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[PS4] [PS3] Killzone 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Kevf, 1 nov 2007.

  1. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Persoonlijk vind ik de graphics van Killzone 2 de mooiste die ik tot op heden hebt gezien in een consolegame. Ook mooier dan Gears of War 2. Het enige minpunt is dat het allemaal nogal grijs overkomt, misschien dat mensen daarom vaak niet goed zien hoe mooi en strak het eigenlijk allemaal is.

    Verder vind ik het absoluut een van de beste shooters van het moment. Gears of War 2 vind ik wel leuker, omdat je daar co-up kunt spelen. Daarbij is het verhaal van Gears of War 2 gewoon interresanter voor mij.
  2. goodfella

    goodfella You're fired!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb de demo grijsgespeeld en wil ook zeker weten de complete game. Het is wel de soort shooter waar ik op zit te wachten. Over de graphics twijfel ik een beetje. Enerzijds de mooiste graphics ooit op een console anderzijds vind ik het te clean ogen. Alsof er 2d textures in een 3d omgeving zijn geplakt.
  3. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind sommige textures er niet zo mooi uit zien. Bijvoorbeeld als je herlaad zien de textures van de onderkant van je wapen er niet fantastisch uit, maarja mischien is dat gewoon nog niet mogelijk deze generatie. Maar vind bijvoorbeeld MGS 4 mooier. Morgen maar eens kijken of ik hem al voor 30 euro ergens kan vinden :).
  4. Rick

    Rick Extreme gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb mooi voor 18 euro en een beetje kunnen kopen.
  5. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    blahdvd is ie 21 euro. Dan heb je hem meestal binnen 3 dagen binnen.

    Althans bij mij al 8 x geweest.
  6. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb hem ook voor 28 eurie gehaald bij de mediamarkt.
    Nu nog de PS3 zelf, die komt pas van het weekend.

    Ben erg benieuwd naar de multiplayer, wat ik er van lees en zie is erg tof.
    Voor al die sniper ziet er erg fijn en stoer uit.

    Edit:/ gisteren de PS3 geïnstalleerd en alleen even de update voor Killzone kunnen downloaden + de intro bekeken, maar hot-damn! wat ziet die intro er goed uit zeg:eek:! Is dat ook de in-game kwaliteit?

    Ga het vanavond wel meemaken, maar heb er zin an, dat staat vast.
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 sep 2009
  7. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wordt dit online nog gespeeld?
    Want ik heb opzich wel zin in een leuke shooter online :)
  8. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, nog heel actief. Heb pas nog een potje gespeeld, en er waren echt bomvolle servers. Als ik het goed heb gezien, kun je gewoon je server uitkiezen toch i.t.t. CoD of Halo? (Heb amper online gespeeld :+)
  9. Cliff

    Cliff Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb gelukkig in de 2e week alle rang trophies gehaald toen. Denk dat het nu wel een stuk pittiger is?
  10. janter

    janter Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja het is nu zeker een stuk pittiger. Persoonlijk vind ik de multiplayer beter dan die van MW 2. En dan heb ik het alleen over de opties. Bij Killzone 2 kan je gewoon kiezen welke map je wilt spelen, of welke objectives etc. etc. Bij MW 2 kan je alleen quick game doen en word je in een map belandt die je misschien niet eens aanstaat :emo:.
  11. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Multiplayer nooit echt gespeeld maar ik vond de singleplayer zeker beter dan die van MW2 en BFBC2 :)
  12. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ondanks dat ik de game al een hele tijd niet meer gespeelt heb (online game ik zowieso niet veel....teveel sp games die wachten!!) maar ik vond het echt 1 van de beste MP games die ik ooit gespeeld heb. Het is echt ERG goed in elkaar gezet!:thumbs:
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 24 mei 2010
  14. janter

    janter Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn hier zit ik echt op te w8ten zeg!!!
  15. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    E3 2010: Killzone 3 Hands-on
    Drag me to Helghan – our first look at Guerrilla's killer sequel.

    There are no pre-renders, no elaborate unplayable cut-scenes and no false promises; Killzone 3's reveal is pure and simple – an extended hands-on with the fourth level of a game that we're thrilled to report is full of awesome. In a cinema a few hundred yards from Guerrilla's studio in an Amsterdam that is, thanks to an ongoing strike from the city's refuse services, looking as grimy and hostile as the surface of Helghan itself, we're given the first look at a game that's going to get PS3 owners frothing all over again.

