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Perfect Dark Zero

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door WiresOUTLAW, 26 apr 2005.

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  1. Excess-Denied

    Excess-Denied ----------- XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die kwaliteit kan je ook wel verwachten ja.

    btw. het plaatje van Fardo is niet zeker of dat wel een screen van PDZ is, is niet officieel vrijgegeven door Rare.

  2. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik weet het nog niet. De eerste gameplay beelden die ik er van zag gaven me eerder een negatief dan positief gevoel. Heb het sowieso niet bijster op Rare. Afwachten en hopen dat ze ondertussen een hoop verbeterd hebben / verbeteren wil deze game me misschien nog kunnen aanspreken als interessante titel.
  3. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zag deze afbeelding nog niet staan in de thread. Ik kende hem in ieder geval nog niet, komt van de rare site af.

  4. tomdamasker

    tomdamasker wachten duurt lang

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vet plaatje, ik hoop dat ze zo de hele tijd erbij loopt. Tenminste beter dan die soort wetsuits. Alhoewel het is altijd leuk als je charater zo nu en dan een ander pakje aanheeft.
  5. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het zit er inderdaad wel stoer uit. Misschien dat je een deel van de game in deze outfit speelt. Rare zet het niet voor niets op de site lijkt me.
  6. Victor

    Victor Guest

    Idd, het is altijd leuk als de hoofdpersoon zich/haarzelf in een andere outfit hijst. Dit ziet er wel leuk uit zo, best wel normale kleren met al die geweren op de rug. :9 Ik vind vooral die schoenen karakteristiek, ze heeft een beetje een soldatenpak aan, en daaronder normale schoenen. Wel leuk gedaan.

    Edit: ik heb het plaatje nu toch maar als wall genomen. PDZ is de enige titel naast Lost Oddysy die ik meteen haal. Daarna pas de andere toppers. :cool:
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 27 aug 2005
  7. rikkel

    rikkel Umm Kulthum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 4 sep 2005
  8. Mirik

    Mirik XBW Bazin XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij is dat van E3 heur... Dus ligt er maar aan wat je 'nieuw' vind. :+
  9. FabianNL

    FabianNL Guest

    het 2de deel komt iig de 10 :)
  10. boss

    boss Stay frosty people!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat je kan verwachten van LE uitgave is het volgde:
    DVD Disc One:
    - Full version of the game

    Bonus DVD Disc Two:
    - The Art of Perfect Dark Zero video feature.
    - Kepi & Kat music track from the game.
    - Perfect Dark Zero Gamer Tiles to customize your identity on Xbox Live.
    - Perfect Dark Zero Heads-Up display (HUD) UI Skin to customize your Xbox 360 experience.
    - The first chapter from the new novel, Perfect Dark:Initial Vector.

    - Perfect Dark Zero special edition comic booklet, Hong Kong Sunrise
    - A collectible Perfect Dark Zero Glyph Card
    - Game Manual

  11. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das oud nieuws. En ik begin mij toch wel wat zorgen te maken over deze game. Microsoft had immers gezegd dat dit DE launchgame moest zijn voor de xbox360, maar we horen en zien helemaal niks over deze game. Toch wel raar voor zo een grote titel.
  12. Cesar

    Cesar Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat doen ze wss net om ons te verbazen bij de launch, een sleeper hit als het ware.
  13. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop het, maar ik heb er een slecht gevoel bij.
  14. FabianNL

    FabianNL Guest

    we zullen wel meer van deze game horen op de TGS (16-17-18 september) en natuurlijk op X05 (4-5 oktober). Het is nu niet zo heel vreemd dat we er niks van horen... maar snap het niet idd dat we ook tot nu toe gewoon zo verschrikkelijk weining van deze game gehoord hebben. Behalve een (tegenvallende) multiplayer sesie en een paar (lelijke) screens heb ik er namelijk nog weinig van gezien...
  15. rikkel

    rikkel Umm Kulthum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The official Perfect Dark Zero website was updated today with lots of new info, including a new interview with Lead Designer and Project Lead Chris Tilston. Also a new intro was added to the site, an answering machine with the message " Ms. Dark's gonna be out of town until October 4th" , whatever that means? If you click on the phone there are 7 messages that you can listen to.

