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Oblivion goodies

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door MiGilleS, 27 mrt 2006.

  1. b.mo

    b.mo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja cker!
    maar je kan maar 2 ringen dragen tog? ik heb er nu ook al 6 maar maar 2 echt hele toffe.
    ik krijg de laatste tijd toch al vette wapens en armor.
    cker als je een laatste guild missie doet krijg je toffe dingen.
    bij de dark brotherhood bijv. mag je op het laatst de tombe van de night mother leeghalen. Die ligt vol met magische armor en wapens.
    bij de fighters guild moet je op het laatst de blackwood company uitmoorden en je raad het al.. al de mannetjes die je dood maakt hebben toffe dingen.
  2. DiaL

    DiaL XBW Senior

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Escutcheon of Corrol:
    Shield - waarde ongeveer 14000 septims
    -Fortify Endurance 9pts on self
    -Reflect dmg 30% on self

    Toen ik in Corrol een van die geruchten-quests, deed waarbij je 2 broers moet herenigen en ik hun daarna ook naar het ouderlijk huis van ze bracht, werd ik benaderd door een dark elf die je verteld dat de vader van die broers een dief was die voor hem werkte.
    Kort gezegd, je moet bij een Ogre stam een zwaard gaan terughalen wat die vader vroeger had gestolen.
    Het zwaard is zeker niet slecht sinds het een base dmg heeft die hoger is dan Umbra! In elk geval kan je dus kiezen om het zwaard te houden, aan die dark elf in ruil voor een beloning of het aan de gravin van Corrol te geven.

    Ik had voor dat laatste gekozen en kreeg als beloning het wapenschild van Corrol. (Escutcheon of Corrol)
  3. bulleta

    bulleta Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik had em aan die gast gegeven en ik kreeg 1500 septims .

    vond ik wel gepast
  4. MiGilleS

    MiGilleS Green Mile User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    mooi zelf houden dus.... ;)
  5. Tsux

    Tsux Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Even offtopic, maar bij mij staan dus niet alle Oblivion gates op dezelfde plek als op die kaart! Zouden er dan een aantal, quasi random zijn?
  6. king-steven

    king-steven Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    denk het wel, of die kaart klopt niet, want ik heb precies hetzelfde, zoals de gate bij leyawin, die zit bij mij aan de andere kant van de weg.
  7. Headcollector1

    Headcollector1 Mijn Verzameling

    Leuk Bevonden:
    misschien domme vraag: wat betekend reflect dmg 30% on self? Betekend dit dat je er 30% minder damage bij je afgaat als je geraakt word?
  8. MiGilleS

    MiGilleS Green Mile User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoe kom j er aan ?? dat betekend dat als jij wordt aangevallen zei 30% van de damage zelf krijgen... (chill dus ;) )
  9. praetorian

    praetorian Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    of dat je 30% van je aanvallen weet af te wentelen....
  10. Headcollector1

    Headcollector1 Mijn Verzameling

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik lees aan paar posts hierboven dat er een ring is die dat kan.
  11. Bastiaan360

    Bastiaan360 Sector 9

    Leuk Bevonden:
    • Shrine of Azura

    Directions: Located in the Jerall mountains. North and slightly to the west of Cheydinhal is Lake Arrius. From the easternmost portion of this lake an adventurer can head north and will stumble upon the shrine of Azura.

    Required Offering: Glow dust (obtained from Will-O-The-Wisps; basement of Bruma Mages Guild; sold by various alchemists) and must be made anytime between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. or between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

    Level Requirement: 2

    Reward: Azura’s Star.
    Value: 2500
    Weight: .7
    Stats: Reuseable soul gem

    • Shrine of Boethia

    Directions: Southeast of Cheydinhal. If you’ve visited Drakelowe, you’re in luck, head directly east and you’ll find this shrine. If not, find the “T” in “The Red River” on your map and slightly south of that is Drakelowe.

