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Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Tsux, 23 jun 2006.

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  1. casper018

    casper018 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik ben nu in de ruborion desert, en heb alleen nog de missie find the thiefs hideout
    ik kan maar niks vinden.. heeft iemand miss een tiP??
  2. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb sinds gister ook Overlord en ik vind hem echt vet. Het is wel leuk dat je iets speelt wat in nederland gemaakt is. Nu had ik ff een vraagje, moet je voor die mistress wishes achievement die nieuwe mistress nemen? En als je die nieuwe neemt telt dat dan mee voor je corruption leven of blijft die dan op 0%?
  3. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor de achievement hoef je niet overtestappen naar de andere. Je kan gewoon zelf kiezen welke je neemt/behoud als je de keuze hebt gemaakt zullen beide met nieuwe decoraties komen voor je kasteel die je dan allemala moet kopen.

    En als je wel overstapt en de andere neemt krijg je wel corruption punten erbij.
  4. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok dankje :) Ik heb net de groene minions en nu moet ik dus die elf gozer mollen maar voor dat ik in die boom kan moet ik 6 bollen slopen. Moet ik daarvoor de blauwe hebben of kan het nu al zonder de blauwe minions?
  5. dave123

    dave123 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor zover ik me kan herinneren heb je daar idd eerst de blauwe voor nodig om een paar van die bollen te slopen. Die blauwe minions moet je halen in dat ene stadje waar ik de naam van vergeten ben :p Plaguespree ofzo xD? of heavenspree?
  6. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja idd ik ben nu verder en ik moet dus nu die ballen slopen maar eerst de blauwe halen. Maar dat kan makkelijk met de groene want er is gif om die grot van de blauwe. Iemand nog opzoek naar online achievements? :p

    EDIT: het is idd spree maar mannetjes krijgen daar the plague en worden zombies :p ooeeoeoeeh xD
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 jan 2008
  7. godsmack111

    godsmack111 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Check Xbox live (USA) daar staat de debut trailer van Overlords: Rasing Hell op.. is de expansion :).. Het ziet er erg goed uit.
  8. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand enig idee wanneer die expansion uitkomt heb er weinig over gehoord... Alleen die trailer gezien that´s it.
  9. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    verdorrie gisteren was ik bezig met de blue minnion hive te retrieven, zit ik vast tussen de hive en de muur :p vanavond maar eens op nieuw proberen, kon geen kant meer op :) :p

    en de humor van die minnions geweldig :p hahaha
  10. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ik vind het ook verrot dat die beesten opeens stil blijven staan en dan gewoon vast zitten...en dan met zo'n hive dan luisteren ze ook niet! Ja dan komen ze terug naar jouw en dan pakken ze de hive weer...moeten ze wel wat aan doen
  11. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die is al heel lang uit :p edit: ik wist niet dat hij nog niet op xbox live was.
    Hij zou in november komen, maar ze laten nu niks meer van horen. :{ edit: ik zag net op het forum dat die in januarie zou moeten komen. Maar die post kan ook gefaked zijn door iemand. Want het was een quote.
    Als ze vast blijven zitten moet je eens linker tricker en dan kan je ze zelf laten lopen!
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 jan 2008
  12. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zat zelf tussen de hive en de muur vast. De minnions konden niet verder omdat ik ze blokkeerde. Maar ze willen alleen vooruit met die hive. Ik kan ze wel wegsturen maar dan laten ze de hive staan en zit ik nog klem :).
  13. sneaky snake eye

    sneaky snake eye SneakySnake Eye

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb hem nou ook al een paar weken geleend, opzich wel grappig spel vooral dat het door nederlanders is gemaakt. Maar nu was ik in de kerker bezig in je toren en ik heb egt alles verslagen behalve die hele grote groene slugs. Heeft er iemand een tip hoe je die kan verslaan?
  14. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet bij die slugs geen minions gebruiken. De enige manier om ze dood te maken is om steeds een zogenaamde hit en run te doen. Je mept ze en rent weer weg. Het duurt ff maar dan heb je ook wat. Op x360a.org staat in de Overlord guide een duideljikere beschrijving van elk monster in de dungeon als het je nog niet lukt.
  15. Avantar45

    Avantar45 OpticonNL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet je minions naar je hive sturen, dan targetlock op de hive en dan kan je met je rechter thumbstick ze handmatig de hive laten verplaatsen.
  16. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ah wist niet dat het kon, heb hem al opnieuw gedaan :) blauwe hive in tha house :). Morgen maar eens verder met de game :)
  17. sneaky snake eye

    sneaky snake eye SneakySnake Eye

    Leuk Bevonden:
    weet er iemand waar je makkelijk die achievement kan halen dat je je mininos volledig met wapens moet uitruste een plek waar veel van die wapens ligge?
  18. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dan moet je met 50 minions, heen gaan waar je die meisje vangt. In die dessert die stad, daar moet je gewoon een paar keer door lopen en dan heb je hem.
  19. (Smart)ass

    (Smart)ass Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    naja, ik zou groene minion sgebruiken, dus je rent als een gek rondt, achter op de reet van die slak stuur je een par, niet meer dan 5 groene minions, terwilj die backstabbers hun werk doen, haa lje ze er weer van af... en zo doorgaan.. als je minions opstaaan, idd hit&run, kan erg ang gaan duren |:-
  20. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is wel ff vervelend maar er is er volgens mij maar 1 monstergroep (slugs) die moeilijk is. Verder zijn ze best te doen.

