of creating a sequence as strong as the after-nuclear strike in Modern Warfare ?

    IW: We can't tell you, but yes, the player is gonna be happily surprised ( laughts )

    C+: To shock your audience is a motivation ?

    IW: We don't want the player to just shoot everything which is moving in front of him. We're looking for an interactive experiencemore than a simple FPS.

    C+: Informations about the MP ? A mode with 50 players to do better than the other video games'companies ?

    IW: No, here again, we are focusing on what will best suit the game. And we really do much appreciate a mode with 18 players well rythmed.

    C+: To conclude, for god's sake, all the staff is imploring you, don't put any Nazy Zombies in an annexe mission ( World at War ) !!!

    IW: ( laughts ) Don't worry about it !

    Note: Het is vertaald door een Fransman
  9. Syn3rgy

    Syn3rgy Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Man , deze game word gewoon TE ziek :p In de PU zeiden ze dat je met 3 man iets met een schild kon doen. 2 houden het schild vast terwijl de ander schiet, ik bedoel, hoe vet is dat :p?
  10. Endorsed

    Endorsed Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als dat voor online is, gaat het nooit gebruikt worden. 1 nade, iedereen kapot, 2 mensen zodat 1tje kan schieten? Je kan ook gewoon elkaar covering fire geven ofzo. Meh.......

    Bedenk dat iedereen ook Martyrdom vet vond voordat Cod 4 uitkwam.
  11. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    jij ook hier :p
  12. Endorsed

    Endorsed Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Zoooo, dat is een lelijke smiley :')
  13. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 30 mei 2009
  14. Duke_Jay

    Duke_Jay Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Goedenavond Endorsed.:b::)
  15. gamekiller15

    gamekiller15 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hayhay iedereen....weet eimand toevallig of er weer zo een sniper level kiomt in dit nieuwe deel??? tnx;)
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja waarschijnlijk in level 4.
  17. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk niet dat iemand het weet. Tot nu toe zijn er drie levels bekend. Als je wilt weten waarover die gaan moet je ff de PU lezen ;)
  18. gamekiller15

    gamekiller15 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    jah heb ik al gedaan...heb abbo...maar ik heb echt fucking zin in cod6 oftewel mw2_O_
  19. gamekiller15

    gamekiller15 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoe the fuck weet je dat eigelijk? die bron van jouw wil ik wel weten:9O-)
  20. Cryton NL

    Cryton NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sarcasme 4-life;)
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