    Required Offering: Daedra Heart (obtained from Dremora and Xivilai; sold by various alchemists) can be offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 20

    Reward: Goldbrand
    Value: 6615
    Weight: 52
    Stats: 23 blade; 22 points of fire damage on strike; 76 uses; one-handed katana

    • Shrine of Clavicus Vile ********

    Directions: Near the intersection of the Gold Road (which is coming from/going to Skingrad) and the Red Ring Road (the road encircling the Imperial City).

    Required Offering: 500 gold, offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 20

    Reward: Masque of Clavicus Vile
    Value: 3400
    Weight: 15
    Stats: Heavy helm; Mongolian appearance; Provides 7 armor; Fortify Personality +20 constant effect

    • Shrine of Hircine

    Directions: See the first “N” in “The Nibenay Valley” (the region between Bravil and the Imperial City) on your map? Just west of that is Hircine’s shrine.

    Required Offering: Bear or Wolf pelt (obtained from, well, a bear or a wolf, respectively), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 17

    Reward: Saviour's Hide
    Value; 6250
    Weight: 3
    Stats: Light cuirass; Provides 6 armor; 25% magicka resistance constant effect

    • Shrine of Malacath

    Directions: Just north (and just a wee-bit to the west) of the “T” in “The Gold Coast”, which is located north of Anvil. It is extremely close to Lord Drad’s Estate.

    Required Offering: Troll fat (obtained off the corpses of trolls; sold by various alchemists), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Volendrung
    Value: 5362
    Weight: 60
    Stats: Two-handed hammer; 13 blunt; Paralyze 3 secs on strike, drain health 5 points for 20 seconds on strike; 16 uses.

    • Shrine of Mephala

    Directions: Northeast of the Roxey Inn and below the “a” in “The Heartlands”; all of which are found north of the Imperial City.

    Required Offering: Nightshade (harvested from the Nightshade plant which is found growing abundantly between Bravil and Skingrad; sold by various alchemists), offered between midnight and dawn.

    Level Requirement: 15

    Reward: Ebony Blade
    Value: 6512
    Weight: 46
    Stats: One-handed katana; 21 blade; Silence 10 secs on strike, absorb health 8 points on strike; 46 uses.

    • Shrine of Meridia

    Directions: Head directly west out of Skingrad (i.e. not following the road upon leaving) and you’ll soon run into it. It’s not that far.

    Required Offering: Detritus of the undead* (that is, bonemeal or ectoplasm; found off of skeletal creatures/liches and ghosts/wraiths respectively; creatures found abundantly in Necromantic lairs and Ayleid ruins; sold by various alchemists), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Ring of Khajiiti
    Value: 4775
    Weight: 1
    Stats: Constant effect Chameleon 35%, Fortify Speed +10

    • Shrine of Molag Bal

    Directions: Head directly west from the Talos Plaza district until you reach the Ayleid ruin of Narfinsel and from there head slightly southeast (though more so southly). Definitely southeast from the “T” in “The Great Forest”.

    Required Offering: Lion pelt (obtained off the corpses of mountain lions which are found throughout Cyrodiil in… the mountains. I’ve always gotten mine from the Tidewater cave where you’ll head in the Nocturnal quest), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 17

    Reward: Mace of Molag Bal
    Value: 4900
    Weigt: 45
    Stats: One-handed mace; 16 blunt; Absorb Strength/Magicka 5 points on strike; 44 uses.

    How to finish the Shrine of Molag Bal

    Wait for Petilius to go to the grave of his wife, drop the Cursed Mace and initiate a fight. I know for the 360, at least, it's a good idea to save before you die because I've had some issues upon being "reincarnated"; namely my body not reappearing.

    • Shrine of Namira

    Directions: Just east of Bruma on the map are the words “County Bruma”; Head over to that location and you’ll find your blasted shrine.

    Required Offering: A personality at or below 20 (made possible most efficiently and quickly by Cheap Wine which can be bought at the Gilded Carafe in the Market district; sold by various alchemists; found in the cellars of your manors), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 5

    Reward: Ring of Namira
    Value: 10300
    Weight: 1
    Stats: Reflect Damage 12%, Reflect Spell 10% constant effect

    • Shrine of Nocturnal

    Directions: Follow the road heading east out of Leyawiin and when you reach the words “County Leyawiin” you’ll see your shrine.