    Below we have added the new Perfect Dark Zero interview where Lead Designer Chris Tilston reveals tons of new info about the game. Enjoy!

    MGS Operative - Hello Chris, and thanks for granting us this interview. Please tell us a little about yourself, your role at Rare, and your work as the Perfect Dark Zero Lead Designer and Project Lead.

    Chris Tilston - I’ve been at Rare for 13 years in various roles involving design and gameplay programming. At the moment I’m unofficially PDZ’s cup of tea making expert, with the rest of my time devoted to lead designer and project lead duties.

    MGS Operative - What gameplay innovations will we see in PDZ multiplayer? What elements of the PDZ multiplayer experience are truly distinctive?

    Chris Tilston - I’m going to be boring and skip the exciting stuff like the weapons and the new moves the players can do – some players probably know a bit about these. Let’s go over the basics and see how they differ from the previous games and the foundation they provide.

    Armor system

    In PD 64 and Goldeneye, the armor protected the player fully and acted like a second health bar, so the best tactic would be to kill the enemy and get the armor and repeat. In PDZ most guns have bullets which go through armor and do a little bit of damage to the player’s health which gradually wears away at the player. This means when someone kills you and you have damaged them a bit you can come back and they aren’t at full health, even if they replenish their armor. For them to dominate you they need to be really good so it’s a fairer system. Sure, a more skilled player is probably going to win but he might win 10 to 1 instead of 10 to 0.

    Health system

    Health has two parts: permanent damage and temporary shock damage.

    - Bullets do some permanent damage, but also some temporary damage. So you might get hit by a sniper rifle and lose 90% of your health – if you back off and run away for a while you will regain half the health you lost.

    - Melee attacks that you can do with all weapons do temporary damage. So, if someone comes in and bashes you, if you can get away you will recover all the damage they did to you.

    - Fall damage is also temporary – jump from a high height (taking that short cut) you might lose a lot of health and be vulnerable for 5 seconds, but all that will be regained.

    Damage system

    The damage system is similar to that in PD which is a locational damage system. Shooting someone in the head does more damage than shooting them in the body. Shooting the limbs does the least amount of damage.


    The players speed is altered by the weight of the weapon they are currently holding.

    - Unarmed is fastest, but also the most vulnerable

    - Pistols and thrown weapons are next

    - At the bottom of the speed pile are the big guns like the rocket launcher and sniper rifles. Hold one of these and expect to run slow!


    Inventory is controlled now. The players have 4 slots in which to carry weapons and each weapon can take up 1, 2 or 3 slots depending on how powerful it is. We wanted to balance what the player could carry so that they would have trade-offs. We didn’t want situations where you could have a rocket launcher which is great at range and a shotgun which is good close up. Now you have to sacrifice a bit if you want that big gun, so if you do get close to that guy who has the sniper rifle you know the most he’s going to be packing is a pistol.

    Map system

    Every multiplayer level has a small radar map on screen to help show the player where friends and enemies radar signals are. Each area is named to help co-ordinate between players.

    A large map can be brought up and this shows things like respawn points of weapons and objective markers. Beginners can bring up the map on an unfamiliar level, put a waypoint down on a weapon or an objective point and waypoints will show them the shortest way there.

    Advanced players they can place waypoints down to key points that team mates can see, or on themselves to act as leaders and co-ordinate the teams more. This is particularly useful in the Dark Ops mode.

    Radar system

    We wanted to try and capture the visibility you get when you play at home with someone sitting next to you and taking that online and also give a gameplay representation of what the player should hear when a gun goes off, so when the player fires they appear on radar.

    - Louder more powerful guns stay on for longer.

    - Silenced weapons are invisible on radar but don’t do as much damage.

    - There are some guns in there that allow radar to be manipulated so you can never run straight towards the radar signal and be sure an enemy is there.

