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[XOne] Ninja Gaiden 3

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fiasco, 28 feb 2011.

  1. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat spel vond ik overigens niet slecht, maar was wel heel anders dan de Metroid Prime spellen.

    Team Ninja is nog steeds een goede studio, maar niet meer de absolute top (die ze in het Xbox tijdperk zeker waren).
  2. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach, misschien leren ze wel wat van hun fouten. Weet je, het is lastig om een franchise dat populair is bij een bepaalde groep gamers ook aan de man te brengen bij een nieuwe doelgroep en te zorgen dat de 1ste doelgroep behouden blijft.

    Dat je ze beide kwijt bent, dat is wat vervelend natuurlijk. NG Sigma vond ik op de PS3 echt heel vet. Jammer dat ze de franchise de nek om hebben gedraaid.
  3. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien dat de verkoopcijfers best mee zullen vallen, want veel mensen kijken toch alleen naar de naam.
  4. Parasite

    Parasite Ryu Hayabusa

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien, maar ik hoop toch dat de serie hierdoor kopje ondergaat. Ik ben een enorm Ninja Gaiden fan van het eerste uur (Xbox that is) maar als het zo moet dan maar geen vervolgen meer.

    En dat is juist waar veel developers tegenwoordig de mist mee in gaan. Sommige franchises zullen nu eenmaal nooit vele tientallen miljoenen opbrengen net zoals dat sommige bands, films en weet ik veel wat, nu eenmaal niet aan het grotere publiek besteed zijn. En Ninja Gaiden is zo'n franchise.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  5. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou... Ninja Gaiden heeft echt heul veul verkocht! Dat is niet een kleine franchise haha.
  6. Parasite

    Parasite Ryu Hayabusa

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zeg ook niet dat het een kleine franchise is maar eentje die nu eenmaal aan een beperkter publiek besteed is, en niet eentje voor de grote massa waar Team Ninja Dog zich met NG3 wel op gericht heeft.
  7. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik snap niet zo goed wat jij er persoonlijk nou mee wint als de franchise kopje onder gaat. NG 3 is ruk, dus ik laat hem lekker liggen. Van mij mag het spel prima verkopen, I don't care, mijn geld krijgen ze niet. Dat van jou ook niet, dat is toch prima dan?

    Met het tweede gedeelte ben ik het helemaal eens. NG zal nimmer een groot publiek aanspreken, dat heeft het nooit gedaan. Daarvoor is de game niet toegankelijk genoeg geweest in het verleden en mist het de naam in het heden om dat te kunnen veranderen. NG is een kleine franchise, en de makers wilden een groter publiek aanspreken. Dat gaat helaas niet lukken.


    NG heeft toch nimmer de aantallen bereikt die een CoD of Uncharted heeft bereikt. Ik denk dat veel gamers Ninja Gaiden niet eens kennen. Weleens van gehoord, maar verder komen ze niet. Of heb ik onder een steen gelegen?
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  8. Parasite

    Parasite Ryu Hayabusa

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok, wat dat betreft overdrijf ik nu een beetje maar als ze deze weg inslaan dan hoef ik geen nieuwe Ninja Gaiden games meer te zien. Soms is het namelijk toch beter om het bij nostalgie te houden.

    En als de game goed verkoopt worden ze in feite beloond voor een misbaksel die vooral op de goede naam van de franchise zal teren.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  9. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Het lijkt me stug dat deze game goed gaat verkopen. De fans vervloeken het spel, en ik betwijfel of de game nieuwe zieltjes kan winnen. Dus die goede naam, daar gaan ze het niet meer redden. Daarbij is Ninja Gaiden helemaal niet zo heel bekend bij het grote publiek volgens mij. En als dat allemaal wel gebeurd, mochten ze het spel goed verkopen, dan hebben wij weer iets om nostalgische gevoelens over te hebben.
  10. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nu word ik gewoon nieuwsgierig naar hoe slecht het is. 8)
  11. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is wat Sneh (een NG vet) over NG3 te zeggen had. Take it for what you will. Hij zegt ook wat over een aantal bosses (onder bold spoiler opmerking).


    Sneh has finished the game and he had the following to say:

    Well the bad news is I really miss the stuff that was removed You really don't get to do many UT's with the new system. Your Ninpo and UT status is also reset for each encounter. Sure it's now a better "Action Game" , more cinematic and streamlined , but that comes at the cost of a lot of the stuff I liked about a "Ninja Gaiden" game. Sadly the "Boss Fights" are pretty underwhelming too. You will even be begging for Ninja Gaiden 2 Bosses (and the bosses don't even have health bars).