    Hier de guide waar ik het over had. Hier staan alle moeilijkere monsters in en hoe je ze moet mollen. ©www.x360a.org
    Battler Beetle (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Move to the edge of the dungeon and approach the beetles, get close enough to attract a small group of them and then draw them away. Fight small groups and make good use of your minions, setting a guard marker might help if you want to keep yourself out of danger, just lead the enemy close enough for your minions to attack.

    Bloody Unicorn (6) - Minions, 50 Greens. Target a Unicorn and send your Greens to attack it. They will jump onto it's back and do a lot of damage, which should take it down quickly. Recall your minions and then send them to attack another, repeat this a few times and you are victorious. Alternatively, send all 50 Greens in to attack without targetting and they will begin to damage all of your enemies at the same time. This is quicker but will undoubtedly lead to the loss of minions.

    Boulder Beast (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. These enemies will only take damage when they aren't rolled up into a ball. You need to avoid charging enemies, you can take a lot of damage and lose minions if you aren't careful. Go to the edge of the dungeon and get a single enemy to charge at you, dodge the attack and then send all of you minions in to attack it once it hits the wall and unrolls. They can be taken down swiftly so this will be a quick battle, just be sure to avoid rolling attacks and make good use of your minions.

    Dazzler Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

    Dwarf Bomber (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. An extremely easy battle, these enemies have very little health and are slow to attack. Send all minions in to attack without targetting, if you see a bomb has been thrown then recall all of your minions to spare them.

    Dwarf Crossbowman (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. A frustrating battle, these enemies can kill minions very quickly but die without much effort. You can rush them with your Browns and sacrifice a few and the fight ends quickly.

    Dwarf Miner (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Another simple battle, rush the enemy with all of your minions and they will die quickly. Be sure to get into the fight yourself as there are many enemies and you don't want to lose minions. Alternatively, draw a smaller group of enemies out and tackle them seperately. This saves minions but will take longer than needed.

    Dwarf Warrior (10) - Minions, 40 Browns, 10 Greens. Use a single Green to bring some of them forwards, then attack with Browns. You could also use of your group of Greens and send them all in first, be careful of the others though as they won't hesitate to attack any Greens that do not jump onto an enemies back.

    Fallen Knight (15) - Minions, 50 Browns. An easy battle, rushing with all of your minions works well if you start from one of the sides rather than the front. Use your Overlord in the fight to finish off any groups of enemies that are threatening your minions.

    Flamer Dwarf (10) - Minions, 50 Greens. This is an interesting one, I tend to sacrifice Greens to make this easier. The positioning of the enemies makes it hard to go in yourself without taking a lot of damage, so Greens are your best option. Target one of the Dwarfs on the end of the line and send a single green in to attack, one the enemies begin to attack, recall your minion and quickly send three Greens to attack the enemy on the other end of the line. You will need to repeat this a few times but eventually you will have enough space to attack them yourself and save a few minions from being toasted. This one takes time and will use up a bit of lifeforce if you are not careful.

    Forest Troll (7) - Minions, 35 Browns, 15 Greens. A simple battle, killing Trolls should come naturally after playing the game through. Target a single troll and send in a few Greens to attack it, then send in your Browns to the same troll. When it lifts it's arm up recall your minions to avoid the splash damage attack, knowing when to do this will minimise your losses. Repeat this until all foes are vanquished.

    Ghost Elf (24?) - Minions, 50 Blues. You can ONLY use Blues for this fight, they are the only minions that can do damage to ghosts. Take in a full hoarde and rush the enemy. If your minions die it doesn't matter, you can revive them all at the end providing you are quick enough and have some left over. There isn't much challenge from the enemy, you have superior numbers and should easily take them down.

    Halfling Cook (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. You could also take some Greens, but Browns are more than competant here. The Cooks can take down minions quite easily, so attack from the side as they are quite slow and you should be able to take them out without too much trouble. You can also draw them away from the group and attack, which will save you some minions.

    Halfling Rocklobber (16) - Minions, 50 Browns. A very easy fight, rocklobbers have low health but will be able to do some damage from a distance. Close the gap quickly and they will go down without doing too much damage to your hoarde. The enemies are positioned into four groups of four, so it is best to take out one of the side groups first and then sweep across the dungeon. You could also send your minions out to all four groups at the same time, this is quicker but may cause more losses.