    Team colors

    Red is the enemy, Green is the friend. No one gets an advantage because they are a hard to see color on a certain background. And everything is consistent – take damage from an enemy and the hitflash is red, if it’s green then it’s friendly fire and time to start shouting “stop shooting me” at your teammate. Same goes for radar. Simple. Unless someone has been hit with the psychosis gun, where it gets a little more complicated….

    MGS Operative - Do the single-player and multiplayer aspects of PDZ have a lot in common? How did the development of one affect the other?

    Chris Tilston - The single player and online share a lot and there’s even a little connection between the Deathmatch mode and the story for some consistency. Backgrounds in multiplayer are based on or inspired by the ones in single player, the weapon mechanics are the same, the health systems also.

    The multiplayer side of the game was up and running quite quickly and a lot of weapon balancing has come about from playing large scale matches on Xbox 1. Any evolutions of the mechanics would make it back into single player.

    From the control side, everything has been done from the point of view of being effective in multiplayer so we were very aware of the cover move not being useful at all if it was slow and it’s been polished and honed so that it’s useable in a fast paced multiplayer environment.

    MGS Operative - What can you tell us about your approach to designing the multiplayer aspect of PDZ? What were your goals at the outset, and how did you work through them?

    Chris Tilston - We wanted something that was fun but balanced – it needed to be balanced to survive in a live environment where exploiters would continually use the most powerful weapon. So a lot of the weapons are balanced based on a lot of factors other than the damage and fire rate, with some of these being the accuracy of the weapon, the reload times, the ammo capacity, the range of the weapon and how good it is against armor.

    We also wanted to keep fans of the original multiplayer from PD happy and give them something familiar, which we do in our Deathmatch mode, but also to try and take the game into new territory with Dark Ops. Unfortunately, that means multiplayer is really two different games — which is bad from an amount of work we need to do side but great for the person who buys the game. (Actually it’s maybe three different types of games if you include the bots, which can be played offline and online.)

    Deathmatch is very similar to PD 64 in that a weapon set (that can be fully customized) is picked and players respawn when they die. Dark Ops on the other hand is round based and players have a single life. Dark Ops is tenser and using the secondaries well really can make or break a round. With Dark Ops we wanted to explore the uncertainty you get by not knowing what weapons the players will have until they come ‘round that corner.

    When we added the secondaries on top of these weapons we wanted the weapons to move the gameplay sideways and give the player more options. We didn’t want secondaries which just made the gun fire faster but secondaries which allowed the player to play in a different way. They give the great deal of depth and when used in the right situation can tip the balance in the firefight. This was an iterative process where things that didn’t make the cut were replaced by better ones.

    If a player is a really good tactician, or has got a good feel for the guns, they’ll figure out the best time to use the secondaries. Take something simple like a secondary which attaches a silencer. A good tactic in Dark Ops would be to have one or two allies with silenced weapons race forward to get into a good position and have the main force take a different route. The scouts can then take silenced pot shots at the enemies using the element of surprise and not show up on radar (apart from the person who they are hitting).

    Source: The Official PDZ Website
  16. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe plaatjes op deze site
  17. Velvet_Dark

    Velvet_Dark Finish the Fight...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow, Rare lulde er zeker niet omheen toen ze zeiden dat het spel op de uiteindelijke 360 hardware VEEL mooier zou worden. Dit komt overeen met Gears Of War! Nee, beter zelfs!! Thanks Fardo!!
  18. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Begon mij al zorgen te maken over deze game, maar dit ziet er prima uit.
  19. FabianNL

    FabianNL Guest

    Dat concluderen jullie op die plaatjes? mensen, een slechtere kwaliteit scans bestaat ongeveer niet ;)

    maar toch bedankt Fardo!
  20. Zilverpijl

    Zilverpijl GT: MVP4Riaz

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan wel zo zijn, maar het ziet er duidelijk beter uit dan die crap die we eerst te zien kregen. Qua gameplay kunnen we natuurlijk nog niets beoordelen, maar qua graphics ziet het er behoorlijk uit.
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