    This game feels so far removed from Ninja Gaiden games it's unbelievable. If I sat here and listed all my complaints and nitpicks I'd be here too long. There will be enough people doing that next week. I tell ya , say what you want about Itagaki , but this @$% wouldn't of been made on his watch.

    Rather than bash it apart I'll just do some spoiler info for those that want it & I'll answer specific questions people might have. The best I can say about it is it's a decent action game.....but a terrible "Ninja Gaiden" game.

    Btw, there is an On Rails bow shooting segment ....felt soooooooo out of place in a Ninja Gaiden game. Made me sad.


    You don't fight Genshin , he is in the game briefly but you don't fight him.

    The Fiends we know and love we have seen are not in Story Mode , they are in Coop Missions.

    The BSNs are only in 1 level , & now they never shut up.

    The Bosses are pretty terrible. The final Boss is basically a reskinned Giant Buddha Statue.

    The only Boss that was fun to fight was the thing the guy in the wheel chair turns into on the air craft carrier


    This is really bad, folks. Really bad :mad:
    http://www.marioslastname.com/ http://magx01.blogspot.com/
    <3 Ninja Gaiden Black! I want Dynamite Cop XBLA!

    Quote taken from magx post gamefaqs forum.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  12. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Godsamme eerste splinter cell en nu ook nog eens de NG serie verneukt...|:-
    Ik zeg massaal boycotten deze troep,en hopen dat ze ooit het besef krijgen dat mainstream niet werkt bij alle games.

    Weer een teleurstelling voor de NG community...

    Wat is eigenlijk de reden dat Itagaki vertrokken is bij Team Ninja?

    Ik vond NG2 al slecht,maar dit is gewoon om te janken...

    Denk dat de echte fans het beste gewoon NG black kunnen blijven spelen en mission mode.
  13. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meer impressies, deze is iets positiever, maar eindigt ook in een "meh". Heb onderstaande tekst niet uitgebreid op spoilers gefilterd, al valt het allemaal reuze mee. Let op, dit zijn impressies gemaakt door individuele gamers, geen professionele reviewers.


    "Overall, I think it's a good game. The game clock says it took me 9 hours to beat. I started on hard but I switched to normal after I got frustrated with the slowdown in Chapter 1. You can switch from the in game menu but you can only switch to lower difficulties and not higher. I felt normal is harder than Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma's normal (which I think is easy). I started playing hard and the Regent of Mask fight at the end of Chapter 1 is much harder.

    The combat is the same as previous Ninja Gaiden games except for the SoB segments. They seems to be random but not all that often. After you've defeated an enemy with a SoB or a combo, they crawl on the floor and move slowly. That's when you can do a finishing move. If you don't attack them, they'll die after 10 seconds. One little problem is that if you're attacking an enemy and an enemy waiting to be finished is right by you, you'll switch from the enemy you're attacking to do a finishing move to the other one.

    Ryu's counter attack is weaker. You can either press X to do up to three horizontal slashes or Y to teleport in the air and do a slash down (which can lead into a SoB). Guard stuns and uncounterable attacks make it harder to counter some enemies.

    There are 13 unique enemies. More if you count the variations (upgraded enemies, rocket launchers). Some enemies can block and evade attacks. After you bring their life down, they show blood on their clothes. When that happens, they are weaker and you can get attacks on them easier. For example, if you do a slide on the soldiers you first see in chapter one, it will stun them a little bit. Sometimes it will launch but I think it depends on what they are doing but it's rare to launch them with the slide. When they are bloody, you can always launch them with the slide into an aerial combo. The soldiers with the shields almost always counter flying swallow but when they are bloody, they always get hit. You can't launch the alchemist into an aerial combo until they are bloody. They also have a suicide move and they only do it when they are bloody.

    Enemies with rocket launchers are really easy to take out. If you just jump in the air and press aim, it will automatically lock onto them. So whenever you see a rocket, just jump, aim, and fire. Shurikens don't seem to be too useful now. I mostly used them to stun rocket enemies when I was far from them but the bow makes them really easy now. They die in 1 hit. However, they'll probably be more effective in Ninja Trials because you don't get the bot locks on.

    The movelist is ok. Full circle Y just does three circular slashes but doesn't launch. I don't use it really but I guess it's useful if you're surrounded by enemies with shields. It will knock them right off. You can charge moves during combos. So you can do an UT during a combo now. If you press XXY (hold), you'll do three attacks and if you hold Y, then you'll do another attack when you release it. XY(hold) is gone. You'll always go into the air now.