    Halfling Spearman (20) - Minions, 50 Browns. These enemies do most of their damage charging you, so lead your assault with your Overlord and then send in minions once you are closer to the pack. Browns will be able to take out the spearmen easily, the enemies have low health and will be overwealmed by your numbers.

    Halfling Swordman (14) - Minions, 50 Browns. A simple case of rushing again, send all of your minions out and help out yourself where needed.

    Hulking Toad (5) - Minions, none. This can be tricky, the toads jump around a lot and so can be difficult to attack. They also have a habit of eating your minions, so going solo is always a good choice. Go solo and concentrate on a single toad at a time, you should take too much damage but make use of the targetting feature.

    Magma Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

    Puff Beetle (25) - See Battler Beetle.

    Red Priest (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. One of the easiest battles, send all minions in to attack and it will be over in moments. The priests rarely have time to attack you so there is very little risk of losing minions.

    Rock Giant (5) - Minions, 50 Greens. A simple battle, just send as many Greens as you can at a single enemy. If you notice that no more are jumping onto it's back then target a new enemy and repeat the process. When the giant throws your minions off it's back then recall them and send them out again. Take your time and watch out for the other giants to avoid being hit.

    Ruborian Bomber (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. An easy fight, but watch out for the bombs! Browns can easily finish off the bombers, but you may lose a good chunk of your hoard by rushing. Single out enemies and attack them seperately, take your time and you should come out with minimal losses.

    Ruborian Fighter (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. Another easy fight minus the bombs, use the strategy above and you will prevail.

    Skull Boar (15) - Minions, 25 Browns, 25 Greens. Target an enemy and send out a few minions, target another and send out some more. You should be able to attack two or three at a time without much worry. Enemies are grouped into fives, so concentrate on one group at a time, start on one of the sides and avoid provoking the other groups. Take your time and draw your enemies back to the starting point if you want to attack en mass.

    Skull Rat (25) - Minions, 50 Browns. Send all of your minions out and get into the fight yourself (a fully upgraded sword = one hit kills), start from one side to avoid the ranged attacks from the whole group and you will reduce your loses. The enemies don't have a lot of health but they are agile, aid any minions that are being attack by a group of enemies and you will win.

    Skull Stag (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. A simple battle, rush in and take them out, the stags don't do much damage so this should be a quick fight.

    Slug (10) - Minions, none. Possibly the hardest dungeon battle there is. Taking minions will result in them dieing, but they can do a lot of damage near the start to make things easier for you later on. You will spend a lot of time doing hit and runs, so be patient with your attacks and know when to back down. Avoid the big hits, a slug with rear up and lunge forwards, as soon as it begins the animation for this haul ass to avoid being knocked down and taking more damage. Be sure to have armour with regeneration so that you have health to fight, and fully upgraded equipment is a must. Patience is your greatest weapon here (besides a big arcanium thingy).

    Sluglet (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. Easy in comparison to their big brothers, they offer no real threat but be sure to make use of a full hoarde. Rush them and it is night-night sluggy.

    Succubus (5) - Minions, 40 Browns, 10 Greens. Concentrate on a single Succubus at a time, you will be able to take them down if you use all of your minions. When one of them lands be sure to use your Overlord to attack, you will take a large chunk of health off if you have decent weaponry and the whole battle goes quickly.

    Troll (2) - See Forest Troll.

    White Priest (5) - Minions, 50 Browns. This can be a complicated battle, your enemies can revive each other so you will need to take them out quickly or use your minions well to attack them all at the same time. You have superior numbers and they don't deal much damage to worry about.

    Zombie (loads) - Minions, 35 Reds, 15 Browns. Slow enemies mean you can position all of your minions on a guard marker and send them in by controlling the marker. You need Browns to protect your Reds, but the Reds will do most of the killing. Send the guard marker close to the enemies and your Reds will set them on fire, any that get lose will suffer a death by Browns.

    Zombie Lord (10) - Minions, 50 Browns. You can just rush the enemy here, but they have a viscious flame attack that will kill your minions quickly. Going solo is always an option, so you may take that route. When using minions, focus on a single pair at a time with 50 minions they will drop like stones.

    Ik had ook nog een vraagje. Als ik overlord speel is het niet zo dat ik er lekker doorheen loop. Ik heb altijd probleempjes als weinig lifeforce, slappe minions etc. Vinden jullie Overlrod ook moeilijk of ben ik gewoon een n00b. En als ik een n00b ben, geef me dan aub wat tips :p Ik ben pas bij de Understreets en als ik het nu al moeilijk vind, kun je nagaan wat er gebeurt als ik wat verder ben.
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