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[XOne] Need for Speed

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door JJNL77, 21 mei 2015.

  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Under the Hood #5

    Manual Transmission, new cars, more garage space and Drag Racing. All things you've been asking for and all of which will be going into the next update, due March 3rd.

    New Feature: Manual Transmission
    A few weeks ago we broke the news that Manual Transmission would be making its way into Need for Speed and we're really pleased to be able to confirm that it'll arrive as early as this week. We know that this is a feature that many of you have requested and we can't wait for you to get your hands on it.

    New Cars: Hot Rods
    Arriving fresh into Need for Speed are two brand new Hot Rods. Starting with the 1932 Hot Rod which will come with four unique Bodykits. Each of these bodykits has the potential to transform your Hot Rod into a great new look; Soft Top, Coupe, Sedan and Pickup.


    Each version of the Hot Rod also comes complete with a full set of customization, including Hood, Lights, Grille, Exhausts, Bumpers and more.

    The second Hot Rod being added into Need for Speed is the Aaron Beck ‘BeckKustoms F132’. This is an absolute monster of a ride and defines the word ‘custom’. When you take the shell from a Ford 1932, gently massage it into a fierce Formula One style chassis and strap in a high performance NASCAR engine, this is what you get.

    New Events: Drag Racing
    Inspired by the Drag Events of previous NFS titles, these new events are the perfect place for you to get your speed fix.

    Unleash a burnout on the starting line to prime your wheels, align in the start box and time your revs perfectly. Think wisely about the use of nitrous, as it may just influence the outcome of the event.

    There will be five new Drag events for you to take part in; Neck to Neck, The Perfect Shifts, Drag the Town, Pedal to the Metal and Speed Tunnel.

    New Feature: The Warehouse
    You’ve read that we’re adding new cars but before you head over to Twitter or Reddit to proclaim you need more garage space we’ve got your back.

    Starting next week your garage will receive an upgrade that will allow you to store an additional five cars, perfect for those eyeing up a new ride and no excuse now not to take a Hot Rod for a fun-filled spin around Ventura bay.

    Wrap Editor Improvements
    We’ve been constantly blow away by your Wrap Editor creations and we can’t wait to see what you do based on the improvements coming in the Hot Rods update.

    One of the most common bits of feedback we’ve received about the Wrap Editor is that you would like a coordinates system allowing you to position decals with a lot more accuracy. This information will now be shown in a panel below the selected decal in the edit decal menu and will update in real time when the decal is transformed.

    Writing on your car also becomes even easier as we introduce Text Decals 2.0 and selectable fonts. Simply select your desired font and a popup will appear where you’ll be prompted to input your desired text.

    Animations within the Wrap Editor are also being improved including:

    • Animation indicating when a decal has been added to a vehicle
    • Improved animation to indicate more clearly the selected decal on a vehicle
    • Speed up info text animation when showing an action happening


    Achievements and Trophies
    There are three new achievements and trophies for you to go and unlock:

    • Drag Queen – Win five Drag Race events
    • Wrap it up – Download a shared Wrap
    • Kustom kar – Buy your first Hot Rod
    Full Patch Notes
    With this Living Game update there will be two new vehicles, a new game mode and Manual Transmission.

    We are bringing Hot Rods to Need for Speed! Firstly the Ford 1932 Hot Rod, secondly the Aaron Beck BeckKustoms F132. Along with the Hot Rods players will now be able to play a Drag Race and use Manual transmission

    • On top of these big features the update also includes:
    • A Virtual Warehouse where you can keep an additional 5 cars in your garage
    • Improved Snapshot overview screen in the Need for Speed Network menu so you can find out more about your snapshots
    • Improvements Snapshot Pro mode
    • Improvements to the wrap editor
    • 3 new Trophies and Achievements
    • More campaigns for Rep / Cash and Discounts
    • A variety of tweaks and improvements including game play, World and audio
    • Multiple stability fixes
  2. WorkingTitle

    WorkingTitle ..

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die hotrods zien er wel echt tof uit
  3. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou die update vannacht om 12 uur online staan of ergens morgen overdag meestal?
  4. ageQned

    ageQned Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Netjes hoor dat ze de game zo goes blijven ondersteunen en steeds gratis nieuwe dingen toevoegen.
  5. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wanneer worden die updates meestal uitgebracht? Het is nu na 12 uur maar nog niks.
  6. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Too little too late. Dingen als manual transmission hadden gewoon vanaf de release in deze (race)game moeten zitten; de community heeft luid genoeg laten merken hoe onmisbaar zoiets was.
  7. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind het ook netjes dat ze gratis DLC uitbrengen. Dat ze geen manual transmission hebben toegevoegd doet daar niets aan af.
    ageQned vindt dit leuk.
  8. Nol

    Nol Pulp Fiction

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had maar een klein gedeelte gespeeld, maar volgens mij wordt het tijd om deze nfs weer op de harde schijf te zetten :)
  9. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd hoe deze game op PC gaat zijn 17 maart. Ik hou hem even in de gaten.
  10. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    10 uur trial van Origin even gespeeld. Dit ziet er echt niet uit, hoe kan dit? Hoogste settings alles, nog altijd heel erg wazig. Had zo mooi kunnen zijn, maar dit is echt een ramp. Laat me denken aan de graphics op Xbox360, als die al niet beter waren.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand tips welke auto je het beste kan kopen en wanneer?
    Rij nu nog steeds in de start auto. Kan wel wat nieuws kopen. Maar ja wanneer maak je die stap?
  12. Arno S.

    Arno S. I never asked 4 this

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zodra je niet meer kunt winnen :p
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ging meer over wat de eerste echte goede stap was. Is een 40.000 wagen een goede stap of toch even doorspelen tot de 55.000 wagen.
    Beetje het nadeel van dat alle wagens als gelijk unlocked zijn. Had er liever ook een level aan vast gehad. Maar goed heb nu de RSR en goed geupgrade. De game komt nu tenminste wel een beetje los.
  14. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Matige game dit helaas. Heb het iets van 24 uur gespeeld en geprobeerd door te spelen in de hoop dat het beter werd. Maar helaas. Hoe kan je een race game maken met zulke slechte controls.
    En diegene die bedacht heeft om driftchallenges te doen waar ook AI tegenstanders gelijk aan het driften zijn die jouw gewoon alleen maar beuken. Die mag gelijk ontslagen worden.
    Verder nog heel veel dingen dingen mis. Maar geen zin om te typen. Ben blij dat ik deze game nooit echt gekocht heb met een sale ofzo. Gelukkig met EA Access kunnen spelen.

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