    Story was ok. No really big surprises or anything. Ryu doesn't seem to feel guilty for the lives he's taken. Just seems like his arm hurts.

    Bosses are eh. I don't' really care for any of them. I miss Alma.

    Presentation is really good though. The cuteness transition nicely. I kind of like the kunai climb and the level design feels better than the previous games. Some more wall running would have been cooler though.

    Mission mode is now Ninja Trials. You start of with a level 1 ninja and he can only do 4 attacks (XXX, Y, XYY, ->X). I'm guessing you get more attacks as you level up. Makes the trials harder with a limited movelist. After you beat a few on easy, you'll get to play some one normal. I think they could be fun playing with a friends online. Not sure how smooth it is. I didn't try it out yet. I don't know how fun the versus will be.

    I like the game but it doesn't do anything really new and exciting. I'd want more enemies that are varied and more swords would have been nicer. I would rank the series (based on gameplay) as Ninja Gaiden 1 > Ninja Gaiden 3 > Ninja Gaiden 2. I know NG2 had all the cool weapons but I didn't like the combat system. If they give me Ninja Gaiden 1 enemies/bosses and more weapons as DLC, NG3 might move up."


    Dank aan Keylay van het Ninja Fortress forum.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  14. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    xino op de Ninja Fortress Forum heeft de hands-on versie gespeeld (pre-alpha) en had het volgende te vertellen over NG3. Lange post btw, maar wel redelijk positief.


    "*The game was good, definitely NG and plays like it

    *I experineced bad lag or controller input delay, HOWEVER the problem was not actually NG3, I think the problem was due to the HD tv as I had the same damn problem with other games I played.

    *Hard mode does feel like regular Hard mode in previous NG games. Yes it's achievable, but if you are not careful, the damages you take can kill you in no time.

    *The health system is ACTUALLY balanced right! When you take several damages, your health meter gauge actually decreases in capacity. Not as in 'deplete' but as in degrading. Think of it as starting Chapter 1 with low healthbar, if you get Lives of the Thousands Gods, you'll increase the capacity of your gauge. Now think of NG3. Your default health "might" (or not) be the maximum health capacity. However if you take in too much damages, it decreases, sort of like going back to level 1 gauge meter. (hope no one is confused). In another words it works like the Red Permanent damages from NG2 however instead of you seeing the red bar, your health bar decreases in length.

    *From the E3 demo when you killed enemies you regain a chunk of health. This was missing in NG3. After clearing masses of enemies or waves of enemies, your health bar will refill.

    *The sliding move used to counter attack works in 2 ways. If you get the enemy off guard or behind, they will be in the air open for attack. The second way is directly sliding towards them while they face you, basically that just stops them from attacking. It's sort of like your secondary shuriken used to stop enemies from shooting rockets at you.

    *in Hard mode the enemies can do heavy damages to your health, especially the rocket launchers!

    *Steel on Bone. I believe it is not random. Its a way of figuring how it works and when it works. Because you can actually chain SoB on to 3 enemies close by. Sometimes you expect it to work and sometimes it doesn't work. It was really hard to figure out how it works because of the controller delay.

    *I pressed the Start menu; the Pause screen comes up but nothing is shown. Back button doesn't work neither. Although during the presentation, Peter resetted the game by holding both Select and Start.

    *In this demo build was the Tokyo Game Show build, the one with the terrorist begging for his life. However the Button prompt still appeared in Hard/Normal but not that much.

    *I really can't tell how the movelists commands work as the controller delay made things hard. I did manage to pull off the Blade of Nirrti 2.0: Slide+Square+Triangle+Square+Square+Square+Triangle.

    *I only pulled off the 'Izuna Flying Swallow Drop' twice and I had no idea how it worked. The second time I did it was by performing it while doing the Izuna Drop combo but I paused during the 3 Square chain...I think

    *Man the game had framerate problem! What went wrong? During the E3 gameplay on ps3 ran so smooth. Now the game had framerate drop.
    It was WORST on Xbox 360 lol.

    *Counter Attack for Block+Square was the move when you run and press Square+Square.

    *Counter Attack for Block+Triangle, Ryu basically does the Run Away Lightening style by jumping behind the enemy and slashing him (sort of like one of his Obliteration Technique)

    *Steel on Bone happened less often in Hard mode

    *I don't know if Running on walls returns but when I played it there were wall collison on the buildings, preventing me from running on wall:/ But when I saw the demonstration on stage, Lead the guy playing ran up the wall of a red London Bus 53.

