Yeah, you figure that, on top of years of familiarity with split pools of memory with the X360 (and PC, PS2, PS

, they now have more access and flexibility with more and faster ways to access it as well as have coherent and virtualized views on memory and support features and behaviors to make things even easier to manage. I think MS/AMD is going to testbed more of their APU future tech in this new XBOX than they're doing with Sony's machine, almost perhaps debuting the next-gen AMD stuff in the process instead of taking a pumped up current-gen design, like Sony. Obviously, both consoles come from the same tree, but I can see MS favoring the hybridization of theirs and AMD's ideas for next-gen graphics, similar to how they handled X360, but deeper with experience based on Xenon/Xenos. It would be pretty surprising to see a relatively vanilla final hardware design, like the rough outline leaks seem to paint, but those leaks don't seem to say much about equally important features of the architecture that the base specs cannot reveal.
So, yeah, secret sauce, or, rather, just one customer buying the first batch of technology that will feature in the next year's model. After all, other than just being another product and service, XBOX also represents MS' platform showcase for their NUI research and graphics roadmap.
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