Advanced Shooting
Been reading about people's concerns over advanced shooting and have to say I was struggling with this to begin with myself, however I believe I've finally got to grips with it.
I have a real bad habit of forcing the left stick towards goal when taking a shot (usually leftovers from sprinting towards goal like a thing possessed when I see a gap!

) and it turns out that this is a big no-no when it comes to advanced shooting.
The answer seems to be, to release the left stick immediately after pressing the shoot button and then apply a LITTLE left stick direction afterwards to select the area in the goal you're aiming for.
The thing I now realise is that there is actually no left stick input required to make the player initially shoot towards goal. If you stand still sideways on to the goal with both thumbs off the sticks and press shoot, the player will still attempt to shoot at goal.
The purpose of the left stick after hitting the shoot button, is to pick your spot in the goal, however, too much stick in any direction and the shot goes high and/or wide. Hence, when I was rushing towards goal, no matter how briefly I tapped the shoot button, the shot would frequently blast over the bar or go wide.
Left stick directions after the shot are as follows (assuming regular side-on pitch view):
Towards the goal to push the shot higher.
Away from the goal to drop the shot lower.
Stick up to go for the far post.
Stick down to go for the near post.
So, for example, top far post corner would be left stick slightly in the up and toward goal direction. Bottom near post corner would be left stick slightly in the down and away from goal direction. Oh, and by the way, too much stick away from goal (i.e., low shot) will sap the shot of power, so you can't just drag the stick all the way away from goal for a fail safe thunder low shot.
Remember, you only need apply a TINY bit of direction to get the ball to move. Like I said before, too much stick will send the ball high, wide or scuffed especially with the less able strikers.
I recommend practicing with the top striker players to start with so you can see the results fairly easily. Needless to say, the poorer players don't respond so well to placement directions and shots may go astray due to poor player ability rather than pilot error.
Also I find it easier to play with advanced shooting on, but with the direction indicator off, as I find it distracting. This is personal preference of course, although to start with it might provide useful feedback to help you see where your player is aiming.
My conclusion therefore, is that advanced shooting isn't broken, it's just that I was doing it wrong!
I appreciate that many of you prolly already know this stuff, but it came as a revelation to me, and will hopefully help some people out.
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