Ja, die krijg je inderdaad. Dit houdt die update precies in (stond al eerder in de topic): Features Added 1. Support for DLC. Without the Title Update, the retail PDZ executable would not recognize the downloadable content packages. 2. DarkOps Bots. AI-controlled Bots are no longer relegated to DeathMatch games. Now they can challenge human players in any of the DarkOps multiplayer games. Just like in DeathMatch games, Bots can be used in either Live games or in offline games. 3. Additional AI variants for Bots. The PDZ team was not satisfied with just one version of Bot AI. Now a total of eight Bot Personalities are available. Is someone dominating everyone else in a match? Send a Judge Bot after them. Want to add chaos and confusion? Add some Feud Bots into the mix. a. Vanilla = Original Bot AI. b. Ghost = Invisible apart from when firing its weapon. c. Judge = Attacks the player with the most kills. d. Bully = Attacks the player with the least kills. e. Venge = Attacks the last person that killed them. f. Feud = Chooses a new random target on each spawn and hunts them down. g. Prey = Picks on the player with lowest armor and health. h. Random = Uses a random Bot Personality. Multiplayer-Specific Bugs Fixed 1. Players could get out of bounds in Desert Map. At a particular location in the Desert Map, players could find a way to get outside of the map geometry. From the other side they could shoot into the map and attack players. But no one from the inside could shoot through the map walls to hit them. 2. Under certain conditions, players could float in air, allowing them to shoot into spawn rooms. If a player was headshot while piloting a vehicle (either Hovercraft or JetPac), then under certain circumstances they would float above the ground after respawning. This exploit could be used to get to a location where they could shoot into spawn rooms. 3. Achievements were not unlocking when they should. Some of a player’s achievements were not unlocking, even though the Pre-Game Stats screens showed that they past the required number for each stat (e.g. 160 Headshots, but no 100 Headshot achievement awarded). 4. Unbalanced numbers of players in Ranked Games. Some Ranked games had uneven numbers of people on the teams, because the Team Auto Balance feature would use the wrong stats to balance the number of players on each team (e.g. 5 versus 1). 5. Players could repeatedly capture an enemy flag every four seconds. If one team mate stood on the enemy’s flag holder, then another took the enemy flag back to the friendly base, the first team mate would score every four seconds for as long as she stood on the enemy’s flag holder. 6. Certain Melee Kills were not being counted. A weaponless melee attack from behind was not counting towards a player’s Melee Kills stats. 7. Teams could get positive points by killing teammates. If a player stands near a territory tower, a team mate can kill them and receive a positive point for defending a territory. Additional Bugs Fixed 1. A crash occurred after logging out of a profile during a Story Mode level load. 2. Under unique circumstances, one player could control both screens of a split screen co-op game. 3. Rapidly switching between the Plasma Rifle and a Hovercraft turret allowed a player to fire the Plasma Rifle 10x faster than normal. 4. During split screen multiplayer, the rocket’s secondary fire was causing an odd zooming of other players’ screens. 5. Changing the gender of a player’s multiplayer character model would not change the voice appropriately (e.g. male sounds even though the character was female).
Maar ik heb nu bijna alle achievements maar ik moet ook nog co-op perfect agent en dark en wie wil dat een keer doen..??
Hmm ik heb alleen de achievement voor Onslaught 100 minutes gekregen. Maarja ik ben echt blij met de bots omdat ik geen Live! Gold meer heb.
Na die update, deed mijn PDZ wel een beetje raar. Hij liep 2x snel achter elkaar vast. Erg vaag. Zat net in een Darkops Game. Poeff... dikke vastloper. Maar daarna heb ik er geen last meer van gehad.
... Ja dat snap ik, maar daarna moet ik weer ff wachten tot ik genoeg kracht heb om van mijn xbox 360 weg te gaan om Gold te gaan in de winkel...
zijn al die achievments online? want heb zeker al meer dan 10 headshots gehad en al meer dan 10 kills maar krijg geen achievment
Lekker kut dan al heb je geen live maar klopt net een paar potjes online en gelijk 3 achievments erbij
Die achievements van 1000 zijn echt kut om te halen.. En die CO-OP ook want sommige kunnen het echt niet
@ Mr-x Iedereen heeft Live! Silver en dat is genoeg voor deze opdate en het is ook logisch dat er achievements zijn voor de mp, want daar richt deze game zich toch het meest op. @ Pietlut Co-op vind ik ook heel moeilijk goede mensen te zoeken, want je hebt iemand nodig waarmee je goed kunt communiceren of die doorheeft wat jij gaat doen...
kijk maar eens bij mijn achievements: http://live.xbox.com/nl-NL/profile/Achievements/ViewAchievementDetails.aspx?tid= ]:*iAs jaaaa dat zijn achievements voor PDZ, en als je nog verder kijkt zie je dat ik alleen een silver abbo heb dus die achievements kun je ook offline halen :b: dusss.@ pietlut...niet liegen he
Je speelt de match toch telkens uit ipv midden in een game/na een ronde te stoppen? Want als ik me niet vergis krijg je achievements pas als je een hele match hebt afgerond, zo is het toch altijd al bij mij geweest dacht ik.