In the following I will put together all hints I was able to find:
It all started with this post (and an already deleted post on facebook):
here you can see the larger version )
One of the lead character artists of Overwatch posted this:
It might just be a promotional move but I think that we can definitely expect something
Since a character artist posted this, we can assume that there will be at least some new skins / weapons or something alike.
In the
teaser we can sometimes see a person on the lower right center. People were specualting about the possibility of a new Tracer skin.
A skin that looks pretty similar has already been used in
this picture where you can see Tracer next to Winston. Since it also looked a bit "steampunky" such as Tracers Steampunk Skin it's also possible that there are a bunch of steampunk skins coming for several characters to fit the lore.
Lumerico is a company in the OW lore with
THIS logo. We can see a pyramid like that showing up in the background of the
teaser on the top right.
Maybe we can expect LumeriCo to play a bigger role in the upcoming event.
Since King's Row is some sort of "robot ghetto", it is likely that the upcoming event will feature some robot / omnic related content.
Heroes of the Storm is PROBABLY also getting a big update on April 11 as some people claim. This update is supposed to include some OW features. That may mean that we get some HOTS stuff as well.
Theres a QR-Code on the top left of the video. When you scan it, it returns "Robot" or "n" in some cases. That's another indication for the Omnic Crisis plot.
On some screens in the teaser you can see words such as "TURING GR_______SWO"
You can complete the lower one to "Building an Omnic future". This leads to the conclusion that there will be some sort of Omnic Revolution or something alike
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