    Required Offering: None

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Skeleton Key
    Value: 5000
    Weight: 0
    Stats: Unbreakable lockpick, boosts security skill by +40

    • Shrine of Peryite

    Directions: To the east of Bravil and across the Niben Bay is the Silverfish River. Now, between the “h” and the “R” is where you will find this shrine.

    Required Offering: None

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Spell Breaker
    Value: 16500
    Weight: 18
    Stats: Heavy Dwarven shield; provides 17 armor; Reflect Spell 30% constant effect

    • Shrine of Sanguine

    Directions: Southwest of Chorrol on your map are the words “The Imperial Reserve”, south of the last “e” in that is this shrine. One could also say it’s northwest of Skingrad.

    Required Offering: Cyrodiilic Brandy (sold at the Gilded Carafe in the Market district; upstairs in the Mystic Emporium in the same district; can also be bought at the Main Ingredient, also in the same district), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 8

    Reward: Sanguine Rose
    Value: 1330
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Summons Daedra upon striking a target; 10 uses.

    • Shrine of Sheogorath

    Directions: Head south from Bravil (along the road) until you reach the part of the road where it makes sort of a “C” shape. You can either head southwest from here or you can continue along the road until it juts out towards the Lower Niben and from there head directly west. The “C” of which I speak is directly above Fort Nomore.

    Required Offering: A head of lettuce, a Lesser Soul gem, and yarn. (all of which can be found in Bravil; the lettuce on the second floor of the Fighters Guild, the gem at A Warlock’s Luck and the yarn in any of the various crates in the city.), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 2

    Reward: Wabbajack
    Value: 1330
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Transforms non-NPC/non-owned creatures into another creature in the game world; 10 uses.

    • Shrine of Vaermina

    Directions: Just south of Cheydinhal is Lake Poppad; if you go there you will find this shrine.

    Required Offering: OH NOES… A Grand Black Soul Gem! I will tell you how to get one if you haven’t been able to find it off of the loot of necromancers. First, find a Necromancer shrine (Dark Fissure; head east from the shrine across the Reed River and east of the “R” in the “River” you will find this place). Now, for Dark Fissure, you need to kill the little Necromancer who will endanger your chances of making a Black Soul Gem, go inside the cave (alternatively you could wait for him outside of the cave as the indicator as another indicator for when you can make the gem, just be sure to kill him before he spoils everything) and slaughter him. Now, wait outside and check each day for a pale beam of light shining on the shrine. When you see that light, place your grand soul gem (they’re offered for sale in nearly all the Mage’s Guilds, on the ground floor of the Arch-Mage tower… etc, etc.) in the shrine and cast soul trap on it. Voila, Grand Black Soul Gem. Now go back to Vaermina and offer it to her, at anytime.

    Level Requirement: 5

    Reward: Skull of Corruption
    Value: 1270
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Creates a clone of the target; 10 uses

    • Shrine of Hermaeus Mora

    Directions: Southwest of the “T” in “The Jerall Mountains” (which is written to the north of Bruma); you're actually given the location when you are elligible for this one.

    Required Offering: Complete the 14 other Daedric quests, complete or be on the part of the Main Quest where you have to offer Martin a Daedric artifact; if you meet these requirements then go to sleep and you’ll be contacted by the emissary of Mora.

    Level Requirement: 21

    Reward: Oghma Infinium (Steel: Boosts your Strength/Speed attributes and your Blade, Blunt, and Heavy Armor skills by 10; Shadow: Boosts your Speed attributes and your Acrobatics, Light Armor, Security, and Sneak skills by 10; Spirit: Boosts your Intelligence attribute and Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction and Restoration skills by 10.)
  12. Bastiaan360

    Bastiaan360 Sector 9

    Leuk Bevonden:
    • Shrine of Azura

    Directions: Located in the Jerall mountains. North and slightly to the west of Cheydinhal is Lake Arrius. From the easternmost portion of this lake an adventurer can head north and will stumble upon the shrine of Azura.

