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Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 2 nov 2009.

  1. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kijk ook meer uit naar de film dan naar de game. Film gaat gewoon vermakelijk worden zoals de Pirates trilogie, Disney <3.
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    During a recent Ubisoft preview event, Michael McIntyre, director of level design for Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, talked to Joystiq about the new sequel to the old trilogy, establishing its connection to the Sands of Time game series and the Bruckheimer film. The Forgotten Sands is a side story, based in the Sands of Time universe, bridging the seven-year gap between the original Sands of Time game and its sequel, Warrior Within.

    Clearly, Ubisoft has positioned the next game to piggyback on the Bruckheimer blockbuster and ideally generate renewed sales for the brand (which underperformed in its 2008 iteration). Forgotten Sands is also an opportunity for Ubisoft to finally justify the Prince's remarkable transformation from carefree hero to brooding, emo warrior.

    Continue reading for our full interview with Michael McIntyre -- after the break -- in which he reveals new (and rewinding revisited) elements in the game and the return of a familiar voice.

    Which Prince of Persia games have you worked on?

    Michael McIntyre: I worked on the Prince of Persia from 2008, I worked on Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and this one. (And the DLC for the last one, as well.)

    How long how has The Forgotten Sands been in development, and when was it decided it would be a continuation of The Sands of Time series?

    The game's been in development for a year and a half now, and it was decided that it would be part of The Sands of Time franchise fairly early in development -- that it would be the same Prince, same universe.

    Prince of Persia (2008) / Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (200:cool:

    How are you going to communicate the difference between the two Prince of Persia universes, The Sand of Times and the reboot from 2008?

    I don't know exactly how they're gonna go about that. The Prince of Persia that came out in 2008 is totally its own universe. This one is back in Sands of Time and it's a fan favorite -- The Sands of Time universe. So I don't think we're gonna have any problem saying, "Oh, by the way, this is the Prince from Sands of Time." And that's all we're really focused on right now.

    What platforms is the new game being developed on?

    We're on PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii, PSP, and DS.

    Will each version generally be the same game? Will there be differences?

    There will be differences. Each console has its own strengths and weaknesses, so they'll all have their own game ... Well, not each have their own game, but there will be differences.

    Will the Dagger of Time -- the time-reversal mechanic -- return in The Forgotten Sands?

    I'm not gonna go all into any "Dagger of Time" talk, but this is not The Sands of Time story. This is a story that's set between Sand of Time and The Warrior Within.

    How exactly, then, will The Forgotten Sands connect with next year's film, if at all?

    Basically, the film is telling the story of The Sands of Time trilogy, which Ubisoft made, and this game is a story that happens on the side of that. So, it's the same character.

    Will Jake Gyllenhaal voice the Prince in the game?


    Will Yuri Lowenthal the voice actor in the original Sands of Time [and The Two Thrones] reprise his role as the Prince then?

    He's back.

    How about Nolan North? Is he going to be voicing any of characters in the new game?

    I have no idea.

    He's in every game.

    Yeah, we use him enough for Assassin's Creed. [Laughs.]

    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (2004)

    Warrior Within, the second Sands of Time game, was commonly criticized for its tone, which was a lot darker than the first game's, and the Prince, who had become inexplicably angrier and less likeable. In terms of the tone of The Forgotten Sands, is it more like the first or second game?

    All that I'll say is that, obviously, there's a difference between the Prince from The Sands of Time and Warrior Within, and there was like seven years that past between those stories where he became that new guy. So, obviously, some bad things happened to him in that amount of time, and this is that time frame -- where The Forgotten Sands' story is taking place. That's all I'll say.

    After three games in The Sands of Time series, how is Ubisoft looking to introduce new elements to keep the franchise fresh?

    Basically, I think the one major way that we're looking to make it fresh is that this isn't the Sand of Time trilogy. So, it's not entirely focused on time powers. We do have the rewind still, but we also have powers that are more focused on nature -- controlling elements of nature.

