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Overlord II

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 14 aug 2008.

  1. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vraag het hier maar ff.

    Overlord 1 op de 360 heeft DLC.
    Zit deze in de pc versie erbij?
  2. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Debut trailer
  3. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij moet je die er zelf ook bij kopen.
    Kijk 7 post boven je ;)
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    What’s New in Overlord II

    Brace yourself: Overlord wasn't a great game. It was a good game—and it had a good idea—but style choices and control options and myriad technical flaws kept it from being the best evil experience ever.

    Overlord II aims to change that in two major ways. First, the technical flaws are being aggressively addressed by the developer. AI has been updated so minions don't do stupid things, minion path-finding has been fixed so they don't do stupid things and a physics engine has been added to allow all kinds of new ways to be evil – like catapults. Second, now you really have to be evil instead of only partially evil. The choices you make and the minions you control are more black and white about their actions. The result will be either a lawful evil or chaotic evil Overlord: you can enslave or kill; you chase baby seals away from their homes or you can club them.

    Those are the major changes that will actually have an impact on the overall Overlord experience. All the rest – save one – are subtle changes that don't change the way you play the game; they just make it more pleasant. So even though the controls haven't changed, you might find it far less frustrating now that other things have been updated.

    Save One: The major gameplay update I saw was the Possession stone. The way it works is that you can order your minions to dance around the stone if you find one and use a spell to possess one of your minions. As that one minion, you can lead all the rest through parts of the level to accomplish things the Overlord can't do alone, like infiltrating a stronghold in stolen uniforms.

    You're No Longer A Robot: The original Overlord character design was a little jerky and robotic. The new model – who is technically the son of the Overlord from the previous game – is burlier and moves more fluidly. It may seem like a cosmetic improvement; but to me it looked like it was easier to move the Overlord around when fighting and casting spells.

    Ignoble Steeds: Minions get mounts in this game. There are parts of levels you can't get to without mounts and parts of the game where you have to make do without them. Each type of minion gets a different kind of mount – I saw brown brawler-class minions riding wolves for most of the first level. The wolves made the minions more powerful and enabled them to jump across wide gaps.

    There is both a mini- and a meta-map: Praise be.

    Split-screen co-op: See above.

    One Button Spells: This is the only real update to the control scheme that's definite – instead of having to hold down several buttons to pull of a spell, you only need X (I'm guessing Square on the PS:cool:. There's talk of fixing the camera control to the left stick in a more traditional 3rd person adventure game – but that hasn't been finalized.

    Less Bloom: Producer Carl Johnson explained that more and more developers are using deferred rendering in their environments. The result is a richer, more realistic appearance where animators can pull off stuff like blurring on fast-moving minions. Also, it means less bloom.

    Three, count ‘em, three girlfriends: There are three female characters in the game in different parts of the world. You can bring each back to your Dark Tower (located in the Netherworld, now, so you've got more space to decorate), or you can bring them all back. There's a special – and somewhat mysterious – Achievement if you can get all three.

    Bowling for Romans: The theme of the setting in Overlord II is ancient Rome. That means columns of red-plumed-helmet-wearing guards marching across plains. You'd be surprised how much those things look like bowling pins when you've taken control of a catapult and are hurling huge boulders down at them from on high. Watching them scatter in all directions when the boulder hits is even more hilarious, especially if the boulder rolled into them after landing in front of them.

    Overlord II is due out on PS3 and 360 in June 2009 – same day as Overlord: Dark Legend hits the Wii and Overlord: Minion comes out on the DS.

    edit: En wat artworks:
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 feb 2009
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou ze net poste, damn jij bent er altijd maar snel bij :).

    Erg vet overigens, die zeehondjes.
  8. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe zit dat nou precies met de pc versie van Overlord 1 en de DLC uitbreiding?

    Heb al wat gegoogled en gewikied maar vind nog niks.
    Zal zodadelijk eens kijken of er wat staat in wat pc reviews.

    Kwil mezelf ff goed voorbereiden en heb altijd gezegd als deel 1 goedkoper werd dat ik hem zou kopen. :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2009
  9. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    OMG: Dat gay figuur aan het einde van het derde filmpje; ik hoop echt dat we die ook mogen afmaken. ;):) Vond deel I nog al storend doordat bepaalde eindbazen door kleine bugs frustrerend moeilijk te verslaan waren. De een na laatste in de game bijvoorbeeld, echt te erg gewoon. ;):)
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey, die filmpjes hierboven doen het niet meer :mad:

    Nou ja, dan niet.

    Overlord II: Master of Puppets
    Good, bad, you're the guy with the minions.

    March 17, 2009 - Overlord caught gamers by surprise. A title many initially discounted, the action/strategy title managed to get many hooked with its blend of challenging puzzles and humor. Codemasters is back with Overlord II, coming to PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 later this year.

    We spoke with Creative Director Lennart Sas to get the full details on how developer Triumph Studios plans to improve on the original.

    IGN: How is development on Overlord II progressing? What stage of the process are you at right now?

    Lennart Sas:
    Overlord II has just reached the stage were we can play through the entire game for the first time. This is the time when we take a step back too take a look at what we have created and invite testers and decide what we edit to provide the best experience.