    Required Offering: Glow dust (obtained from Will-O-The-Wisps; basement of Bruma Mages Guild; sold by various alchemists) and must be made anytime between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. or between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

    Level Requirement: 2

    Reward: Azura’s Star.
    Value: 2500
    Weight: .7
    Stats: Reuseable soul gem

    • Shrine of Boethia

    Directions: Southeast of Cheydinhal. If you’ve visited Drakelowe, you’re in luck, head directly east and you’ll find this shrine. If not, find the “T” in “The Red River” on your map and slightly south of that is Drakelowe.

    Required Offering: Daedra Heart (obtained from Dremora and Xivilai; sold by various alchemists) can be offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 20

    Reward: Goldbrand
    Value: 6615
    Weight: 52
    Stats: 23 blade; 22 points of fire damage on strike; 76 uses; one-handed katana

    • Shrine of Clavicus Vile ********

    Directions: Near the intersection of the Gold Road (which is coming from/going to Skingrad) and the Red Ring Road (the road encircling the Imperial City).

    Required Offering: 500 gold, offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 20

    Reward: Masque of Clavicus Vile
    Value: 3400
    Weight: 15
    Stats: Heavy helm; Mongolian appearance; Provides 7 armor; Fortify Personality +20 constant effect

    • Shrine of Hircine

    Directions: See the first “N” in “The Nibenay Valley” (the region between Bravil and the Imperial City) on your map? Just west of that is Hircine’s shrine.

    Required Offering: Bear or Wolf pelt (obtained from, well, a bear or a wolf, respectively), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 17

    Reward: Saviour's Hide
    Value; 6250
    Weight: 3
    Stats: Light cuirass; Provides 6 armor; 25% magicka resistance constant effect

    • Shrine of Malacath

    Directions: Just north (and just a wee-bit to the west) of the “T” in “The Gold Coast”, which is located north of Anvil. It is extremely close to Lord Drad’s Estate.

    Required Offering: Troll fat (obtained off the corpses of trolls; sold by various alchemists), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Volendrung
    Value: 5362
    Weight: 60
    Stats: Two-handed hammer; 13 blunt; Paralyze 3 secs on strike, drain health 5 points for 20 seconds on strike; 16 uses.

    • Shrine of Mephala

    Directions: Northeast of the Roxey Inn and below the “a” in “The Heartlands”; all of which are found north of the Imperial City.

    Required Offering: Nightshade (harvested from the Nightshade plant which is found growing abundantly between Bravil and Skingrad; sold by various alchemists), offered between midnight and dawn.

    Level Requirement: 15

    Reward: Ebony Blade
    Value: 6512
    Weight: 46
    Stats: One-handed katana; 21 blade; Silence 10 secs on strike, absorb health 8 points on strike; 46 uses.

    • Shrine of Meridia

    Directions: Head directly west out of Skingrad (i.e. not following the road upon leaving) and you’ll soon run into it. It’s not that far.

    Required Offering: Detritus of the undead* (that is, bonemeal or ectoplasm; found off of skeletal creatures/liches and ghosts/wraiths respectively; creatures found abundantly in Necromantic lairs and Ayleid ruins; sold by various alchemists), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Ring of Khajiiti
    Value: 4775
    Weight: 1
    Stats: Constant effect Chameleon 35%, Fortify Speed +10

    • Shrine of Molag Bal

    Directions: Head directly west from the Talos Plaza district until you reach the Ayleid ruin of Narfinsel and from there head slightly southeast (though more so southly). Definitely southeast from the “T” in “The Great Forest”.