    *Whatever damage you take in the game while your health bar gauge is very small, if you do have a full Ninpo bar, it will be sacrificed to reinvograte your healthbar back to the max.

    *The shuriken juggling is still in the game, you can use shuriken to juggle enemies while in the air.

    *The Spider tank boss was easy man! "Piece of cake, no problem"

    *And I didn't actually finish playing Hard mode. Even with the bad controller, it can be done. The game is actually harder even in Normal or Hard because it forces you to survive waves! Since you get no chance to use health portions, you are forced to fight to survive a wave before your health refills back.

    *The game did lag a bit, you know when you get the controller input delay in NG2 and NGSigma 2. That happened a lot in this game because, sometimes when I hold Triangle to charge up UT, the game delays and you can slowly see Ryu Charge up. The problem is the game lags sometimes and drops in Framerate. However controller lag input and input delay and nonexistence happened constantly due to the stupid controller and tv.

    *Evertime you Steel on Bone someone, it feels so good.

    *When you Steel on Bone or when the button comes up, you don't have to button bash so much. You just tap Square like 2/3 times. No need to button bash like Test your Might from Mortal Kombat.

    *with rubbish tvs, you can see the rain in the game. With sharp quality tv, you'll barley see the rain

    *When the helicopter tries to distract the large rocket launchers coming at you, the framerate dropped both for xbox & ps3.

    *Sorry guys, I even wanted to surprise you all by recording Hard Mode so you can see how a Master Ninja runs through Hard mode easily. But the controller lag input was so bad man it will make watching the game embarrassing and annoying.

    controller delay and non input.

    Like CyberEvil said so: sometimes when he lands on ground and tries to pull off On-Land UT, nothing gets input. But the on-land UT does work in this build, but I was talking about when there's no button input.
    I did a lot of button bashing sometimes because I just couldn't stand the button delay.
    Just think of it as playing NGS2 online with bad connection. When you press Square, it'll take the character to attack after 0.5 second instead of precision 1:1 (as you press Square).

    Gullitoine throw isn't there. Who knows Ryu hasn't acquire that technique yet or it may never be int he game. Yes flying swallow is basically the black spider version style. Since there's no dismemberment, it makes sense to use that style instead of the classic style.

    As for the tv..lol. If you compare them you'll see the difference. With rubbish tvs, the rain will be all over the place. But with good tvs you'll barely see the rain. Its hard to explain but seeing it makes sense. But not much of a big deal.

    As for the healthbar.
    You'll get a full bar but each time you get hit, the length of the bar decreases. It works like NG2's permanent red damage. But instead of having red bar, your healthbar decreases in length.
    You'll refill your health after a fight but it wouldn't go back to normal length. Only Ninpo can fully regenerate your health back to its full length.

    No Regent fight just Spider fight.

    Your welcome, just didn't want people to get confuse or worry about others review who don't analyze the game well."


    De healthbar neemt dus wel af (lijkt enigszins op NG2) en kan alleen worden aangevuld met ninpo magic.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2012
  15. Smok3y

    Smok3y Dark Souls!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Word wel verwarrend als de ene het compleet afkraakt en de ander weer positiever is (van de NG community wat zifnap post)

    Hmm.. Demo zou nog het beste zijn om zelf te oordelen uiteraard.

    Maar ben bang dat ik genoeg weet =(
  16. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wacht gewoon wat meer reviews af. Ik krijg ondanks alles toch een beetje het gevoel dat deel 3 niet op het niveau ligt van deel 1. Niet zo desastreus rot als IGN het doet voorkomen, maar ook weer niet een game waar ik als NG1 fan voor naar de winkel moet rennen.
  17. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik sla hem over, misschien een keer budgetbakken

    moet ME3 en Amalur nog en the Witcher komt er al aan en dan in Mei Max Payne 3 etc etc

    Of hij nou echt zo dramatisch is is eigenlijk niet heel relevant, het is me al wel duidelijk dat hij niet zo goed is als zou moeten
  18. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was er laatst niet een nieuwtje dat NG3 2 DLC wapens kreeg, maarja NG3 haal ik wel, niet dag 1 though.
  19. MetalSonic

    MetalSonic MetalSonicNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    budgetkoop, ergens eind van dit kalenderjaar oid :eek:
  20. Rob X Tiger

    Rob X Tiger Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Komt ie wel uit op 23 maart of is ie uitgesteld ?

    Ik had het gewoon niet verwacht dat ie zo snel uitkomt :)

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