    IGN: While playing Overlord, I found using a mouse and keyboard preferable to the Xbox 360 controller for directing the minions. What specifically has been changed with the control setup to ease the process?

    Lennart Sas:
    The beauty of Overlord was that you could do quite complex things relatively easily. In Overlord II, we have smoothed out the controls for the camera, Overlord and minions while adding a lot more abilities to the minions and the Overlord, and escalating the scale of the battles.

    To address your gripe (shared by other gamers) the console controllers now have the camera under the Right Thumb Stick, with minion sweeping started by pushing the stick forward. This makes it a lot easier to look around and aim.

    We have also addressed navigation issues, with in-game maps and better sign posting and quest updates. This was something that came up time and time again in the feedback from the community.

    IGN: What sorts of cool new minions can we expect to control in Overlord II?

    Lennart Sas:
    Overlord is all about the minions but, rather than adding more base minion types (which would make controls more difficult and blur the lines between the minions), all the Overlord's four minion types are back, with new combat and special abilities and AI behaviours. The Brown Warrior, the Red Fire-throwing Imp, the Green Stealth Assassin and the Enigmatic Blue Priest -- they're all stronger, smarter, more destructive and funnier than before.

    IGN: What new addition for the sequel do you think fans of the original will be most excited about?

    Lennart Sas:
    We hope fans of the original will love the way the minions have evolved and love all the new actions they can perform. All the minions have had their abilities adapted to new challenges the game brings. Minions are now able to do things such as riding mounts, which in turn all have unique abilities -- wolves can jump and charge into enemy formations, Spiders can walk vertical walls to ambush enemies. Minions have many new ways to interact with the environment. They work together and can operate massive war machines and ships under the Overlord's command. It's great to go catapult "bowling" and score a full strike against an enemy formation that is marching.

    The new abilities also ramp up the humor. For instance, the disguise ability introduces a new tactical element, but also adds humor -- it's just wonderfully comical to see Minions dressing up in armour that doesn't really suit or fit them and generally arse about amongst the Empire legionaries. However, they will be able to fool enemies and act a little stealthier than the not-so-subtle amassed hordes of malevolent minions can normally be so it opens up new routes and puzzles in the game.

    IGN: What new feature in Overlord II are you most proud of?

    Lennart Sas:
    One of the key goals for the sequel was to make Overlord II more epic; this means bigger battles against organised enemy legions and war machines. The Tower from the original game has been replaced by a massive Hades-like Netherworld. Through a varied landscape ranging from the icy domain of Nordberg, to the Beaches of Everlight, the Mysterious Magic Sanctuaries and the Grim Wasteland (Ground Zero, where the Old Overlord's Tower detonated), the player will be taken to the Heartland of the Glorious Empire, where he'll unleash death and destruction on magnificent cities filled with palaces and temples.

    And along came a spider...

    IGN: What did you learn from the process of making Overlord that you have been able to apply to the sequel to make it more successful?

    Lennart Sas:
    We listen carefully to the feedback from the gamers and critics. We got feedback that the game was not evil enough and that the choices seemed to be between good and evil. In Overlord II we included "Tyranny" choices that are between Domination and Destruction – cold-hearted enslavement versus demonic destruction. These choices have an affect on how your spells will function. For example, if you become a dominating Tyrant, your spells will become better at subjecting the population to your evil will. Controlling a town gives more benefits spread out over time, while destroying a town gives instant evil gratification -- the souls of the slain population and looted treasure from their destroyed houses are for the taking.

    IGN: What is the approach to multiplayer modes for this sequel?

    Lennart Sas:
    Multiplayer will be back with split-screen and a load of new multiplayer game modes, which we're keeping under wraps for the moment (except the name of one mode we're working on called "Dominate").

    IGN: Any chance we'll see a demo hit Xbox Live before the game releases?

    Lennart Sas:
    Yes, a demo's in the plan. Specific content is to be announced but it'll be a great introduction to the ways of demonic and destructive evilness (with plenty of laughs along the way, of course).

  11. kwdtje

    kwdtje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geweldig! Kan niet wachten, dood en verderf zaaien onder hele legers en steden.. NICE :D
  12. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Blijft leuk hé die nederlandse accenten er doorheen :).
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    En het is nu voor teh cheap te pre-orderen @ Gamehubs.
  14. mattiejj

    mattiejj Registered Muser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vette cover!
  15. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Anyone? :'-(
  16. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 24 apr 2009
  17. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ik kwam ook al aan denken, huh waarom klinkt het nou alsof die vent niet van oorsprong engels kan. Toen kwam ik erachter dat de game gewoon uit fucking holland komt! _O_
  18. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gister heletijd survival gedaan met een vriend van mij, echt lachen! Ik wou eigenlijk daarmee meteen achievement halen van 30 minuten. Maar die gozer ging steeds dood als we nog 2-1 minuten moesten. Ergste was nog 20 seconde 8)!

    Kan niet wachten op overlord 2, voor nieuwe survival maps. :cool:
  19. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Komt ie nog steeds in Juni uit? Heb echt wel weer zin in zo'n type game als deze!
  20. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij komt hij wel in juni uit, heb geen berichten gelezen dat die uitgestelt is. Op gamehubs staat ook juni.

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