    There's much that is familiar from the outset; picking up from the cliff-hanger ending of Killzone 2, Sev, Rico and the rest of the ISA forces – severely diminished by the climactic nuke - battle with a Helghan army that finds itself in the throes of a power struggle. "It's David vs. Goliath," explains Guerrilla's Herman Hulst, "but this time Goliath has bought a thousand troops and a thermonuclear arsenal."

    From a distance, Killzone 3 looks familiar too; development began just as Killzone 2 shipped and naturally it uses the same engine as that game. Not that that's a bad thing: Killzone 2 is still to this day one of the prettiest shooters, with the only game that's likely to threaten its mantle the imminent Crysis 2.

    Jetpacks - they're this year's lens flare, don't ya know.

    But it's not the likes of Crytek, Treyarch or DICE that Guerrilla is pitting itself against; instead, it sees its competition much closer to home. "Of course, some little games came out just after us," says Hulst, referring to the critical successes of Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2 and God of War III. "As proud as we are of our friends at Worldwide Studios, these games inspired us to step it up and deliver a full-blown sequel to Killzone 2, and one that gets better on every front. There's nothing like some friendly competition to get us to raise the bar once again."

    "They both did a fantastic job," agrees Senior Producer Steven Ter Heide. "Uncharted 2 obviously did great things with storytelling and God of War III did great things with scale. It's all stuff that we take on board – obviously we're a different kind of game and it's going to be a different experience, but we look at what they do and see how we can implement those kinds of thing. They've pushed us to work harder."

    It's easy to see the relationship between Killzone 3 and Killzone 2 running along similar lines to that between Uncharted 2 and the original Uncharted. Just as Nathan Drake's second outing remedied every gripe with the first, Killzone 3 sidesteps the issues with its predecessor, while at the same time making everything that was great about Killzone 2 that little bit greater.

    It seems Guerrilla is wise to its mistakes and Killzone 3 certainly won't be making any of them again. A big criticism of Killzone 2 was its one-note palette – sure, the grim browns and dead yellows certainly helped the oppressive aesthetic, but over the length of the campaign they soon became wearisome. Killzone 3 answers this with aplomb. Although they're not shown up and running, concept art for several of the levels show that this will be a relative kaleidoscope of colour, with the dreary wastelands left in the wake of Killzone 2's nuke giving way to jungles filled with phosphorous light, through to the brilliant white of the snowbound level we get to play today.

    They're matched by a new and impressive sense of scale too. The first three minutes we're allowed to go hands-on with has more set-pieces crammed in to it than the entire first level of Killzone 2, and it's also ten times bigger than what had gone before. It's a change that has obvious ramifications to the gunplay itself. "The biggest thing we're doing for Killzone 3 is trying to not only have variety in the environments but also in the actual gameplay experience - the stuff that you do from minute to minute," Ter Heide tells us, and that's certainly borne out in our hands-on with the game.

    Titled Frozen Shores, the snow-whipped level takes place four levels into Killzone 3's single-player campaign and it sees Sev and Rico en route to an arms facility in a bid to rescue a certain Captain Narville. It opens as Sev takes point on one of Killzone's now signature flying Intruders, manning a mini-gun that's being used to rain hell onto the Helghan forces that occupy the big rigs below. Enemy airships soon swoop in to join the party, only to be shredded by the mini-gun and sent spiralling out of the sky.

    It's Killzone as you know and love it: industrial landscapes being eaten up by the loudest of explosions and the absolute chunkiest of arsenals as the screen violently quivers. Set-pieces like this are Killzone's bread and butter, although there's now an added fidelity to their execution thanks to the employment of high dynamic range audio. It might sound like a meaningless technical buzzword but know this; it's one of the key reasons that DICE's Bad Company games sound so good, and it adds a perceptible new layer to Killzone 2's already rich soundscape.

    Rico's more useful - he'll actually revive you when you fall. ​

    It's a small and very welcome addition, but by the time the Intruder is sent crashing into the snow by a Helghan RPG, Killzone 3 begins to really show where the changes have taken place. Having stumbled from the wreckage, Sev picks up the mini-gun that had proved so useful just seconds ago. Naturally, its bulk slows him down but it's a handy ally when facing down swarms of Helghast.

    Things soon require a little more dexterity and the mini-gun is ditched, revealing some subtly refined gunplay. Guerrilla is coy on the specifics – no doubt down to the fact that the specifics are constantly being fine-tuned and are likely to be in flux until just before the game ships – but it's certainly more responsive than before. It's put to the test by level design that seems to favour more direct shoot-outs than the cowering gunfights of Killzone 2, but when cover is required it now seems more reliable and intuitive, and snapping behind objects is a much swifter experience.

