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[XOne] NBA 2k14

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door s4nd3r, 27 jun 2013.

  1. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat een wereld van verschil :lol:

    NBA Live trailer = current gen
    NBA 2K trailer = next-gen
  2. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klein beetje info voor de mensen die interesse hebben :)

    Here's a recap of what I posted, just in a easier to read format. Ganked from the 2k boards!

    * The president of Visual Concepts up on stage calling #NBA2K14 next-gen truly "special." Says the hardware allows for a unique experience.

    * "This is not a port." Built from ground up for the hardware. Brand new engine is called "Eco Motion.l

    * The detail of MyPlayer customization gives you a unique look this year. The selected MyPlayer looks awfully familiar... Hmmmm

    * Jeff Thomas just played "pure basketball porn." Now discussing 4 main pillars NBA Today, MyPlayer, MyTeam, MyGM

    * Daily zap allows for stats, highlights from a real video. All your NBA news connected on your console updated DAILY.

    * This is all driven by Dynamic Living Roster - which is adjust daily based on how players are performing in the real world.

    * NBA Today delivers new content daily and has sleekest design ever. Driven by Dynamic Living Rosters and Stats Inc.

    * The introduction and presentation is brand new. Level of detail is unrivaled and truly shows off the power of the next-gen systems.

    * 5 on 5 NBA Today matchup Warriors at Heat getting viewed by press

    * Stunning graphics showcased on default camera, new EcoMotion showcases brand new movements and animations.

    * Someone just leaned in to me and said it looks like watching a real game at a bar. Ironic since we are at a bar

    * Some loud applauds for the 5v5 video. Truly another level on #NextGen #NBA2K14. Team now about to speak to the graphics.

    * Level of detail showcased in clip with arena angles, behind backboards, cameramen, cords. mics etc. Level of detail is stunning.

    * Art director Anton Dawson on now talking about the thousands of little things. Had to change materials in game: vinyl, wood, cotton.

    * Little imperfections of dirt on the backboard tells you all you need to know about the attention to detail. They built a material library.

    * The material library looks "consistent" across the game based on items. Built from ground up for next-gen.

    * "Once we started doing this for one item, we had to do it all. Things react collectively together so the whole world could live together"

    * Details shown at scorers table. A thumbprint on a monitor is shown. Level of detail that went into next-gen

    * Now showing off the new LED dynamic lighting system. Just stunning. Scoreboard lights are dynamic and showcase reflections

    * They actually measure the color temperature of lights and count the number of lights and manufacturer of lights. Getting the lighting right

    * "LEDs in score clock and jumbotron act like how LED is supposed to. Measured in Kelvin and reflected against other surfaces."

    * "Reproduce amount of lights in every arena"

    * Now showcasing Kobe Bryant getting head scanned. Kobe hung around while they built his model and his reaction was "GTFO here"

    * Anton now walking through Kobe's headscan story which I was also at. He wanted to buy tech, was so angry he had never seen anything like it

    * Now showcasing LeBron getting head scanned. Showcasing the different faces players make. Screams, smiles, smug looks, focused faces etc...

    * Now showing LeBrons championship celebration emotion headscan. Hilarious

    * "With head scans, we weren't just trying to capture stills. wanted to get movement to capture emotion & unique face tissue of each player"

    * The team captured and head scanned constantly working around NBA schedules to capture nearly every player in the NBA.

    * Hundreds of players with thousands of expressions you will see in the game. Showcasing art of those now. This is photo realism.

    * "The path of going to every team on the road and the trials of eating fast food in remote locations was the most memorable journey."

    * Now Mike Wang getting brought out to discuss gameplay.

    * Lead gameplay designer Mike Wang talking about gameplay. Speaking to Eco Motion. Says he's happy to announce the new game engine.

    * Speaks about elevating the game harnessing the tech. Primarily in physics and animations. Foot planting clips shown.

    * Mike talking about emphasis on foot planting in next gen and how next gen helps us improve it beyond any sports game experience in history

    * This "feels completely different" than any other 2K game has felt before. Physics of movement completely lifelike.

    * Now speaking to ball handling. Eco Motion allows them to track true physics. Ball spinning when dribbling, ball in hands. Tangible object.

    * Dribbling: next gen ball sits in his hand, ball continuously spins like it's supposed to.

    * Dribbling: next gen ball sits in his hand, ball continuously spins like it's supposed to.

    * Animations: motion capture used to be 1 to 1 on game. Now animation synthesis creates a framework and animation changes...

    * Mike speaks about animation synthesis, Eco Motion - based on physics and situation, animations will change.

    * The game feels alive. For example, a shooter won't land the same way two times. Animation will adapt to the situation. Truly incredible

    * Two shots are radically different for different situations in terms of landing on shots. No two shots will be same

    * Coach will adapt to what is happening in the game. So game plans will dynamically change based on what other teams are doing.

    * Rob Jones now going over new Points of Emphasis system. Adaptable AI on fly in game. Coaches relay adjustments on timeouts

    * Showcasing how A.I adapts to your play. A "Human dynamic change" that coaches will implement. Only on next gen is this possible

    * Coaching personas are truly human on next gen

    * Points of Emphasis is a game-changer for AI.

    * Now speaking to how Emotion Plus allows emotions to translate into performance. How this will affect players.

    * Emotion Plus will categorize all the players personalities. Kobe is an Alpha Dog. He wants the ball, he's fierce...