    Required Offering: Lion pelt (obtained off the corpses of mountain lions which are found throughout Cyrodiil in… the mountains. I’ve always gotten mine from the Tidewater cave where you’ll head in the Nocturnal quest), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 17

    Reward: Mace of Molag Bal
    Value: 4900
    Weigt: 45
    Stats: One-handed mace; 16 blunt; Absorb Strength/Magicka 5 points on strike; 44 uses.

    How to finish the Shrine of Molag Bal

    Wait for Petilius to go to the grave of his wife, drop the Cursed Mace and initiate a fight. I know for the 360, at least, it's a good idea to save before you die because I've had some issues upon being "reincarnated"; namely my body not reappearing.

    • Shrine of Namira

    Directions: Just east of Bruma on the map are the words “County Bruma”; Head over to that location and you’ll find your blasted shrine.

    Required Offering: A personality at or below 20 (made possible most efficiently and quickly by Cheap Wine which can be bought at the Gilded Carafe in the Market district; sold by various alchemists; found in the cellars of your manors), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 5

    Reward: Ring of Namira
    Value: 10300
    Weight: 1
    Stats: Reflect Damage 12%, Reflect Spell 10% constant effect

    • Shrine of Nocturnal

    Directions: Follow the road heading east out of Leyawiin and when you reach the words “County Leyawiin” you’ll see your shrine.

    Required Offering: None

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Skeleton Key
    Value: 5000
    Weight: 0
    Stats: Unbreakable lockpick, boosts security skill by +40

    • Shrine of Peryite

    Directions: To the east of Bravil and across the Niben Bay is the Silverfish River. Now, between the “h” and the “R” is where you will find this shrine.

    Required Offering: None

    Level Requirement: 10

    Reward: Spell Breaker
    Value: 16500
    Weight: 18
    Stats: Heavy Dwarven shield; provides 17 armor; Reflect Spell 30% constant effect

    • Shrine of Sanguine

    Directions: Southwest of Chorrol on your map are the words “The Imperial Reserve”, south of the last “e” in that is this shrine. One could also say it’s northwest of Skingrad.

    Required Offering: Cyrodiilic Brandy (sold at the Gilded Carafe in the Market district; upstairs in the Mystic Emporium in the same district; can also be bought at the Main Ingredient, also in the same district), offered anytime

    Level Requirement: 8

    Reward: Sanguine Rose
    Value: 1330
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Summons Daedra upon striking a target; 10 uses.

    • Shrine of Sheogorath

    Directions: Head south from Bravil (along the road) until you reach the part of the road where it makes sort of a “C” shape. You can either head southwest from here or you can continue along the road until it juts out towards the Lower Niben and from there head directly west. The “C” of which I speak is directly above Fort Nomore.

    Required Offering: A head of lettuce, a Lesser Soul gem, and yarn. (all of which can be found in Bravil; the lettuce on the second floor of the Fighters Guild, the gem at A Warlock’s Luck and the yarn in any of the various crates in the city.), offered anytime.

    Level Requirement: 2

    Reward: Wabbajack
    Value: 1330
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Transforms non-NPC/non-owned creatures into another creature in the game world; 10 uses.

    • Shrine of Vaermina

    Directions: Just south of Cheydinhal is Lake Poppad; if you go there you will find this shrine.

    Required Offering: OH NOES… A Grand Black Soul Gem! I will tell you how to get one if you haven’t been able to find it off of the loot of necromancers. First, find a Necromancer shrine (Dark Fissure; head east from the shrine across the Reed River and east of the “R” in the “River” you will find this place). Now, for Dark Fissure, you need to kill the little Necromancer who will endanger your chances of making a Black Soul Gem, go inside the cave (alternatively you could wait for him outside of the cave as the indicator as another indicator for when you can make the gem, just be sure to kill him before he spoils everything) and slaughter him. Now, wait outside and check each day for a pale beam of light shining on the shrine. When you see that light, place your grand soul gem (they’re offered for sale in nearly all the Mage’s Guilds, on the ground floor of the Arch-Mage tower… etc, etc.) in the shrine and cast soul trap on it. Voila, Grand Black Soul Gem. Now go back to Vaermina and offer it to her, at anytime.