    One of the things that people loved about the most recent Prince of Persia (2008) was the somewhat cooperative mechanic between the Prince and Elika. Will that kind of gameplay return in any shape or form in The Forgotten Sands?

    Since there's various different platforms doing their various different things, that's a bit of a "yes" and "no." It'll depend on the version of the game.

    Do you know what the status of the alternate Prince of Persia (2008) universe is? Will it continue?

    I don't know ... I don't know.

    Which of the two Prince characters do you have a personal affinity for?

    I like them both. The Sands of Time was one of the reasons that I came to work at Ubisoft, so I certainly have a soft for it. But I liked that the Prince in the other game made me laugh. He was fun to watch.

    Additional details:

    Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is set in Azad, the Prince's brother's kingdom, where the Prince much use the power of "the Sand" to defeat an enemy army that has set siege to the royal palace. The game utilizes the Anvil engine (Assassin's Creed & Prince of Persia, 2008) and will feature new nature-controlling powers, in addition to time control. The technology and game design will combine to create, as Ubisoft puts it, "epic wow moments."

    As suggested above, the versions of the game for Wii, DSi/DS and PSP system will feature "a different gaming experience" from the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

  3. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha nice, ik wou de PoP uit 2008 als mn eerste PoP game kopen tot het bleek dat de graphics anders waren de gameplay mechanics en er een irritante tweede persoon achter je aan liep.

    Dus toen de game maar niet gekocht, en geen spijt van. :+

    Dit deel wordt dan een maybe tho, omdat ik nu gehoord heb dat het een game is van een film van een remake van de game, oid. :cool: Dus wordt wel afwachten tot gameplay vids voor ik beslissing maak.
  4. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die artworks zijn iig wel _O_.

    Daarnaast blijkt dus uit het interview dat dit eigenlijk geen filmgame is. _O_
  5. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hopelijk krijgt alleen de prins een update, want die prins uit de trailer is niet tof. :+
  6. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb Prince of Persia: The sands of time, Warrior within nooit uitgespeeld. Aan two thrones ben ik nooit begonnen. Dus dit is een vervolg op TSOT, en ik maar altijd denken dat Warrior within gewoon het vervolg was. Voordat ik deze nieuwe game dus ga spelen in mei(tenzij er een delay komt.....)moet ik even weten hoe het verhaal eindigt in TSOT.

    Maar Two trones is wel weer een vervolg op Warrior Within, raar dat ze zo lang gewacht hebben dan.
  7. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Warrior Within is ook een vervolg, maar speelt zich vele jaren na The Sands of Time af. Dit spel speelt tussen The Sands of Time en Warrior Within.
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jaaaaaa _O_
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het ziet er inderdaad gewoon lekker uit. Maar dat wil ik Ubi niet vertellen. :+ Ben nog steeds boos dat dit geen vervolg op PoP 2008 is.

    Ach ja, misschien wordt het tijd om dat voorlopig achter me te laten, en lekker naar deze titel uit te kijken. Ubi mag dan wel hopen dat ze niet teleurstellen met deze! }:]
  11. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    US (PS3 ) boxart?

    Eerder dan Dulle! \o/
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is PS3, zo een troep post ik niet. :+
  13. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey, dat zijn geen cellshaded graphics meer. Best nice eigenlijk, niet dat ik het erg vond in de vorige. Het pastte er heel goed bij,maar hier ben ik ook geen tegenstander van.
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is dan ook geen vervolg op die vorige. ;)

    Aangezien het zich tijdens de SoT trilogie afspeelt (tussen SoT en WW dacht ik) gaan ze ook terug naar de oude grafische stijl.
  15. EXCEDO