    * Rob on new Emotion+: "human emotions translate into performance. Every player has personality, highs are highs, lows are lows"

    * That emotion he has allows him to harness that high level of play and it is showcased in the game. Players will show emotion - high and low

    * Erick Boenisch now discussing features starting with MyGM.

    * Your MyPlayer becomes GM. Has unique attributes on how you react with owners, players and the world around you.

    * "MyGM is a cerebral experience. Every decision changes the world around you. GM has attributes and special abilities."

    * In MyGM includes conversations. You have to asses the emotional intelligence of the person you're talking too.

    * "Conversation engine that remembers everything you do and may throw it back in your face at a later date."

    * You will get fired from the owner of you don't maintain harmony in org., locker room and fan base. Revolutionizes what franchise mode is.

    * This is the complete evolution of association mode. Decisions and reactions is what this mode is all about.

    * "We have built a completely new experience for franchise players. All your day to day experiences have no right or wrong answers."

    * Jeff back to talk about completely rebuilt MyCareer. Plays intro, gets standing ovation from press.

    * One last thing, a completely new take on our most played mode. MyCAREER mode. Cinematic opening is showcased

    * "This is my story and I ain't gonna let nobody write but me." More cinematicas shown. A completely NEW experience for MyCAREER

    * MyCareer has everyone in here buzzing

    * Complete cut scenes in MyCAREER. Team captured hundreds and hundreds of scenes. A rival, agent, buddies and a compete cast of characters.

    * This mode "will leave you asking, "what will happen next?" Building relationships, making deals, making choosing.

    * Over 40 hours of gameplay in your first year alone. More scenes showcased right now.

    * Jeff: "captured 1000s of cut scenes w actors & whole life of player. Every experience of being NBA player. All you want to see is next path"

    * It's true, I'm in there. “@BMaziqueFPBR: #NBA2K14 spot on recreation of @LD2K featured in My Career trailer. Im never leaving the house”

    * Who is Jackson Ellis? You are about to become real familiar with him

    * Cut scenes of MyPlayer and rival jawing at each other before rookie showcase. The rival and MyPlayer do NOT like each other to say the least

    * Jeff: "40 hours of gameplay in Season One of MyCareer" Next gen has unlocked the marriage of beauty and game balance

    * Wait one more thing coming... When you're not balling in MyCAREER, you can hang out with hundreds of MyPlayers in the Park.

    * Open field of courts shown with hundreds of MyPlayers playing. Quite a tease... Hmmmm... Conclusion of the presentation.

    * Jeff: "When MyPlayer isn't balling, he likes to hang with 100 of his friends at The Park."

    * Now we are all doing interviews & press playing game. Lots of press to come out of this so stay tuned
  3. Wahlberg

    Wahlberg Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Making deals (mycareer) hopelijk zijn de echte contracten terug. Hoop ook dat ze goede voice actors hebben gebruikt, de vorige waren echt slecht. Ze gebruikten soms ook 2K werkenemers.
  4. Wahlberg

    Wahlberg Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd.

    Vervanger is dan MyGM? of
    Laatst bewerkt: 24 okt 2013
  5. LordTeddybeer

    LordTeddybeer Happy Gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klinkt als een echte next gen game en niet een simpele upgrade zoals FIFA14.

    Ik ben benieuwd naar de eerste echte gameplay beelden
  6. PBateman

    PBateman From the Shadows

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Wel een slechte videoplayer, en zoals verwacht ziet het er tijdens de gameplay zelf minder indrukwekkend uit dan in replays.
    Maar, de lichteffecten zijn echt super, de nieuwe animaties maken het nog levensechter en alles lijkt haarscherp.

    Benieuwd hoe het eruit ziet in full HD op je tv, wordt smullen geblazen!
  7. LordTeddybeer

    LordTeddybeer Happy Gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Topper \o/

    Wat is die gamespot gast trouwens negatief over de gameplay omdat het current gen is. Wat verwacht die voor revolutionairs dan kwa gameplay?
  8. PBateman

    PBateman From the Shadows

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die gast is erg vervelend ja. :+
  9. Wahlberg

    Wahlberg Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die video was toch next-gen gameplay?

  10. LordTeddybeer

    LordTeddybeer Happy Gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja crappy 720p filmpje.

    Maar die gamespot gast zegt dat de gameplay heel erg lijkt op current gen 2k.
    Maar wat wil je dan ook echt anders doen qua controls. Enige wat kan echt kan veranderen is de graphics en AI.
  11. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fuck nu wil ik ook een next-gen console :+
  12. Wahlberg

    Wahlberg Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wacht wel op betere footage en gameplay dan.

    De gameplay in dat filmpje stelde ook weinig voor. Ik hoop dat alle spelers realistischer bewegen, zijn en ook nadenken wanneer ze aanvallen of verdedigen en gebruik maken van jouw fouten.
  13. s4nd3r

    s4nd3r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze haal ik op dag 1 voor de PS4! _O_

    De game draait op zowel de PS4 als de Xbone op 1080p, 60 frames per seconde.
  14. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. PBateman

    PBateman From the Shadows

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog steeds dezelfde belabberde Gamespot video kwaliteit helaas.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alsnog ziet het er wel goed uit als je daar doorheen kan kijken. Hopelijk plaatst Gamersyde snel wat. Wat we ook kunnen downloaden. :)
  17. s4nd3r

    s4nd3r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    PS4 versie:



  18. LordTeddybeer

    LordTeddybeer Happy Gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
  19. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo, wat een irritant geknipte beelden, flits, flits...
  20. Olivier_Twister

    Olivier_Twister Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op vlak van GFX vind ik het geen super grote stap voorruit.

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