    Level Requirement: 5

    Reward: Skull of Corruption
    Value: 1270
    Weight: 10
    Stats: Creates a clone of the target; 10 uses

    • Shrine of Hermaeus Mora

    Directions: Southwest of the “T” in “The Jerall Mountains” (which is written to the north of Bruma); you're actually given the location when you are elligible for this one.

    Required Offering: Complete the 14 other Daedric quests, complete or be on the part of the Main Quest where you have to offer Martin a Daedric artifact; if you meet these requirements then go to sleep and you’ll be contacted by the emissary of Mora.

    Level Requirement: 21

    Reward: Oghma Infinium (Steel: Boosts your Strength/Speed attributes and your Blade, Blunt, and Heavy Armor skills by 10; Shadow: Boosts your Speed attributes and your Acrobatics, Light Armor, Security, and Sneak skills by 10; Spirit: Boosts your Intelligence attribute and Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction and Restoration skills by 10.)
  13. mxdv2

    mxdv2 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    money making

    kben nog lvl 1 :confused:
    is speel pas obliveon :D
    maar ik heb echt geld tekort, kan iemand mij miss tips geven hoe ik makkelijk geld kan verdienen, ik had gehoord over een money glitch:

    In the Talos district of the Imperial City is the house of a man named Dorian. Enter the house and kill Dorian. When looting his body, highlight his gold and press A...and keep on pressing. His gold will never run out, giving you access to infinite funds. You can return to Dorian's house to loot money later, but his corpse will disappear after a few days.

    maar bij mij werkt het niet miss jullie wel :p
  14. mxdv2

    mxdv2 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    money making

    /Mod Dubbelpost, de volgende keer graag zelf weghalen :) - Z3R0-P4R4DOX
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 11 apr 2006
  15. mxdv2

    mxdv2 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    money making

    kben nog lvl 1 :confused:
    is speel pas obliveon :D
    maar ik heb echt geld tekort, kan iemand mij miss tips geven hoe ik makkelijk geld kan verdienen, ik had gehoord over een money glitch:

    In the Talos district of the Imperial City is the house of a man named Dorian. Enter the house and kill Dorian. When looting his body, highlight his gold and press A...and keep on pressing. His gold will never run out, giving you access to infinite funds. You can return to Dorian's house to loot money later, but his corpse will disappear after a few days.

    maar bij mij werkt het niet miss jullie wel :p
  16. mxdv2

    mxdv2 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    money making

    kben nog lvl 1 :confused:
    is speel pas obliveon :D
    maar ik heb echt geld tekort, kan iemand mij miss tips geven hoe ik makkelijk geld kan verdienen, ik had gehoord over een money glitch:

    In the Talos district of the Imperial City is the house of a man named Dorian. Enter the house and kill Dorian. When looting his body, highlight his gold and press A...and keep on pressing. His gold will never run out, giving you access to infinite funds. You can return to Dorian's house to loot money later, but his corpse will disappear after a few days.

    maar bij mij werkt het niet miss jullie wel :p
  17. C H i L

    C H i L Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Tomh.

    Tomh. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die glitch werkt om de een of andere reden idd niet als je hem gelijk probeert, weet ook niet waar dat aan ligt. Kunt wel items duplicaten en vervolgens verkopen, verdien je ook bakken met geld mee ;)
  19. A1gp

    A1gp Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb alleen chameleon ring gevonden

    Ik ben ook op zoek geweest in de laatste grote zaal in het midden staat een altaar met daarop een zo'n achthoekig stenen kistje maar als toen ik deze opende kreeg ik een chameleon ring. Kan het zijn dat het gerandomized wordt dus dat het voor iedereen anders is wat je vind of dat het per dag verschild wat er in het kistje voor ring zit OF heb ik nog een hoekje met kistje over het hoofd gezien.
  20. Yerewn

    Yerewn Zo lekker gewoon gebleven

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dat zou best kunnen dat het gerandomized wordt. @ bastiaan360 goede posts man!

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