    EXCEDO :)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    persoonlijk vind ik het dan weer niet zo mooi als dit

    maarja het is nog in ontwikkeling he(niet dat dit slecht is)
    Laatst bewerkt: 10 jan 2010
  16. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De release staat voor mei toch? Afwachten of dat echt gaat gebeuren, van al die veelbelovende games elk jaar word er altijd wel ééntje uitgesteld. En zou de vorige POP ook niet in mei komen van daar jaar, en kwam uiteindelijk pas in november?
  17. Tha Pielius

    Tha Pielius Tha Nudies!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kijk hier wel naar uit :)
    Heb met plezier Warrior within en two thrones gespeeld.. heb helaas de vorige niet kunnen bemachtigen.. misschien nog eens even kijken of ik hem goedkoop kan scoren!
    Ik ben zeer benieuwd wat ubi hier van gaat maken.. Als ze weer godsmack als soundtrack hebben zoals bij warrior within, ben ik iig al verkocht :+
  18. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die vind ik wel erg fake lijken! :eek: Kijk eens hoe de logo's in beeld staan, om nog maar te zwijgen van de slechte box-art: een held in de schaduw bij een filmgame, dat gebeurt niet. :+ En check die lelijke 'The Forgotten Sands' letters. Shi-it. 8)
  19. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daarom staat er ook een vraagteken achter mijn eerste zin. ;)
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is niet veel, en niet eens echt nieuw maar goed...:

    Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
    First details on the franchise's latest redirection

    Like precious drops of life-giving water in a barren, dust-strewn landscape, details on Ubisoft’s new Prince of Persia game – slated to launch across all major gaming consoles in just a matter of months – have been excruciatingly scarce. Even the teaser trailer below left fans choking in the desert sands, desperate for real information. After chatting with Director of Level Design Michael McIntyre at a recent Ubisoft press event, however, we’ve managed to scavenge a few draughts of early intel on the game to temporarily slake your thirst.


    Forgotten Sands ties back into the Sands of Time trilogy and features the titular Prince from those games, rather than the rebooted Prince character from 2008’s Prince of Persia title. This new tale takes place during a gap between Sands of Time and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. “[During that gap] there were all these adventures that the character went on that we never really talked about, so now we’re making a game based on one of those adventures,” McIntyre says. “It doesn’t have anything to do with the whole time story.”
    Without going into a lot of specific detail, he outlined Forgotten Sands’ initial story premise for us. “Our prince character is going to visit his brother’s kingdom, and when he arrives he finds the kingdom is under attack. He’s essentially trying to help out this brother.” This better explains the action found in the trailer footage above, with scenes of a desert city under siege. Billowing clouds of smoke emanate from the battleground, while combatants are gutted by a surge of undead warriors. Amidst the chaos and crumbling buildings, the Prince nimbly darts his way through the wreckage and climbs to the top of a tall spire where he’s greeted by a massive, demonic-looking sand beast that towers over the ruined city. Yes, the “dark secret” the narrator professes to be hidden within the sand does not appear to be a friendly one.
    As expected, Forgotten Sands won’t deviate from the action-oriented platforming gameplay the series is known for. The Prince’s acrobatic maneuvers, the puzzles and combat will all be very similar to Sands of Time. “We’re really trying to evoke the same spirit of that trilogy, so it’s all going to be very reminiscent of that,” says McIntyre. In the trilogy, the prince had a bevy of slick moves and magical, time-altering powers. McIntyre confirmed that the ability to rewind time to get out of sticky situations will return, but the remainder of the Prince’s powers this time around will focus on the elements of nature.
    Though we weren’t fortunate enough to steal a glimpse of the game in action, the trailer shows the cel-shaded visual style from the recent Prince of Persia game has been ditched in favor of a look that better matches the Sands of Time series. It’s pretty slick, and we’re anxious to get our hands on some Princely action soon. Forgotten Sands is scheduled to launch in May 2010 for consoles and handheld gaming platforms alike. Keep your eyes peeled here for more details as they come out.

    Hopelijk komen hier ook snel wat scans van tevoorschijn:

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