eerst 1 worm aanpakken. Liefst in het bezit zijn van de windmill shuriken, en gooien met dat ding. Anders gooi je de gewone shurikens of de explosive ones. Concentreer je er eerst op 1tje, dat is het belangrijkst om het redelijk gemakkelijk door te komen. Zelf vind ik het makkelijker om eerst die rechter te pakken. Het enige wat je, als je met die rechter bezig bent, moet doen is in de gaten houden of die linker electric balls spugt, z'n bitemove doet, of z'n hele kanis voor je neergooit. meestal is het wel redelijk op tijd te zien wat'ie gaat doen. succes iig.
14. Chapter 10 Sub-Boss II Two Giant Worms
BEST WEAPON USED: Explosive Arrows, APPSDS Arrows, Dragon Sword
BEST NINPO USED: <None> (They take cover for Ninpo)
BOSS ATTACKS: Thunder Balls, Body Sweep, Lunge
My Stategy:
Thought the one worm was tough? Well now try being attacked by
two worms at once! This battle is difficult either way, and you
must be quick to act on this boss. First start off going as left
as possible. Be sure you are stocked fully on Explosive and
APPSDS arrows. Unload all 15 APPSDS arrows into the left worm.
If any of the worms attacks with the thunder balls, just stay
mobile to dodge them. Usually the left worm will attempt to sweep
you, if he does this, run all the way to the right, and jump, and
it should miss. Then head back to the left, and continue to pelt
the left worm with arrows. When the APPSDS Arrows run out, use
Explosive Arrows to take out the remaining health of the left
worm. After it's dead, you should have about 7-8 remaining
explosive arrows. Be sure you start off with APPSDS on the
left worm, because explosive arrows do more damage to the
worm, so waste the APPSDS first! Unload the 7 arrows into the
right worm, while dodging thunder balls and it's sweeps. After
it's all out, the worm should be down to about 1/2 it's health.
Now use your Dragon Sword to finish the battle. Stay towards the
middle of the battlefield, you'll find it typical that the worm
will try to sweep you. If you attempts to sweep left, then run right
and jump, it should be right near you, so quickly slash it in a
combo before it retreats back. If it heads from the right, run to
the left to dodge, then slash it some more. If it sinks it's head
into the water, try to run up to it and get one slash or so off.
If it comes out of it's hole really fast towards you, quickly try
to get out of the way, because it may try to devour you, and that
does a ton of damage. So heal as needed if you get hit in the tail
whip, and just deal off shots only when it misses it's sweep. If
you go into this battle with no arrows, you WILL die, unless you are
the best Ninja Gaiden player, it's extremely hard without arrows.
Fight in the room where the Insect Door is, the enemies constantly
respawn if you leave the room then go back, then use the money
to max out APPSDS arrows and Explosive Arrows.
WindyCityWhiteSox's Strategy:
If you stand in the left corner of the
room you are too far away for the right worm to hit
you so you can just focus on the left worm. All you
have to do is throw your windmill shruiken at him
which will take a little damage but it adds up to
about 1/4 of his health if you use it enough. When he
shoots lightning at you just dodge it, it's very easy
to dodge. When he sweeps at you just block it and you
can put in a 20 hit combo with the Viggorian Flails.
After he's dead you can take care of the other worm
using the same strategy. All in all you will take
minimal to no damage and the battle will be over in
about 3-4 minutes.
misschien staat hier nog wat nuttigs tussen
Laatst bewerkt: 12 jan 2005