Dag mede XBW'ers,
Wij moeten voor school een nieuw Concept verzinnen. Het leek ons daarvoor wel handig om een enquete te verspreiden en een soort van marktonderzoekje te doen. Enquete stelt ook niet zo veel voor, maar het is leuk en makkelijk om te presenteren en te bewijzen dat we een beetje geresearched hebben.
De inleiding van de enquete verteld meer, voor het gemak zet ik hem hier ook even neer. Ik hoop dat jullie ons willen helpen door dit in te vullen, want meer = meer.
The Anger Café
Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this questionnaire. It will only take 3 minutes of your time. We are Dick van Creij, X , Y en Z. At the moment we are following a course on Hotelschool the Hague wherefor we have to create a new concept. For marketscanning purpose we have created this survey.
Do you ever get that urge or craving to smash a plate into a wall after, for instance, a hard day at school or a frustrating confrontation with your mother-in-law? Then The Anger Café is the place for you to unwind and have a “smashing” experience. This alternative bar allows you to choose from an extensive variety of plates, crockery, vases, and other disposable items to crush into a wall without leaving you with the mess to clean up and all your personal belongings still intact. Ultimate sound-proof rooms equipped with IPod docking station and the possibility to project your personal selected images on the walls, you can go “all out” with throwing plates to release frustrations, anger, or just for the heck of it. Your ‘smashing’ experience will be recorded and edited, so by the time you’re finished you can purchase a DVD showing your throwing action in slow-motion.
Before and after your throwing spree you can enjoy an ice cold beer in the pub situated next to the ‘venting rooms’, which are equipped with cameras so visitors to the pub can enjoy seeing other people go ‘nuts’ with demolishing their selected items.
Gelieve deze link te volgen en alvat bedankt:
Laatst bewerkt: 1 apr 2011