Now this IS big news.
We already know PSM3 are off to Tokyo this week to see PES 2011, but what we weren’t too sure of was who else was going with them. Jon Murphy eluded to the event at WEP Team studios being a press PES tour, meaning lots of people going to see the latest game – which in itself shows confidence.
Yesterday though Jon gave us a clue. He re-tweeted a comment from Eurogamer TV’s well known presenter Johnny Minkley which said:
What would be really brilliant now is if tomorrow I was going off to see a football game with a Chelsea fan.
Later on that day, clear references were made to attending a press event. The Chelsea fan? No other than Mr Aviators.
Now, I could be putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, but I’m confident everything points to Eurogamer being in Tokyo this week to see PES 2011. For me that’s a massive statement, as they’ve been one of EA’s and FIFA’s loudest supporters in recent years, and for those guys to attend the event must mean, IMO, Konami have no doubt in their product wowing all-comers.
The proof then will come in June, when Johnny and Co will be able to spill the beans AND show us some videos. Fingers crossed.
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