    One thing that's definitely improved is the melee system, as the clumsy system of old is superseded by a much more dynamic way to stab someone in the face. It's now context sensitive: creep up on a Helghan and it's possible to kick them up against a wall before plunging the knife with a further press of the melee button. Going toe-to-toe with them enables some gruesome kills, sticking the knife in places it doesn't belong like a Helghan's ribcage or eye socket.

    However, there's one particular type of Helghan that's unlikely to be on the end of a brutal melee kill. Helghan's now have jetpack troopers among their ranks and they're brilliantly agile foes. It's easy to think that, in the wake of Halo: Reach's newfound aerial acrobatics, this is a case of me-too game design, but it's worth remembering that jetpacks were a part of the PSP spin-off Liberation and have been a part of Killzone 3 well before Bungie revealed its own take on them several weeks ago. And, regardless, the more jetpacks the merrier, as the old saying goes.

    Sev's first encounter with the jetpack troopers takes place on the hull of a hulking steel freighter, and one of the initial delights – beyond simply seeing them whizz through the air – is by triggering off one of their randomised kill animations. When Helghans with jetpacks die, they die spectacularly! At one point we send one careering headfirst into a rockface; another time one's malfunctioning pack sends it soaring into the sky before it comes crashing back several seconds later.

    Of course, it would be criminal not to let Sev in on the fun and soon enough Killzone 3 places a jetpack in the player's hands. A simple platforming section, jumping from iceberg to iceberg introduces the basics; tapping L1 sends the player skywards, while X lends a temporary speed boost. The altitude is capped but that doesn't stop them being a delight to pilot. There's a mini-gun attached that also proves quite handy, although it's prone to overheating.

    There's one more gameplay element that our first hands-on with Killzone 3 introduces, and fittingly it's the most bombastic of the lot. The WASP is Killzone 3's all-singing, all-dancing new rocket launcher, and it packs one hell of a punch. Like the mini-gun before it, the WASP slows player movement and also like the mini-gun it helps turn Sev into a one-man army. Primary fire unleashes a barrage of missiles that corkscrew their way to the intended target, with smoke wisps trailing in their path. Secondary fire sees players looking down a scope, locking on to a target and then unleashing death from above as rockets fire into the sky before plummeting down and splintering across whole areas of the battlefield. It's similar to Modern Warfare's tankbusters and it's a brilliantly over-the-top addition to Killzone 3's arsenal.

    There's more visual variety this time out. And some nice furry outfits for the Helghans too. ​

    Oh, and there's one more thing that we've declined to mention so far. Killzone 3 will be one of the first Sony titles to support 3D out of the box, and thanks to a prototype TV using active shutter glasses set up at the event we can report that it looks stupendous – bullets zip out of the screen while particles such as snow and sparks are tangible elements of the game world. It feels like much more than a gimmick as well: peripheral details such as raging seas thrashing the icebergs combine with the way the player's gun seems to hang out of the screen (and indeed people were living up to the age-old clich? and reaching out to touch what wasn't there during the presentations) to create a level of immersion that's truly beyond anything we've seen to date.

    Whether it's an option that will be enjoyed beyond the privileged minority remains to be seen. "I think the TVs will be out there and, like HD adoption, if people are buying a TV now they'll be buying a 3D one," says Ter Heide, "But the game itself is the meat – if the game's shit it's not going to sell, and 3D's not going to make a bad game any better. What it does do is make a good game even better."

    Of course, there's more to be shown of Killzone 3: nothing's being said of multiplayer or co-op right now and when asked whether it'll support Move, the response is tantalisingly elusive. But we're getting ahead of ourselves and on this showing Killzone 3's already proved that it's got bite to accompany its bark. There are no pre-renders and no false promises, and frankly Killzone 3 plays so well right now it doesn't need them.



  16. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ziet er super uit!

    vond deeltje 2 ook erg gaaf. Cool om te zien dat 3D goed ontvangen wordt, hoop alleen niet dat dit vaak het geval gaat zijn. Ik heb net een nieuwe tv :+
  17. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    3D Tv?
  18. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Juist niet dus .....
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ben benieuwd! Hoop dat je deze keer het verhaal van de Helghast goed te zien krijgt. Want zij zijn nl niet perse de bad guys. Dulle waar blijft de thread? :+

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